Щасливі мати можливість співпрацювати з таким колоритним та атмосферним рестораном, який провів кулінарний майстер- клас з виготовлення справжньої італійської піци для діток та молоді з інвалідністю.
Вже четвертий рік поспіль команда зоопарку дружньо приймає наших підопічних до себе в гості, дуже раді мати таких друзів як ви!
Друзі, дуже просимо свідомо заповнювати форму та звертати увагу кому і що ми надаємо, аби після не займати час ні свій ні наш, більше з тим- поберегти наші нерви, оскільки ви не завжди готові чути те, що ми не надаємо те що ви хочете. Звертайте увагу на сфери діяльності та бенефіціарів фонду а після залишайте особисту інформацію, якщо ви впевнені що для вас це потрібно та корисно.
Щиро вдячні за повагу та розуміння,
З любов’ю,
Команда МБФ Гарних справ
Будь ласка, не несіть нам сміття!
Перше- ви передаєте з рук в руки дивлячись у очі працівнику фонду, потім йдете і ми відкриваємо пакунок. Уявіть, якби ми мали більше часу і ми відкривали пакунок з вашими брудними речима з неприємним запахом та мотлохом при Вас, було б зручно і не соромно?
Друге- не марнуйте свій час везучи непотріб на Саксаганського замість смітника, ми поважаємо людей яким надаємо допомогу і такого явно не будемо передавати. Нам також неприємно брати до рук чиюсь брудну білизну.
Третє- перед тим як приїхати ви телефонуєте і питаєте що ми приймаємо і ми кажемо, що беремо речі ЛИШЕ В ГАРНОМУ СТАНІ. Ви ж не приходите несучи ці речі одягнені в такому ж смітті!
Благодійність- це не віддати своє сміття зі словами «якщо в бідних нема грошей, хай дякують що хоть щось дали». Благодійність- це про щирість, про повагу та про піклування про ближніх.
Щиро вдячні за розуміння ????????
Вже понад 8 років наша діяльність зосереджена саме на гуманітарній допомозі одягом і а такий скрутний час це як ніколи актуально ????????
Наші бенефіціари- це сім‘ї ВПО(мають неповнолітніх дітей), сім‘ї що виховують дітей з інвалідністю. ⚠️
Що збираємо❓
- Одяг (дорослий і дитячий, не приймаємо «старий» одяг накшталт бабусиних дублянок які лежать понад 20 років);
- Постілі, рушники, ковдри, пледи;
- Іграшки;
- Книжки (українською мовою);
- Посуд та кухонне приладдя;
- Побутову техніку та електроніку в робочому стані;
- Інше (якщо речі яку ви хочете пожертвувати немає в переліку напишіть нам або зателефонуйте аби уточнити доцільність);
Головна умова- РЕЧІ МАЮТЬ БУТИ В ГАРНОМУ СТАНІ. (Тобто без дірочок, плям, явної кошлатості, неприємного запаху або інших суттєвих дефектів)
Як пожертвувати❓
Напишіть нам, або зателефонуйте за тел.0680235114 щоб домовитись про прийом ????
Де ми знаходимось❓
м.Київ., вул. Саксаганського 77
УВАГА‼️ МИ ВІДКРИВАЄМО ЗБІР КАНЦЕЛЯРСЬКОГО ПРИЛАДДЯ в рамках десятої щорічної благодійної акції «До навчання готовий!»
Кожного року останній місяць літа це традиційний початок підготовки до шкільного сезону, ми багато років допомагали сім‘ям, що перебувають в складних життєвих обставинах зібрати малечу на навчання. Проте сьогодні допомогти школярам піти до школи- це не тільки допомога їх батькам та родинам, що опинились в складному матеріальному становищі, це допомога Україні, адже діти- наше майбутнє, за яке сьогодні відчайдушно боремось ми з вами.
Збираємо канцелярію для: діток щ інвалідністю, переселенців, дітей загиблих військовослужбовців
Ми збираємо:
Зошити (всіх форматів- клітинка, лінійка,коса), ручки, пенали, прості олівці, альбоми для малювання, зошити для нот, кольорові олівці, кольоровий картон та папір, ножниці, клей, геометричне приладдя та інше.
Прописи, зошити з завданнями (українська мова, математика, інше)
Портфелі/рюкзаки, сумки для спортивної форми
Також інше концелярське приладдя, яке на вашу думку буде корисне школярам.
Запрошуємо компанії, підприємства, організації та просто добрих та чуйних людей до співпраці
Деталі в direct або за телефоном 0680235114 ✅
м.Київ, вул.Саксаганського 77.
А ми сьогодні отримали величезну порцію правильних солодощів від наших друзів та партнерів https://frutalina.com.ua/ для наших діток, в рамках щорічної благодійної акції "Present Challenge" ?
Тепер наша дітвора не лише смачно, а й правильно та корисно поласує! Щиро вдячні за постійне партнерство ?
Друзі! Ми нагадуємо, що чекаємо всіх благодійників, компанії та організації, що долучаються до збору подарунків Present Challenge 2022, ДО 14 ГРУДНЯ ВКЛЮЧНО
Про час і деталі просимо домовлятися заздалегідь
Також хочемо звернути увагу, якщо маєте великі об‘єми подарунків- залучіться чоловічою підтримкою, ми знаходимось на 4 поверсі без ліфту.
Приймаємо за адресою Саксаганського 77 (арка), тел. 044 289 00 79 (Голосіївський р-н).
Відкриваємо збір різноманітних дитячих книг для свята "Літературний вечір Казки Святому Миколаю"!
Міжнародний благодійний фонд Гарних справ запрошує поринути у казку !
Цільова категорія: діти та молодь СЖО (багатодітні, малозабезпечені, не повна сім‘я), діти та молодь з особливими потребами.
Запрошуємо всіх бажаючих стати частинкою нашого свята!
Приєднатися можна наступним чином:
організувати в себе в компанії/закладі/школі пункти збору та підключити своїх співробітників
підключивши до акції друзів: передати естафету у ФБ
підтримати інформаційно, зробити репост акції із закликом допомогти
привезти книжечки для подаруночків на літературний вечір нам в офіс - вул. Саксаганського 77 (044 289 00 79, 068 023 51 14).
передати книжечки Новою Поштою 288 Київ (068 023 51 14).
Якщо Ви поет чи письменник та хочете поділитися своєю творчістю з нашими дітками на літературному вечорі- відправляйте інформацію про себе на пошту gooddeeds.ua@gmail.com
Телефон для довідок: 044 289 00 79
Гарний стан речей - це речі, які придатні до їх подальшого використання та можливість повноцінно виконувати свої функції.
Джинси, без пошкоджень, без плям, з цілісним замочком та гудзиком - річ придатна до повноцінного використання, а отже має гарний стан.
Куртка, що має пошкодження на рукаві, пляму на видному місці та пошкоджений замок, що унеможливлює її застібнути - не має гарного стану, адже не виконує свою функцію, через наявні пошкодження.
Перелік речей, що ми НЕ приймаємо в рамках програми "Від щирого серця":
- нижня білизна, яка була у використанні (навіть у разовому!);
- одяг та взуття у брудному стані або з помітними пошкодженнями;
- надщерблений посуд;
- весільні сукні та речі, що пов'язані із різними ритуалами;
- не працюючу техніку, а також диски, касети;
- таблетки, косметика та засоби гігієни, що були у використанні або мають закінчений термін придатності;
- книги, що не актуальні для цільової категорії ;
- речі та предмети із символікою партій та інших організацій.
Увага! Поновлені правила прийому та видачі адресної допомоги.
Ми дуже вдячні всім, хто долучається до збору адресної допомоги та щодня привозить нам пакунки, коробки, мішки з речима. Враховуючи те, що кожного дня наша програма набирає масштабів, а кількість благодійників, що жертвують - зростає, ми змушені змінити правила прийому та видачі, поки не знайдемо додаткового приміщення.
Тому, відтепер, кожен понеділок - день видачі адресної допомоги, речей, які наші підопічні бронюватимуть протягом тижня у Вайбер-чаті.
Відповідно, понеділок - не приймальний день.
Всі інші дні (вт; ср; чт; пт) - дні прийому речей від благодійників.
Графік та умови незмінні: 11:00-16:00 за попереднім дзвінком 044 289 00 79.
Дякуємо всім за розуміння!
- Ви представник соціально-відповідального бізнесу (організація; компанія; виробництво)
- Вам важливо, щоб кожна особлива дитина в Україні отримувала необхідну їй турботу та тепло;
- Ви шукаєте надійних партнерів у рамках вашої корпоративно-соціальної відповідальності;
- Ви можете бути корисними та надати свої професійні послуги в рамках партнерства (фотограф; майстриня; тренер)
- Ви маєте активну життєву позицію, та готові жертвувати власним часом, талантом та послугами.
Тоді раді бачити Вас своїм партнером!
У свою чергу ми гарантуємо:
– відкриту звітність кожного місяця;
– визначення та вирішення соціально важливих проблем наших підопічних;
– розміщення вашого логотипа та інформування про нового інформаційного партнера на інформаційних ресурсах Фонду;
– розміщення вашого логотипу на поліграфічній продукції на весь період проекту;
–інші взаємовигідні варіанти співпраці.
Звертаємо увагу, що ми суворо звітуємося про використання отриманих матеріальних цінностей.
З кожного по добрій справі!
До наших партнерів:
Міжнародний благодійний фонд Гарних справ - надає широкий спектр соціальних послуг вразливим категоріям населення та створює умови для розвитку потенціалу дітей та молоді.
Ми працюємо за принципами:
Відкритість – МБФ Гарних справ відкритий до співпраці з усіма зацікавленими особами, що розділяють місію фонду, представників громадянського суспільства з України та закордону, уряду, бізнесу; ми відкриті для змін та нових ідей, які можуть вдосконалити нашу діяльність;
Інноваційність – йдемо в ногу з часом, активно використовуємо інструменти соціальних інновацій в реалізації проектів;
Прозорість – ми впровадили в технологію роботи фонду найвищі стандарти інформаційної відкритості, починаючи від старту проектів, закінчуючи методологією прийняття рішень щодо фінансування та публікації звітності.
Диференційований підхід – діяльність фонду адаптована відповідно до запиту та враховуючи особливості та інтереси конкретної цільової аудиторії.
Незалежність – відсутність політичних мотивів у прийнятих рішеннях чітко слідуємо своїй місії не дублюючи популярні точки зору.
Конфіденційність – ми поважаємо право отримувачів благодійної допомоги і донорів на конфіденційність їхньої інформації і не розголошують їхню приватну та конфіденційну інформацію іншим сторонам, які не мають належних повноважень.
Наша цільова категорія:
- діти та молодь з інвалідністю;
- діти та молодь, що виховуються в малозабезпечених родинах;
- діти, позбавлені батьківського піклування.
Якщо Ви належите до соціально-вразливої категорії наслення(з якою ми працюємо - зазначено пунктом вище) та проживаєте в місті Києві або в Київській області - заповніть наступну форму та найближчим часом очікуйте дзвінка відповідальної особи : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12jRjshNxWvxDDpMhRTk1ZZJmg21ak7bDiJFKDvI4zqU/edit?fbclid=IwAR0wV85qX3AB-QD4VDaNNVvTd9VpjbAIE-6RBLXel83MSx5XIutsV7KkP30
Якщо Ви проживаєте в Україні ( в будь-якій області, окрім Київської) заповніть дану форму: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XPYxWYsuIgu3ZBdIm-DsXfsUbVhUjV2nEdaMX-m4S_4/edit?fbclid=IwAR3A4wf1HRurSqlHDElbKEbp9LCBvij7ciVpBxhhvxzmmhXFdqiPL8WOE7s
Ці форми можуть заповнити особи, що належать до наступних соціальних категорій: виховують дітей з інвалідністю, СЖО (при наявності довідки про малозабезпеченість) і мають документальне підтвердження.
❗️❗️❗️У Києві у повітрі зафіксовані продукти горіння – фахівці просять зачинити вікна та не виходити на вулицю❗️❗️❗️
Причиною цього є пожежі у Житомирській області і Зоні відчуження та безумовного (обов’язкового) відселення, а також північно-західний вітер.
✅Радіаційний фон у столиці – в межах норми.
Про це повідомили в Управління з питань цивільного захисту КМДА.
Враховуючи ситуацію фахівці закликають:
?обмежити перебування на відкритому повітрі;
?тримати вікна зачиненими, особливо вночі і рано вранці. При відкритті вікон завішувати кватирки зволоженою тканиною і періодично її змінювати;
?ввімкнути системи кондиціонування та очищення повітря;
?проводити вологе прибирання, корисно поставити ємності з водою, щоб підвищити вологість повітря;
?збільшити споживання рідини до 2-3 літрів на день для дорослих. Для відновлення солей та мікроелементів рекомендується пити підсолену і мінеральну лужну воду, молочно-кислі напої (знежирене молоко, молочну сироватку), соки, мінералізовані напої, киснево-білкові коктейлі.
Якщо у вас з’явилася задишка, кашель або безсоння, необхідно звернутися до лікаря.
Нагадаємо, що 16 квітня у Зоні відчуження силами і засобами ДСНС продовжуються роботи із гасіння пожеж.
Бережіть себе ??
Якщо ви прагнете змін, ми будемо вдячні за допомогу у Всеукраїнському проекті Центр соціальних ініціатив (ЦСІ). Призначення платежу вказуйте - ЦСІ! Станьте частиною масштабних змін в Україні!
Мрієте про те, щоб у нашій країні щось змінилося на краще? Розумієте, що влада не в силах вирішити і половину проблеми суспільства? Впевнені що, якщо хтось і може щось зробити, то це громада? Ми теж так думаємо, тому і створили Центр соціальних ініціатив!
Центр соціальних ініціатив – що це?
Центр соціальних ініціатив (ЦСІ) – це місце, де громадські активісти та волонтери зможуть пройти спеціальний курс тренінгів, отримати всі необхідні знання для створення свого власного соціального проекту, та реалізувати його під керівництвом експертів в центру.
Механіка проекту
На основі конкурсного відбору, організатори обирають 20 людей, віком від 20 до 30 років, з різних міст України, бажаючих навчитися створювати соціальні проекти.
Учасників запрошують на виїзну школу поблизу міста Київ, де 6 днів професійні тренери будуть навчати їх створювати соціальні проекти. Після проходження тренінгів, за кожним учасником закріплюється супервізор, який буде надавати консультації протягом підготовки соціальних ініціатив.
Завдання учасників - на основі набутих знань, за допомогою супервізора, за два місяці створити та реалізувати короткотривалий соціальний проект. Це може бути: акція, флешмоб, конкурс, тренінг, семінар, лекція, майстер-клас, та інші заходи, спрямовані на досягнення соціально корисного ефекту для окремої групи людей чи для суспільства вцілому.
Протягом двох тижнів, після реалізації, учасники готують звіт. А потім разом збираються на фінальній зустрічі, де презентують свої досягнення, оговорюють результати та діляться набутим досвідом. І звичано ж, учасники отримують сертифікати, що засвідчують проходження навчання в ЦСІ та успішну реалізацію власних проектів.
У чому унікальність?
Унікальність ЦСІ полягає у тому, що учасники після проходження навчання мають підтримку від фонду та закріпленого за ними супервізора, який протягом реалізації соціальної ініціатива допомагатиме, консультуватиме, направлятиме, мотивуватиме. Після проходження тренінгів мотивація швидко знижується, а в процесі реалізації виникає багато питань на які тренінг не дав відповідь, і люди зупиняються на півдорозі, так и не досягнувши мети. За допомогою спеціалістів учасники обов'язково реалізують і розвинуть власну соціальну ініціатив на вищому рівні.
Що ми хочемо зробити, реалізуючи проект?
Проект реалізується з метою вирішення проблем вразливих груп населення, шляхом реалізації соціальних ініціатив та підвищити мотивацію молоді до доброчинної діяльності;
Українська молодь має надзвичайний потенціал, багато хто прагне змінити світ на краще, а наше завдання їм в цьому допомогти!
Учасники будуть вміти надавати якісну волонтерську допомогу та мотивувати і залучати людей до громадської діяльності.
Не тренінгах ЦСІ кожен навчиться будувати ефективну комунікацію з представниками кризових категорій танадавати підтримку людям, яким потрібна допомога.
Програма навчання
Тренінгова програма спрямована на комплексне навчання та мотивацію молоді від ідеї перейти до реальної дії та створити якісний, потрібний соціальний проект.
Модуль 1. Волонтерський рух в Україні: основи та принципи діяльності
Мета модуля: ознайомити учасників з визначенням основних понять, історією створення інститутів волонтерства в Україні, правовими принципами волонтерської діяльності, специфікою волонтерства в складних економіко-політичних умовах
Модуль 2. Особливості соціальної роботи кризовими категоріями населення практична діяльність
Мета модуля: ознайомити учасників з основами соціальної роботи та надати практичні поради щодо її реалізації, навчити учасників працювати з особливими цільовими групами і долати упередженості щодо кризових категорій, навчити основам ненасильницького спілкування.
Модуль 3. Галузі соціальних проектів: специфіка організації роботи
Мета модуля: ознайомити учасників з основними галузями соціальних проектів і специфікою роботи в кожній галузі, визначення кожним з учасників галузі власного соціального проекту.
Модуль 4. Соціальний проект: від ідеї до дії.
Мета модуля: надати учасникам знання та відпрацювати навички по методам створення і механізмів реалізації соціального проекту.
Наші досягнення
Досвід реалізації подібних проектів Фондом - 3 роки, маємо надійних партнерів і волонтерів.
Створено Центр соціальних ініціатив (м. Київ); проведено конкурсний відбір учасників і на даний момент проходить навчання для 25 добровільних учасників у сфері: прав людини, соціальних прав та гендерної рівності.
Благодійним фондом Гарних справ реалізовані тренінгові програми: «Розвиток волонтерського руху», «Формування соціальної ініціативи», «Організація роботи добровільного помічника», «Основи соціального маркетингу» для активної молоді України. Проведено конкурс творчих робіт «Ленд-арт у волонтерство». Надано допомогу в реалізації понад 20 соціальних ініціатив по всій території України.
Плани на майбутнє
Другим етапом проекту буде навчання тренерів, створювати регіональні Центри соціальних ініціатив. За наступний рік планується створити не менше 15 центрів, підготовлено мінімум 300 компетентних добровільних помічників і реалізовано мінімум 250 соціальних ініціатив.
Тренери і доповідачі:
Наталія Колісник, президент Міжнародного благодійного фонду Гарних справ, молодіжний тренер Міжнародної благодійної організації Партнерство «Кожній дитині», провідний тренер Школи Соціальних ініціатив, автор тренінгових програм для волонтерів по розробці і впровадженні соціальних проектів, конфліктології, випускниця Школи тренерського розвитку МЦРЛ.
Вікторія Панасюк, менеджер і програміст за освітою, мама дитини з особливими потребами. Досвід активної реабілітації та соціалізації, набутий в різних країнах, інтегрувався в ціль: підвищення стандартів якості дітей з особливими потребами та їх сімей. Розвиток власного потенціалу дав поштовх до навчання, підтверджено професійними сертифікатами з керованого навчання, фандрейзингу, створення соціальних проектів організаційного менеджменту. Має практичний досвід реалізації соціальних проектів, як особисто, так і в тандемі з різними ГО та БФ. Розробила і успішно реалізувала авторські волонтерські програми. Автор тренінгових програм по залученню і навчанню волонтерів.
Лариса Пєтушкова, психолог за освітою, має досвід роботи у цій сфері 18 років, сертифікований тренер організації Партнерство "Кожній дитині", автор 14 статей, у тому числі і методичних видань, на тему соціальної педагогіки та психології, сертифікований тренер з ненасильницького спілкування за методом Маршала Розенберга (nohate speech).
Олександра Пєтушкова, асистент проекту Міжнародного благодійного фонду Гарних справ, молодіжний тренер і організатор молодіжного клубу "Тільки вперед!" у рамках проекту "Молодь для молоді: знай свої права – змінюй життя" на базі Студентської соціальної служби НТУУ "КПІ", фасилітатор навчальної гри з вивчення соціальних прав «Країна гідності», волонтер Міжнародної благодійної організації "Партнерство "Кожній дитині".
Ми об’єднуємо людей з різних куточків нашої країни для того, щоб соціальні ініціативи могли реалізувати по всій Україні, тому для нас важливо забезпечити 6-ти денне проживання та харчування учасників. Ми працюємо, над залученням партнерів та намагаємося реалізувати проект з їх допомогою. Експерти в різних сферах з радістю приєднуються до нас та працюють на благодійній основі, але ключовим тренерам все ж таки доводиться платити.
4 березня 2016 року у Fedoriv Hub відбулася презентація україномовної версії гри Ради Європи "Країна Гідності. Вивчення соціальних прав через освіту з прав людини".
«Країна Гідності» – це карткова гра, учасники якої у ролі членів парламенту вигаданої однойменної країни ухвалюють рішення про соціальну політику щодо соціальних прав у рамках плану розвитку на найближчі п’ять років. Добираючи аргументи під час прийняття рішень, гравці більше дізнаються про соціальні права та їх зв’язки з соціальною політикою. Всі гості мали можливість пограти в «Країну гідності» по групам. В кожній групі приймають участь 5 чоловік та фасилітатор. Президента Фонду, Наталію Колісник запросили бути саме фасилітатором. Організатори подбали про те, щоб в кожній групі разом були представники уряду, неурядових організацій та активна молодь.
У відкритті презентації взяли участь заступник Міністра молоді та спорту України з питань європейської інтеграції Микола Мовчан, директор Департаменту молоді Ради Європи Антьє Ротенмунд, Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Фінляндії в Україні Юха Віртанен, директор Міжнародної благодійної організації Партнерство "Кожній дитині" Василина Дибайло.
«Одним із основних завдань громадянської освіти є забезпечення молоді практичними вміннями та навичками, знання законів, основних прав людини, спільної праці на благо суспільства, формування особистої відповідальності та громадянського обов’язку. Сьогодні ми не просто пограли таким складом, учасники розробили практичні рекомендації що вони вже готові зробити для просування соціальних прав»-говорить президент фонду Наталія Колісник Захід мав на меті привернути увагу громадськості України до проблем молоді, шляхів реалізації молоддю соціальних прав, засобів підвищення обізнаності про соціальні права, зокрема, через гру «Країна Гідності».
Презентацію було організовано Міжнародною благодійною організацією «Партнерство «Кожній дитині» за підтримки Міністерства молоді та спорту України. Надалі Партнерство «Кожній дитині» планує поширювати гру «Країна гідності» серед спеціалістів державного та недержавного сектору, які працюють з молоддю. Благодійний фонд Гарних справ отримав гру в подарунок, та буде застосовувати її в молодіжному Клубі та Центрі Соціальних ініціатив.
Название товара | Количество | Стоимость |
Пюре Чудо-Чадо | 308 шт. | 2063, 60 грн |
Детское питание Нутрилон «Антирефлюкс» | 10 шт. | 2100, 00 грн |
Игрушка мягкая "Медвежонок» | 1 шт. | 299, 00 грн |
Набор конфет «Как казаки» | 65 шт. | 1813, 50 грн |
Набор конфет «Пакет Деды морозы» | 135 шт. | 5520, 96 грн |
Набор фломастеров | 141 шт. | 3069, 29 грн |
Альбом для рисования | 5 шт. | 54, 48 грн |
Тетради | 215 шт. | 1832, 54 грн |
Закладки для книг «Angry birds» | 77 шт. | 600, 00 грн |
Спортивный костюм | 4 шт. | 1520, 00 грн |
Массажный коврик «Гофр» | 1 шт. | 2142,00 грн |
Стулья | 4 шт. | 3800, 00 грн |
Шкаф для одежды | 1 шт. | 3350, 00 грн |
Подгузники для детей-инвалидов «Happy bella baby» №4 | 3 уп. | 786, 00 грн |
Подгузники для детей-инвалидов «Happy bella baby» №5 | 3 уп. | 786, 00 грн |
Подгузники для детей-инвалидов «Happy bella baby» №6 | 3 уп. | 786, 00 грн |
Подгузники для детей-инвалидов «Pampers Junior +» | 2 уп. | 799, 90 грн |
Всего | 31323,27 грн |
On the last weekends (August, 8th-9th) the “Kripatura” First Charity Festival of family and sports was held in Mariinsky park of Kyiv.
The event, organized by the "Good Deeds" International Charity Fund together with "Syl’na Natsiya" Charity Fund and the Ukrainian Federation of Horting and supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, brought together professional athletes, active young people, families with children and all fascinated with sports and healthy lifestyle.
In addition to entertaining and educational functions, this large-scale event fulfilled social function as well. During the festival were two charity events, and all the participants could contribute to them. First of them was "Ready to learn!" - the collection of funds for the purchase of office supplies for school, for schoolchildren migrants from Eastern Ukraine. The second one - "Ukraine should be strong!" charity event - collection of old sport equipment for orphans.
For those present 8 thematic areas were organized: performances of professional athletes (horting, judo, kickboxing, street workout, capoeira); open training from the best sports school in Kiev; ice-cream fight for children; prize quiz; prizes-for-all lottery with valuable prizes from the partners of the event; sports master classes in pilates, TRX, yoga, high-intensity interval trainings, air ring acrobatics, fly-yoga; lessons and techniques of self-defence and "street" fight; amusement arcade on the grass, puzzles; master class on creating 3D videogames; animators and competitions for children; active games: tribol, petanque, badminton, air hockey; a food court with delicious and nutritious food; Sports Fair with quality goods of domestic producers.
Participants of the festival were the following: world-wide movement «Street Workout», the «SportForce» company, Federation of Horting of Ukraine, "WAKO" Kickboxing Federation of Ukraine, Ukrainian Federation of petanque, Kiev badminton club, “Flash Crustal” Club of sports dance, SKY PARK KIEV, "Colosseum" center of martial arts, "Harmony" TM of "Lubenskiy Dairy Factory" LLC, "Rodynne dzherelo" TM, "Ukrainian Association of Safety of Medical Transport" Public organization, «#SEKTA» School of ideal body, «Grupo Senzala de Capoeira» school of capoeira, "Ganesh" yoga studio, “ARENA” studio of pylon and air acrobatics, "Sport for All" a network of centers of physical health, "Ippon" Children and Youth Sports School of Judo, «Fitness-Life» network of clubs, the "Questoria" project, The "Preobrazharium" project, «Kyiv Sunrise Yogaz» yoga studio, "Morkva" fitness studio, the «Hobby Games» company, the “Atmasfera 360" project, "Sovenok" kids club, «Step by Step School» family club, «Funtazium» game Club, «Unifit» sports club, «Kinder Lab» Children's Medical Center, Fly Yoga, "World of personal safety" club, Kiev Studrespublika.
Media Partners: "Gurt" Resource Centre, Ukrainian Business Portal Companion, DNK Radio, Internet resource Moemisto.ua, Internet resource Ufest.in.ua, "Central Channel" Kyiv State Regional TV and Radio Company.
8-9 серпня 2015 на території Маріїнського парку в Києві відбудеться Перший благодійний фестиваль сім'ї та спорту "Кріпатура".
Якщо за літо ви втомилися від безтурботного неробства і пасивного відпочинку, якщо сидіння в кафешках і засмагання на пляжі вже навіюють на вас тугу, приходьте на початку серпня на спорт-фест «Кріпатура», і ми допоможемо вам підняти настрій!
Цей масштабний захід пройде за підтримки Міністерства молоді та спорту, і окрім розважально-освітньої функції нестиме ще й соціальну. Так під час Фестивалю пройдуть дві благодійні акції, до яких зможуть долучитися всі охочі: «До навчання готовий!» - збір коштів на купівлю канцелярії для школярів-переселенців зі Сходу України, і «Україна повинна бути сильною!» - збір старого спорт-інвентаря для дітей сиріт. Якщо у вас є непотрібні канцтовари, старий м'яч або ролики - все це можна застосувати з більшою користю: подарувати дітям сиротам та переселенцям, та ще й за свою добру справу взяти участь у безпрограшній лотереї. Пам'ятайте, що для нас важливий кожен олівець!
Фестиваль «Кріпатура» збере на одному майданчику кращих представників різноманітних видів спорту - людей небайдужих, активних, цілеспрямованих. Протягом двох фестивальних днів ви зможете активно провести час всією родиною, познайомитися з однодумцями і знайти собі нове корисне хобі!
В програмі фестивалю:
The «Good deeds» ICF believes that large scale projects are not the reason to refuse from small good actions, after all our lives mostly consist of such things. That is why the management of the Fund, represented by its president, Natalia Kolisnyk, is always willing to support the charitable initiatives of her colleagues who do socially useful work for charitable causes.
For example, last week the Fund transferred the office furniture in favor of the «Free Sport to Kids» project and some furniture to children, displaced from the ATO area, who in the new place of residence had no tables (!) and were forced to write and draw on the chairs, which caused bad effect on their posture and on the growing child's body.
Also, our organization along with "Good things" CO and Dnipropetrovsk Youth Council joined the initiative of MTS Ukraine, which has decided to prove on its own example that the business can and should perform social functions. Thus a joint campaign was born to collect clothes, toys and household chemicals that have recently been sent to nursing homes.
Here is a list of institutions that have received our material assistance:
Dear readers, we would like to remind you, that you can always join the charity initiative by submitting to us children's clothes, stationery, furniture, office equipment, etc., which we, in our turn, will send to those who are most in need of it.
Despite the rainy weather all the future newlyweds and those who are interested in the bridal topics could take part in the III International Festival of wedding traditions DREVO FEST, which was held in the pavilion of National Economy Achievement Exhibition in Kiev on June 27-28, 2015. This large-scale event was devoted to the ethnic wedding traditions of the peoples of the world with the participation of representatives of various national communities from all over Ukraine, and from many other countries, particularly Sudan, Israel, Japan, Moldova (Gagauzia), Bulgaria, Albania, the United States (Hawaii), as well as India.
Besides, everyone could visit the exhibition and fairs of folk art masters, enjoy the performances on the ritual stage, as well as get acquainted with stands of national locations such as the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, the Israeli cultural center, the Crimean Tatar crafts club, Ukrainian-Japanese cultural center, Salvador Dali Art Institute, Ivan Honchar Museum, the Bulgarian folk ensemble "Ziumbulev", etc.
The program of the Festival was divided into 2 days, during which the guests were entertained by authentic Ukrainian songs and music executed with the kobza and lyre. The gem of the evening concert was the performance of the Colombian singer Anandita Basu.
Good Deeds ICF was traditionally present among the participants and once again supported the DREVO FEST festival of wedding traditions under its "Revival of Cultural and Moral Values" program.
This year, the concert program of the Festival was represented by: the Union of indianists of Ukraine, Kristine Karapetyan, the VRODA band, Flame guitarist, the ZELO band, the "Kalina" people's folklore ensemble, the "Green blood" band and other participants.
On July 1, 2015 The Good Deeds ICF launches social project "Ready for School!" that will be held in the framework of the "Road to Life for Every Child" program. The Foundation has already had an experience of organization and implementation of such social initiatives in 2013, when representatives of the Foundation gave kits of stationary to multi-child families.
According to the latest information from the Ministry of Social Policy: in different cities of Ukraine, there are more than 160,000 children of immigrants, most of which are students.
Before the Day of Knowledge, parents usually buy everything necessary to ensure that their children will have all those things during their studies. Unfortunately, families who had to leave their hometowns because of the not peaceful events often are not able to prepare their children to school and buy everything kids need, including stationery.
"A push for implementation of the "Ready for School!" project became frequent calls and letters from people to our organization with requests to help children get ready for school. Most often for us called families of immigrants from the east of Ukraine. And we have the power, experience and desire to help children and their parents to survive in this difficult time," — commented on the beginning of the event Natalia Kolesnik, a president of the Good Deeds ICF.
Now the "Ready for School!" project is just started, so we will be glad to get any help from you. Let's help families of immigrants to solve huge problem for them and their children!
You can transfer any amount of money that will be spent on purchase of stationery, school uniform and footwear for pupils.
On June 27-28, 2015 will be held the III International Festival of wedding traditions “DREVO FEST”. This large-scale and unique in its kind event is dedicated to ethnic wedding traditions of the peoples of the world, which will be attended by representatives of various ethnic communities from all over Ukraine.
For three consecutive years, the initiative group under the direction of Olga Sobko conducts the “DREVO FEST” international wedding ethnofestival, partner of which is the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
The festival was initiated as a cultural and social project, whose main objective is revival of forgotten folk traditions and customs, ethnic features and spiritual culture of different nations, familiarizing the younger generation to the traditional culture. Nowadays, the organizers once again want to remind people about the main human values – family, love and friendship!
This year's festival will be held outdoors in blooming gardens of the National Complex “Ekspotcentr Ukraine”, Kiev.
The program of the festival includes:
- Trade Fair of Folk Artists
- Exhibition of wedding folk costumes and wedding stuff
- Ritual scene with presentation of wedding ceremonies of different nations
- National locations
- Evening music program
The feature of this year's festival will be an all-prize charity lottery by the Good Deeds ICF, which also represent its activities on the event. Money received from the sale of lottery tickets will be given to victims of non-peaceful events on the east of the country. At the festivals the Foundation also organizes a lounge area, where everyone will be able to relax from the rich program of “DREVO FEST”.
On June 18th, 2015 young vocalists gathered together for the 11th time under the aegis of the «24 carats of art» Producer Centre to show their talents and communicate with sole mates in the homely atmosphere.
«Vechernik» is an artistic project, organized in 2014 by the «24 carats of art» Producer Centre in order to support talented Ukrainian youth and further participation of the strongest performers in the international cultural projects.
This time the event took place at the «Alice Music club» – karaoke restaurant of the well-known showman Andriy Dzhedzhula, to the live accompaniment of rock group from Bila Tserkva «Nerozgadani» (Unguessed). The repertoire of the project was supplemented with the new rubric – «Best vocal schools of Ukraine visiting «Vechernik» within the bounds of which the artists of the «Dream School» art school made their performances.
Adelina Shevchenko became the winner of the «Live vocal show» concert program, and the jury chose her for the constant participation at the «Vechernik» project and Ekaterina Kapshuk was announced the best among 7 participants of the competitive part.
Natalia Kolesnik, a president of the Good Deeds ICF, was a member of the reputable jury. The Foundation traditionally supports the «Vechernik» project as a part of its «Revival of Cultural and Moral Values» program.
The duet of one of the jurors – famous singer Vadim Oleynik with Mar’yana Scherbak – singer of «Golden composition» and host of the project, became the high point of the evening. Performance of the «Zabavnaya» (Amusing) song elicited heavy applause from the audience.
This summer we will not let you get bored at home, lying on the couch and watching TV. It's enough to leave unhealthy live and promise yourself to start a new life tomorrow. It's time to pull yourself up and dedicate time to your family and sport!
For those who do forget to count calories just after breakfast, who unsuccessfully drinks liters of green coffee and eats kilograms of Gogi berries, who fights with cellulite and constantly loses, who do not eat after six, but comes to the refrigerator after eight — especially for you, the first all-Ukrainian festival of flabby muscles and sport "Krepatura"!
"Krepatura" Fest is a Festival of new generation on which you will find all the evidence that a full and happy life is not possible without movement. This is not just a sporting event, it is a push that will help many people change their habits in favor of the daily activity.
This August: family games, individual sports, team sports, rate competitions for the youngest, dancing, yoga, street workout, tasty treats, sporting goods and food, and much more!
Festival will start soon. Watch for announcements!
On June 18, 2015 was held a meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
The meeting attended representatives of the Ministry and NGOs which are members of the Council and representatives of media. President of the Good Deeds ICF Natalia Kolesnik also attended the event. The meeting approved the regulations and rules in the new edition, the structure and composition of the committees, the composition of the Board, and were approved heads of the committees of the Board.
In addition, Council members discussed the work plan of the Public Council by the end of 2015, the concept of the "Youth of Ukraine" National Program for 2016-2020 years and national-patriotic education as a priority component of state policy, project and feasibility of a memorandum of cooperation with other public councils and other issues under agenda.
The next meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine is scheduled on September 10, 2015 at 16.00.
At the "Schos'Slon" first festival of children's handmade creativity, which was held in Kyiv in the last weekend of May, we gave people good mood, bright impressions and new emotions. In return, we did not ask anything but ... smiles!
We hope, you remember the reason we collect your happy smiles!? Each guest of the festival automatically became a member of the "1000000 of Smiles" project that is the most positive in our country!
This project allows kids and adults to smile from screens of monitors not only to their friends, but to all Ukraine!
The large-scale initiative is really interesting for representatives of the Ukraine Book of Records, because we have no analogues to it! Everyone who takes part in the project in the near future will become a part of the all-Ukrainian record. Join us!
On the last week, Kiev music lovers gathered in the capital's "APELSIN" magic café to listen to the melodic sounds of Italian hits on the ninth stage of the "Vechernik" project.
"Vechernik" is an event organized by the "24 carats of art" producer center to find talented Ukrainians to participate in different international cultural projects.
This time, the organizers have focused on the Ukrainian-Italian cooperation, which, in their opinion, is the most interesting and promising in terms of creativity.
Bright competitive performances of young talents, modern sounds of world classics, hits of the "golden fund" of the Italian music performed by the world-famous singer Gianni Davis did not leave any spectator indifferent!
Young participants of the "Vechernik" showed their best to the honored jury, where also participated Natalia Kolesnik, a president of the Good Deeds ICF, as well, as sang along with "the last romantic of Italy" Mr. Davis.
"Ukraine traditionally is famous not only with its beautiful women, but also with talented performers. It is remarkable that in your country people spend much efforts on creative development of youth, and gifted children have the opportunity to express themselves", — commented the event Gianni Davis.
Tomorrow, on June 6, at 12:00, will be held a presentation of the "Cartoonews with Eskimoska" for the youngest viewers. So take your kids and come to our great family holiday!
When: June 6, at 12:00
Where: "Multiplex" cinema, "Blockbuster" SRC, Moskovskiy avenue, 43-V.
For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine film distribution, on the wide screens there is a content for the youngest viewers. The cartoonews was specially designed for pre-school children to give them thrilling experience. This is the first and unforgettable experience, a new fun and colorful educational history, it's a whole new world for your child!
An unforgettable adventure with Eskimoska and her friends are waiting for you!
In the program:
Looking forward to your whole family!
On June 4, 2015 at 20:00 the "24 carats of art" producing center invites everyone to the Magic café "APELSIN" to the next meeting of the "Vechernik" project.
At this time for the guests of the project is waiting evening of Italian music!
The "24 carats of art" producer center is still continues to lead an active international cultural activities. The Ukrainian-Italian cooperation is the most interesting and promising in the opinion of the leaders of the center. Within the framework of cultural cooperation with Italy, the organizers of the "Vechernik" plan a number of projects together with the famous Italian composer, poet and musician Gianni Davis.
Rich creative experience of the Italian musician and composer will be a great mascot for future careers of young, but already professional vocalists of the "Golden staff" of the "Vechernik" project!
The "Vechernik 9" program includes:
— Concert-competition program;
— Performance of the young artists: Daniel Ruvinskii, Veronica Dorosh, Svyatoslav Lukinitch in duets with participants of the "Vechernik" project;
— Performances of the jury and guests;
— Italian lyrics by Vadim Oleynik and vocalists "Golden staff" project "of evening";
— At the end of the event, Gianni Davis sings Italian hits, along with vocalists "Golden composition 2" project "of evening!"
In the last weekend of spring, on May 30-31, 2015 on the territory of metropolitan zoo was held the First Festival of Children's Handmade Creativity the "Schos’Slon".
The event, organized by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation, with the support of the Kyiv city center of social services for families, children and youth of the Kyiv City State Administration and Kyiv zoo brought together parents, children and everyone who are not indifferent to the creative development of the younger generation.
The festive event was dedicated to one of the most popular summer holidays of Ukrainians — Children’s Day. With this great event, organizers wanted to pay attention of adult to the development of “creative personality” and unique abilities of each child.
For participants waited as much as 7 entertainment zones; professional advices for parents from pediatricians, psychologists, educators, over 30 interactive sites with developmental workshops for children; exhibition of children's drawings, food court with delicious and healthy food, quality goods of Ukrainian manufacturers.
The highlight of the two-day event became an all-prize charity lottery with prizes from partners of the event, which attracted both children and adults.
On cooking classes from friends of the Festival — the "Kartata Potata" Culinary School happy kids prepared tasty treats for animals with famous TV-host Dasha Malakhova.
On the first day of the festival (30.05.2015) on the territory of the Kiev Zoo was held a press briefing, which was attended by Natalia Kolesnik, a president of the Good Deeds ICF, Nicholay Kuleba, a representative of the President of Ukraine on the rights of the child, Kirill Trantin, a director of the Kiev Zoo, Tantsyura Valeriy, a Head of Service for Children in Kyiv and others.
The honored guests expressed their gratitude to the organizers of celebration and promised to promote such important events for children in the future.
In turn, the members of the Foundation said that they would not stop and have plans to hold another festival of children’s handmade creativity "Schos’Slon" the next year.
05.27.2015 was held a regular meeting of the Youth Policy Committee of the Public Council under the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
The meeting was attended by nine members of the committee, including Nataliya Kolesnik, a President of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
At the meeting was approved the composition of the committee, was elected Chairman and Secretary of the committee, and elected member of procedural committee of the Public Council of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Kudrycka O.V was unanimously elected as a Chairman and Kolesnik N.P became a secretary of the Committee.
Procedural committee members were elected Serbulov V. and Vyhovsky V.
At the "Schos’Slon" first festival of children's handmade creativity (May 30-31) you will sure find unusual ways of spending time with your children!
For all visitors the organizers have prepared seven interactive zones with a variety of fun and interesting games:
1). "Mam Pap" studio — a place where parents will get professional advices from pediatricians, psychologists, teachers. This location will help understand the interests of your own children better and get useful tips on their education and development.
2). "Hrum-Hrum" court — place with healthy food (children and adults), where everyone can make a useful stopover for their health and recuperation.
3). "Daj-daj" presentation area — a place where there will be a presentation platform manufacturers of children's products.
4). "Dzyga" game quarter — a zone of active recreation for children from leading event agencies, animators and organizations representing the interactive format of the festival with the help of developing and informative games.
5). "Kalyaki Malaki" workshop — the center of a large number of workshops for children and adults.
6). "Schos’Slon" art exhibition — an exhibition of children's drawings.
7). "Barbariska" fair — selling products for babies with thematic symbols of the festival from the leading studios of Ukraine, as well as a unique fair of children's hand-made.
Come to our holiday and plunge into the world of childhood together with the Good Deeds ICF!
On March 20 in Dnepropetrovsk was held a press conference dedicated to the project of collecting things for orphanages and displaced persons.
At this time, an example of solidarity showed employees of the "MTS Ukraine" company and the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation. Firstly was organized gathering of clothes for the children Ushomirsk boarding school (Zhytomyr region). After that, the "MTS Ukraine" started such project in Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk. In Dnipropetrovsk, the event supported the Youth Council under the guidance of Olga Senozhatskaya, a head of Dnepropetrovsk city. By the way, you also can take part in the collection of things!
Olga Senozhatskaya: "This project has come to us from Odessa. Eighteen months ago, residents of Odessa packed their things for people in need, and we have decided to join them. We collect things in good condition for children and adults, as well as toys, books, games, clothes for babies, diapers and so on for the Dnepropetrovsk center of psychosocial rehabilitation of children, as well as to the center of IDPs. Anyone who wants to share clothes with those in need, please call me at 093 384 12 099".
Marina Chopova, a Representative of the "MTS Ukraine" company: "We also have joined the "Dobri Rechі" campaign. In addition, we are participating in the blood donation action "Life Line", as well, as helping homeless animals. Also, we are the general partner of the "Veloday" in Dnepropetrovsk, which will be held on May 23".
Recently, in the "Avalon" entertainment centre was held the 8th stage of the "Vechernik" project by the "24 carats of art" producer centre. The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation as always became a partner of this cultural event.
According to Natalia Kolesnik, a President of the Foundation, who along with other public figures assessed vocal contestants, the project is actively developed and has already moved into the category of a secular event.
"Every time the "Vechernik" project opens new and new singing talents. Sometimes it is not easy to the jury to choose the best performer. Thank organizers for the unforgettable experience, and always a high level of the event!", commented Natalia Kolesnik.
For their part, the organizers reported that in the future the project will also involve other areas of art and culture: the fine arts, theater, dance, and instrumental, fashion shows of designers and many others.
We congratulate the "24 carats of art" producer center with another successful stage of the competition!
Friends, on the last weekend of May (30-31.05.2015) on the territory of the metropolitan zoo will be held an outstanding event - The "Schos'Slon" first festival of children's handmade creativity!
For you: 7 entertainment zones; professional advices for parents from pediatricians, psychologists, teachers; more than 100 interactive sites with educational workshops for children; food court with tasty and wholesome food; unique fair of children's hand-made and high-quality goods of Ukrainian producers.
For the festival have already joined many well-known organizations and companies, including: the "Kids Will" city of children's professions, the "Prolego" official distributor of LEGO Education in Ukraine, the "Young Winners" adolescent development centre, the "Day of Creation" art club, the "Vasilevі Pyrogy" home restaurant, the "Drink Food" soup restaurant, the "Pechik" homemade bakery, the "Best Food Fest & Health", the "Drevo Fest" ethno festival, the "Dar Buttya" NGO, the "Milk & Honey" family photo studio, the "Sweatshirt from Sweethearts" manufacturers of clothing and many others!
Our informational partners: the "Gloss.ua" Web-portal, the "today.kiev.ua" web-portal, the "Veselka" public children's Internet TV and Radio, the "Mame" Kiev community of parents, the "Mamyna Kartka" project, the "Professor Kreid" children's magazine, the "Pіznayko" children's magazine, the "Experiment" international cultural portal.
You can also become a participant of the "Schos'Slon" festival and present your products or services. To do this, click on the registration link.
Would you like to become a partner, and promote educational and cultural development of the next generation together with? Then press here.
- Good Deeds International Charity Foundation,
- Kyiv city center of social services for families, children and youth executive body of the Kyiv City State Administration,
- Kiev Zoo.
When: May 30-31, 10:00 - 17:00
Where: Kiev zoo
For more information, please visit the web-site of the "Schos'Slon" festival.
Friends, there are only a couple of days to draw an elephant and send us your creative masterpiece!
May 15, 2015 is the last date we accept works on the "Schos'Slon" competition of drawings.
We should remind you that the competition is held as a part of the "Schos’Slon" festival of children's handmade creation, which is dedicated to the Children's Day and will be held on May 30-31, on the territory of the Kiev zoo.
We want thank all children who have already completed the competition task and sent us their bright paintings of elephants! All works will automatically take part in the art exhibition at the "Schos’Slon" festival. The winner of the contest will be chosen at the last day of the festival by open vote of all visitors of the event. Author of the best picture will get consolation prize and diploma of the winner
We are waiting for all the brightest, most positive and most children’s drawings at: 12 Druzhby Narodiv bulvar, ap.35, Kyiv, 01103, marked "Schos’Slon".
All entrants must review the rules of competition.
Website of the "Schos’Slon" festival: http://chtotoslon.wix.com/good-deeds
Friends, on Monday was held an introductory webinar of the "Turn Your Life On" social online project.
All those who visited it, have already received a first homework from Natalia Kolesnik, and therefore became even closer to their main objective — put in order their own lives.
We welcome all those who have already taken the first step towards new opportunities and success, putting the intention to visit all our webinars. A big success is waiting for you in the very near future!
Do not despair, if you have not joined the "Turn Your Life On" course of webinars yet! After all your numerous requests we prolonged the registration term for our video tutorials to 22.04!
Hurry to register, because today, on April 22 at 20:00 will be held an incredibly interesting workshop by a well-known Oleksandr Danilko. The doctor of alternative medicine that uses in his practice informotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, manual and bioresonance therapies created a unique formula, following which a man's life changes radically for the better! You must see it!
Do not miss your chance to turn a life on!
Sign up for the webinar here: http://goo.gl/kMPn2z
On April 17 in the Jan Grether Art Centre, was organized a workshop for children-residents from non-peaceful Donbass, under the "Bridges of Friendship" project by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
The "Peace Building" lesson from team of the Foundation gave children an opportunity to express themselves through common cause and communicate with like-minded people. Totally, over 50 people attended such creative family lesson. Under the guidance of representatives of the foundation, guests not only learned to make colorful bracelets, but also made such souvenirs for their peers from other countries.
At the end of the "Chain of Friendship" creative workshop, all the participants wrote friendly letters with the wishes of peace for boys and girls from Georgia.
Thus, the "Bridges of Friendship" project once again created necessary conditions for cultural communication between children from different countries.
For those results with love in our hearts, we are building a new world!
Recently, in the Obukhiv Children's Art School was held the second in a row contest-festival of Easter eggs painting called "The Universe is in your hands". The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation became a partner of the event.
The main purpose of the event is to develop creative abilities of young people, as well as popularization of Ukrainian culture and traditions. In the festival took part students of art schools, under the age of 12 years who fought for victory in such categories as: traditional Easter egg, modern Easter egg and presentation of your works.
The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes from the Good Deeds ICF, which always supports initiatives aimed at the development of the younger generation.
The "Schos’Slon"All-Ukrainian Drawing Competition!
Your child loves to draw, and you want to show creative masterpieces of your little artist to the world? Then tell your kid about the "Schos’Slon" drawing competition for children by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation!
The competition is held as a part of the "Schos’Slon" festival of children's handmade creation, which is dedicated to the Children's Day and is organized to show adults abilities of creative development and uniqueness of each child.
Organizers invite young talents to draw elephant— a favorite animal of all children, which represents and symbolizes manifestation of creative abilities and interests in many countries.
All works will be presented to the general public during the two-day "Schos’Slon" Children's Festival that will be held on the territory of Kiev Zoo 30-31.05.2015. The winner of the contest will be chosen at the last day of the festival by open vote of all visitors of the event. Author of the best picture will get consolation prize and diploma of the winner.
Send us your work until 15/05/2015.
Age of Contestants: to 7 years.
All entrants must review the rules of competition.
We are waiting for all the brightest, most positive and most children’s drawings at: 12 Druzhby Narodiv bulvar, ap.35, Kyiv, 01103, marked "Schos’Slon".
Website of the "Schos’Slon" festival: http://chtotoslon.wix.com/good-deeds
On May 30-31, 2015 in Kyiv Zoo will be organized the first Festival of Children's handmade art "Schos’Slon".
The festive event is dedicated to one of the most popular summer holidays of Ukrainians — Children's Day. With this great event, organizers want to pay attention of adult to the development of "creative personality" and unique abilities of each child.
Program of the Festival:
- For kids is waiting great leisure time, organized by leading children's event agencies, animators and organizations that represent the interactive format of the festival with the help of developing and training games.
- Parents will get professional advices from pediatricians, psychologists and educators.
- During the festival will run a large number of developing workshops for children.
- Will also work a food court with healthy and tasty meal.
- Will be available products for children with thematic symbols of the festival from the leading Ukrainian manufacturers; guests will be able to visit a unique children's hand-made fair.
- The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation
- Kyiv City Center of Social Services for Children, Family and Youth,
- Kiev Zoo,
- Art Studio "Den’ Tvorenia"
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Place: Kiev Zoo
[bs_button size="lg" type="warning" value="Buy online" href="https://good-deeds.ua/tiket-online/"]
Friends, the Good Deeds ICF continues series of charity workshops, within the framework of the "Bridges of Friendship" project, for children who moved from eastern Ukraine.
This Friday, on April 17, we are waiting for boys and girls — residents from non-peaceful Donbass in the Jan Grether Art Center to positively spend leisure time doing some creative work together!
Such "Peace Building" lesson will give children the opportunity to express themselves through a common cause and socializing with peers. Under the guidance of representatives of the foundation, the young guests will reveal their leadership skills, learn diplomacy and tolerance.
On the "Chain of Friendship" workshop children from the eastern regions of Ukraine will make bright bracelets, as well, as write letters with the wishes of peace for children from other countries. At this time, crafts of Ukrainians will be sent to kids from sunny Georgia.
We should notice that the "Bridges of Friendship" project is intended to create conditions for cultural communication between children from different countries, and also contributes to a positive perception of reality of little Ukrainians.
Time of the workshop: 16:00 — 19:00.
Place of the workshop: 6 Vadym Hetman Street. "Bolshevik" SRC, Block A, 3-7.
On April 20 will start the " Turn Your Life on " social online project of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation. Every day there are more and more new people who want to change their lives for the better and get rid of uncertainty, fear and other circumstances.
To the project that is consists of series of motivating webinars have already joined 4 speakers. They will share their experience and give practical recommendations to participants under such topics: "Healthy eating and healthy lifestyle", "Leadership", "Influence of thoughts on human health" and " How to get out of crisis?".
We would like to introduce our speakers:
Tatiana Druzhchenko (speaker of "Leadership" topic) — Coordinator of the Centre of Social Initiatives "Making the World a Better Place" and leader of volunteer movements throughout Ukraine.
Igor Adashevskiy (speaker of "How to get out of crisis?") — motivating coach in the CIS countries, certified specialist of international level.
Alexander Danylko (speaker of "Influence of thoughts on human health") — doctor of the 2nd category, which specializes in traditional and alternative medicine.
Olena Dan'ko (speaker of "How to get out of crisis?" topic) — A practicing psychologist and art therapist, member of the "East-Ukrainian Association of Art Therapy".
The purpose of the "Turn your life on" project is to give people knowledge and helpful tips, the use of which will help to get out from despair and start a new life in a positive manner.
If you know people who need help and support then tell them about our webinars. Perhaps it will become a first step to their happy and successful life!
Sign up for a webinar here: http://goo.gl/v9AYdP
Project Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/998630150156111
On April 5, at the sport and cultural arena of Ukraine – NSC “Olimpiyskiy” was hold the "Best Food Fest & Health" fifth festival of health.
Guests of the Festival saw eco-innovations, tasted eco-food, get free consultations, as well as took part in training workshops from the best experts on healthy lifestyle, nutrition and medicine. Eco-fair with farm products and food court with healthy food also acted within the event.
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation, as well as the "KidsWill" and the "Vinahіdnik" technical studio became partners of the event. For the young participants were waited various tasks, competitions and puzzles!
The "Best Food Fest" Festival showed that many Ukrainians care about their health and clean eating. Therefore, we look forward for the next event of such format!
Students of the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University created and shoot a positive social video as part of the "School of Social Advertising" and the "1000000 of Smiles" project of the Good Deeds ICF. This video motivates people to smile more and give each other warm and sincere emotions.
It so happened that the premiere of this movie coincided with the World Laughter Day! Therefore, you have one more reason to smile :)
Happy viewing!
Competition for the "Best Social Initiative", organized by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation is completed. We are grateful to all participants who showed interest and shared their ideas of organization of social initiatives. The jury examined more than 30 variants of social activities aimed at supporting and developing of social culture in Ukraine.
The "Pryjateli Ditey" foundation became the winner of the competition for the "Best Social Initiative". The winners will receive funding for their idea called "Land Art in volunteering". The purpose of the initiative is to involve children and young people to environmental and creative activity using innovative land-art technology for the promotion of volunteerism.
Follow us and do good deeds. For it with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On April 5 from 10:00 to 20:00 will be the fifth festival of health «Best Food Fest & Health» in the NSK "Olympic". The festival will be held on the eve of World Health Day, and will be part of a large-scale project "Healthy Nation - Strong Ukraine".
ICF “The Good deeds” once again be a partner of this event and will take over the organization of the children's area of the festival for the youngest participants, where they will wait for all sorts of jobs, competitions and puzzles!
Festival guests await the presentation of eco-innovations, tasting, free consultations, master classes from the best experts on healthy lifestyle, nutrition and medicine. The event will operate fair and eco farm products, as well as a food court with a healthy diet. Every hour on the main stage of the festival will be drawn gifts from partners and participants.
For more information about the festival, visit the website: www.bff.kiev.ua
On February 26 at the Jacov Grether Art Center was held a workshop "On the Wings of Peace"for children of migrants from eastern Ukraine, within the "Bridges of Friendship" project (http://www.friendship.org.ua),organized by the Good Deeds ICF.
The event was held in a friendly and creative atmosphere. Despite the not peaceful situation in the country, volunteers and employees of the foundation called attention of the children to positive things and made them smile. In addition to communication and dialogue with each other, children took part in the creation of felt brooches in the form of a dove that is the symbol of peace. In addition, the children wrote letters with the personal wishes to kids from other countries. Works of Ukrainians will be sent to China in Xiamen for children from the Ukrainian diaspora.
The Good Deeds ICF thanks the Jacob Grether Art Center and active volunteers for their help in organizing and conducting of social event. Together, we have to make children happier; it is a first step towards a peaceful transformation in our country!
Educational program of the "School of social advertising", which works free of charge within the framework of the Centre of Social Initiatives "Making the World a Better Place" continues to develop its activity. More and more young people are joining the training process, which is built on the active interaction of participants with each other.
There are already first results of creative art works of participants, who are trying to visualize their ideas and show their vision of the mechanism of creation and reproduction of social advertising. Students of 10th form of the Kiev evening school №3 have already got down to the task with particular enthusiasm!
As a part of the Centre of Social Initiatives "Making the World a Better Place", we opened an educational program "School of social advertising". Our trainings are provided free of charge to everyone on the base of Kiev evening school number 3!
If you want to express yourselves and gain invaluable experience then join us! We will tell you about the intricacies of creating interesting social initiatives and will help with their implementation. Also, we will support your ideas and help to use your potential in the realization of your creative vision. In addition, you will meet interesting and active people. For you are waiting lots of workshops, as well as new friendships and useful pastime!
If you want to join the training, you need to write to e-mail: d@good-deeed.ua don't forget to mark in the subject line "School of social advertising".
On January 26, in Kiev in the club "Buddha-bar" will be held the 5th stage of the project «Vechernik», which organized by the producer center «24 carats of art» and the public organization «Club choreography and vocal art «Millennium». International Charity Foundation «The Good deeds» supports initiatives aimed to develope the creative potential of young people, so we took on the role of a partner of the event.
The main objective of the youth project «Vechernik» - give the the talented children of Ukraine opportunity to display their artistic abilities to, as well as to create favorable conditions for their creative realization. Every stage of the project there are well-known performers of our country, which give valuable advice to the young contestants and inspire them to conquer new creative heights. In addition, the competition organizers have objectives that are international in nature - the strengthening of international relations through art and culture, exchange of creative achievements and experience in the field of culture, as well as the preservation and development of national traditions.
President of foundation «The Good deeds» Natalia Kolesnik will take part in the project «Vechernik» as a member of the jury, and awarded diplomas for the brightest participants of the 5th stage of the project!
Welcome at our new website! We hope it will be more convenient for you to follow the updates of our projects, events, social initiatives and charity community in general. In other words, you will be always on the spot of all the events which are explicitly related to our activities. As for the old content, it will be fully preserved and presented at our new website!
You are very welcome to address us with any of your remarks and suggestions. We highly appreciate your opinion!
Beginning of New 2015 Year for the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation was very active. Team of the Foundation organized a cultural festive and entertainment show for children of social categories under the title «New Year's Smiles». It took place on the territory of the «KidsWill» children’s playground of professions from December 26 to January 5.
To ensure that children would better adapt to the conditions of modern life and feel comfortable in society, the best animators of Ukraine and directors of children's Eurovision created interactive fairytale show in which kids were able to take direct roles. This approach contributes to the creative development, intelligence and attention of children. The children also had an opportunity to learn different professions and acquire useful skills, which will undoubtedly be useful in their adult life. And of course, each child received a New Year commemorative gift by participating in a fun social lottery.
Approximately 8,000 children of social categories, as well as children of immigrants from eastern regions could attend the «New Year's smiles» event and got unforgettable emotions and positive charge for the whole year!
For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On December 17, in the Hulak-Artemovsky Cherkasy musical school was held an accounting concert of students choir from the pop department, which was visited by representatives of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation. Once again talented children of Ukraine demonstrated all beauty and refinement of the national culture through performance of Ukrainian songs. Should be noted the professional growth of the children in the music industry and their pursuit in improving their vocal skills.
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation has repeatedly supported the participation of the Cherkassy choir in different international choral competitions. Namely, in the «Praga Cantat 2013» contest, where our compatriots won in the «F» (folk / folk singing) category, as well as during the performance of the choir at the «VIII International Choir Competition» in Rimini (Italy), where young artists received two silver awards.
We are proud of Cherkassy choir and wish it further victories at international singing competitions. For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Recently Kiev Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine hosted an international theoretical conference in honor of the International Tolerance Day, which is celebrated worldwide on November 16th.
In the conference took part the Ambassador of Palestine in Ukraine Mohammed Qasim Al-Asaad, Ambassador of Kuwait in Ukraine Yousef Hussein Al-Kabandi, Head of the International Foundation for Cultural Cooperation Vlada Litovchenko, president of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation Natalia Kolisnyk, as well as public activists, politologists, leading lawyers, academics and representatives of executive authorities of Ukraine.
The participants discussed directions of the introduction of tolerance idea in the legislation of Ukraine considering national circumstances. In the context of current events in Ukraine tolerance was discussed as an instrument of national policy aimed to promote peace and unity in Ukraine, as social capital, as well as a form of mutual influence of cultures in the field of tourism, sports, arts, science and education.
Natalia Kolisnyk, representing the Good deeds Foundation, in her speech to the press and guests paid attention to importance of respecting the tolerance principles in charity, focused attention on importance of striving for the transition from the perception and understanding of those who need help, to sincere love. Through such transformation is performed effective charity which brings benefit and pleasure. President of the Foundation also hinted that performing charity deeds may specialize not only non-governmental organizations and foundations, and also each person, giving a helping hand to his neighbor.
Everyone present with interest got acquainted with exhibition of works by the children-participants in Ukrainian-Palestinian project "Bridges of Friendship" on the theme of family values, national traditions and cultural heritage. Because, children's drawings are impregnated with a vision of the world and desire for peace and harmony.
The Foundation is grateful to all visitors and conference organizers for the opportunity to actively participate and draw public attention to charity work as well as moral premises for success in this business. A sense of tolerance and social responsibility inspires team Foundation for Good deeds!
Football team "Troeschina" returned to Kyiv, after participation in the prestigious football tournament «Subroto Mukherjee Cup Football Tournament», which was held under the auspices of the Council for the Development of Sports at Air Force Headquarters, New Delhi, India. International sports tournament brings together many participants, this time - 86 teams from 9 countries: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Brazil, Oman, India, Nepal, Ukraine. The transfer of the command was supported by the Good Deeds ICF and office-attache of the Air Force of the Embassy of India in Ukraine.
FC "Troeschina" (age group U-17) won a landslide victory in all three primary games. The first match they won 4:2, the second - with a crushing score of 13 to 0, and the third - 1:0.
However, the winning streak of games of our team was interrupted for access to the ¼ finals team "Jharkhand". Our athletes keeping pace and class play, nevertheless, yielded 0:2.
It should be noted that our junior football team adequately presented in the international tournament, which were really strong team of Asia. The experience - priceless, because in 18 days the team not only trained on the perfect fields, competed with opponents, but also perfectly spent time studying the culture and history of beautiful country - India. Young footballers visited places of interest - India Gate, Presidential Palace, the Temple Ashkarden, Lotus Temple, Red Fort. Highlight was the excursion to one of the Seven wonders of the world - Taj Mahal.
A comprehensive youth development, promotion of regular work on yourself - these are the principles that promotes the Good Deeds ICF, implementing its program "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body". For these results,with love in my heart we are build a new world!
The Good Deeds ICF supported the Open Championship of Kirovohrad region of bodybuilding and fitness, held in late October 2014. Thus, our charity foundation granted the appeal of Kirovograd Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness.
Despite the rather young age, the federation for 7 months in 2013 organized and conducted 5 strength sports and fitness projects. They gathered many participants and spectators, and once again proved the relevance and social demand for such activities and events.
Funding from the Good Deeds ICF allowed rent the Philharmonic hall for competitions and award winners with medals, diplomas and prizes. Support the projects that promote physical well-being of the population, as well as support healthy lifestyles among young people has always been a priority for the foundation. For these results,with love in my hearts we are building a new world!
The Good Deeds ICF strengthens cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science through its representation in the Public Council and involving representatives of the fund to the working sessions headed by the Ministry.
So, last week held a meeting on the development of the new website of the Ministry, which was attended by a member of the Board of The Good Deeds ICF Vladyslav Shelokov. At the meeting were presented the initial layout and functionality of the future representation of MES in the Internet. The representative of the fund made a number of wishes to the site updates, which were favorably received by representatives of the Ministry and developers.
October 22, 2014, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Sergey Kvit met with members of the Association of Book Publishers and Distributors of Ukraine, representatives of the Institute of innovative technologies and educational content, the Public Council under the MES, experts of IT-technologies for the effective functioning of an electronic repository of tutorials on the official website of MES.
Meeting with representatives of publishing houses held at the initiative of the Ministry and the Association "Innovative Development of Ukraine".
During the meeting, the Minister of Education and Science, noted the importance of free access of pupils and their parents to electronic versions of textbooks. "The State for many years invested in textbooks. Now there is a need to provide ready access to electronic versions of these books, "- said Minister of Education Sergei Kvit.
Ministerial initiatives fully supported by the Good Deeds ICF. In the past two years, the foundation actively supports computerization of educational space and contributes to the realization of projects for the use of information technology in the activities of not only universities, but also schools and preschools.
Overall, the involvement of representatives of the fund for consultations between representatives of the government and civil society institutions positively affects the qualitative transformation in educational and research area of the country.
International Charitable Fund of good deeds is a partner in the project "Good Things" and support all-Ukrainian action "One Ton of Good Things", which has already passed in Odessa, Lutsk, and now came to the capital of Ukraine – the Kyiv City.
The joint efforts of the organizers seek to unite the people of Ukraine to collect 1 ton of things, which will then be transferred to large families, orphanages and homes for the elderly. However, already the first results from the city of Odessa showed that it’s easy to collect 1 ton of things in each city, which will host the event!
Therefore, 21/10/2014, the action started in Kyiv and will last month. Everyone can join the initiative. The process of care is very easy: just put what you want in a package of "Good Things" and leave it at any point of collection.
Collection points of humanitarian assistance in Kyiv:
1 Club "Grinada" str. Raduzhna, 51.
2 Center for Human Services Kiev, str. Dovzhenko, 2.
Social centers of the districts of the city:
3 str. Andrei Bubnov, 5.
4 Kharkivske highway 57.
5 str. Saburova 8.
6 str. Lajos Gavro, 7 g.
7 Filatov lane, 3/1.
8 str. Mostitskaya, 20.
9 Kurbasa avenue, 18 g.
10 str. Krivonosa 21.
11 str. Saratovska, 20.
For more info call (0800)50-30-95 or visit the website: www.dobrirechi.org
You are conscious, modern and strive to make the world better? And in the closet you have stale things that it is a pity to throw away? Then the campaign "One Ton of Good Things" is exactly what you need! Join now!
In Izmail took XV anniversary marathon "Golden Autumn", which is held annually to celebrate the Day of the city. The organizer of the competition was Izmail City Council, as one of the partners of the event was the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
As part of the marathon, athletes competed at a distance of 42 km 195 m, as well as races at 2 and 5 km. Age of the participants are displayed in groups: 12-17 years, 18-25 years, 25-35 years, 36-49 years, 50-59 years and 60 years and older.
Races attended runners from cities from Odessa, Lviv, Donetsk, Kirovohrad region, the Alexandria City, and, of course, the Izmail City.
The best result in the marathon showed Sergey Zaychenko from Alexandria, which overcome a distance of 42 km and 195 m in 2 hours 59 minutes. Among female participants also came first athlete from Alexandria Tatiana King, she showed the result of 4 hours 9 minutes.
Children had also competed in sports. The race for 2 km was attended by 26 athletes between the ages of 8 to 14 years. The best in this race became sportsmen from Izmail Alexander Tomchyk – among boys, and among girls become the best Marina Sokar.
Marathon winners were awarded with diplomas, cups, medals and cash prizes from the sponsors of the event.
V Poltava Environmental Documentary Festival "Poltava-Dok.2014", which is traditionally held each fall, gathers every year more and more professional directors, amateurs, and fans of documentary films. The festival was sponsored by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
26 movies from 15 producers were presented in festival’s program in traditional categories "Man and Nature" and "The Art of Living." Before showing each tape directors had the opportunity to present their work, share their vision of the movie, the process of shooting, etc.
The jury of the festival consisted of well-known experts - People's Artist of Ukraine, director and writer Boris Savchenko, director of the studio "Belarusfilm" Viktor Kalashnikov, lecturer of Kiev University of movies Igor Kryvonis and many others.
Festival, despite the ecological profile, attracts more and more amateur filmmakers in category "Art of Living". Modern topical issues of society, experience, events from life living brings exquisite mosaic of interesting directorial work, stimulating a new look at life, swirling around us.
Last week, the second session of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was held. In particular, with the participation of 52 (out of 101) of the representatives of civil society institutions, which are the members of the advisory board of the MES, discussed a number of organizational issues.
So, was approved the Work Plan of the Public Council for the IV quarter of 2014, the structure of the Public Council and membership of its committees. It should be noted that the Board member of the Good Deeds ICF Vladyslav Shelokov was appointed the chairman of the Committee for International Cooperation and European Integration.
During the session also discussed the organization of the temporary working groups of the Public Council and the procedure of correspondence of its committees and working bodies.
In response to the urgent issues of today's Public Council decided to prepare an open letter to the leadership of the country, letter’s project is approved at the meeting. Appeal due to the threat of destruction of the education system because of possible restriction of the financing.
The next session of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is scheduled for October 31, 2014.
Team of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation congratulates all philanthropists and their friends with the European Day of Charities! We wish to each and to everyone good health, inspiration, happiness, prosperity, make your dreams come true. In our work we believe in great and honorable mission of philanthropists and we want that culture of philanthropy in our country would continue to grow.
We hope that every year more and more people will get involved in charitable organizations, supporting their initiatives and projects. Our friendly team is always ready for cooperation and partnership with other charitable foundations, private philanthropists and good people. During the two years of our activity at the national level, tens of thousands of people had the opportunity to be acquainted in our work and see how goodwith love in hearts build a new world!
Friends, due to the fact that now we apply all our forces to help internally displaced persons and victims of the non-peaceful events in the east of Ukraine, we are temporarily suspending acceptance and approval of your application for targeted assistance and support of projects.
However we should note that you can always contact the Love and Mercy Assistance Centre that is a unique information platform for joint efforts to promptly provide the necessary assistance to the needy.
Hotline of Assistance Centre: +38 (044) 360 08 75
Remember that charity, mutual aid and gratitude will help to overcome any hardships, unite people and ensure peace and prosperity!
On September 13-14 in Lviv was organized Bicycle Hackathon – a fun, creative and informative event with useful gifts for avid cyclists.
The two-day hack-marathon organized by the SoftServe IT-company, with the support of the Lviv City Council and the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation was held to create prototypes of services that will help cyclists while improving the environmental situation in the country.
Mentors from Yandex. Ukraine, Microsoft, UkrYama, StartUp Depot, EasyWay, Neadevis, SoftServe helped participants to create their quality products.
At the end of the second day the jury determined three best and most interesting projects. The winning teams received Amazon certificates for purchasing of books, a free month at the StartUp Depot places to complete the project, tickets to the IT Arena Lviv conference and more.
First, in the opinion of the expert committee, composed of representatives of the Good Deeds Foundation, became the 44Team from Lviv with the Veloasistent fitness app with navigation. The leaders received tickets for the Smart City Expo World Congress world conference in Barcelona from Yandex. Ukraine.
The pleasant atmosphere of Lviv Bicycle Hackathon helped participants to communicate with mentors and each other. Guests also learn the latest information on the protection of environment from the coordinators of the Ukrainian project EcoNation and having fun taking pictures for the 1000000 smiles most positive Ukrainian project.
On September 8, 2014 more than 300 people gathered together on the square near the Manufacture shopping centre in Sumy to show everyone modern youth of Ukraine – active, athletic, conscious!
In a citywide flashmob called Hymn of Youth took part babies with their mothers, preschool children, teenagers and students. Each participant played a special role: kids drew, juniors practiced extreme sports, students danced, musicians played, bikers rode...
Conducted the large-scale event the Centre for Social and Economic Research and Academic Mobility, who won with their Hymn of Youth project (grant amount is 50 000 UAH) in the competition for creation of memorable flashmob from the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation within the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program.
We wanted to create an anthem of youth and its visualization, that would show state of mind, culture and values of today's young people, – say the organizers.
The project became useful, first of all, to the young Ukrainians who received their anthem, as well as to their parents, who were able to better understand values of the younger generation. As a part of the flashmob was filmed a video for the song Hymn of Youth! by the Sumy rock band ETSETERA.
On September 6-7, for the second time this year, in the Art Mallshopping and leisure centre was held a SCHOOL BAZAAR grand school fair!
Organizers offered guests a wide choice of school uniforms and shoes for boys and girls; schoolbags and stationery; books, textbooks, teaching aids, and accessories, as well as handmade products from leading national and foreign manufacturers.
The school fair that was held by the Frolicool School of Family Education with the support of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation, became a vivid and memorable event for lots of families. In addition to profitable shopping for guests were organized fun entertainments, free workshops, quests, flashmob, raffle, etc.
SCHOOL BAZAAR visited a young artist Julia Pakahontas, an exhibition of her art works beautified the area of the Art Mall; at the event girl showed all present a workshop on painting.
During the fair was held a charity raffle to help Debalcevo secondary school of I-III stages №5.
As a part of the Love and Mercy Assistance Centre, all funds collected from the social action will be given to strengthen material and technical base of the school.
The Good Deeds ICF would like to thank all the volunteers and partners of the
Z Haty na Kanaty. Georgia festival for their help and support, including:
"Hakuna-Matata" rope park; IDS Borjomi Georgia; NGO "Helping hand"; NGO "Aurora"; NGO "Free Parliament", NGO "Civil Society Development Centre"; Administration of the Old Boulevard; "Peace of Corps" agency; "Tkemali Tour" travel agency; "Batumi Tourism Agency" travel agency; Netgazeti.ge Internet resource, Batumelebi.ge Internet resource, «Mediamall» media holding; Georgiatoday.ge. Internet resource; "Batumi online" newspaper; Newposts.ge Internet resource; Minister's Office on Civil Accord and Conflict Resolution of the Government of the A/R of Abkhazia; Batumi department of transport; Department of Sport of Adjara; "Retro" restaurant chain; "Kiziki" khinkali house; "SPARTA FITNESS" Sport club; "ART Studio Creativ" photostudio; "ArtWay" art studio.
On August 19, 2014 at the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Sanctuary will be held a unique art project Petrikovka in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation supported this initiative within the framework of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program.
The event aims to remind people about the traditions and experience in arts and crafts, to promote the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the country and to share this experience with people.
Art event Petrikovka in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra combines a lot of activities for visitors. It offers round tables, lectures by masters of Petrikivka painting, children's workshops, competitions and quizzes, performances by folk ensembles and much more. Along with numerous entertaining events, the Craftsmen Alleywill be waiting for visitors, where they will find various original souvenirs. The exhibition Petrykivka Painting –the Color of Traditions will demonstrate the achievement of ages of evolution in Petrykivka art.
You are able to plunge into the world of Ukrainian folk culture in the National Kiev-Pechersk Sanctuary untilAugust 23, 2014.
More information about art event find here:
Summer in the Scoutville is always full of adventures and vivid emotions!
It can confidently confirm 40 children from 7 boarding schools of Chernihiv region, which for nearly a month were resting in the forest camp as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program.
By the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
Every day gave the boys and girls new experience. Outdoor active games, hobby groups, discos, interactive communication and much more!
Especially young scouts remembered section of boating; children learned to handle catamarans and raft down the river by canoe
Also admire skill and creativity of children who learned to do a variety of crafts from scrap materials.
Rest in the camp promoted recovery of the orphans, raising the level of cohesion and mobility teamwork.
For those results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Open your heart for good deeds and help those who are in difficult situations!
Recently in Kovel ended the Open All-Ukrainian Rowing and Canoeing Championship among boys and girls 1998 – 1999, 2000 – 2001 age groups.
More than two hundred rowers from all over Ukraine came to participate in the competition.
Within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program the Good Deeds ICF supported the Lokomotiv team from Zaporizhzhya.
With the help of the foundation the young athletes got an invaluable experience while participating in the high class competition, as well as a huge motivation to continue training.
According to the results of the competition Zaporizhzhya region ranked 7th team place from 28 teams.
For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
First Ukrainian Hackathon of solar technology SunnyDay, which recently took place in Kiev, showed that there are a lot of initiative developers in our country willing to implement their environmentally beneficial projects. The holiday of technological creativity and renewable energy has become a part of the European Sustainable Energy Week.
SunnyDay is a first Ukraine competition between teams of young technicians on creating of effective and reproducible in non-industrial conditions solar concentrator.
For a few days the teams of creators competed for three prizes and title of the best developers of solar concentrators.
Finally, the best solar concentrator made the team of students of the NTUU KPI, second place got the team of developers from Kyiv and Donetsk, members of the KHackerSpace associations came third.
The organizers have promised that the SunnyDay project will not end with announcement of the winners; all developed technologies will be available as open drawings and anyone can download and make it by themselves.
The hackathon itself was the result of joint efforts. To its organization joined a large number of partners, sponsors and friends, among them the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
On June 14-15, at the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine (NUPESU) took place the important event in the world of dance sport of the country – the Ukraine DanceSport Championship.
Since the Championship is a qualifying before the European and World Championships, it was attended by the strongest dance couples from across the country: Kiev, Kirovograd, Vinnitsa, Poltava, Zaporizhzhya, etc.
During two contest days, more than 750 dance couples of different age categories appeared on the parquet (standard and Latin-American program).
Results of the competition and names of those who will become a part of the Ukrainian DanceSport team this year can be found on the website of the Association of Ukrainian Dance.
Organizer of the fabulous event was a dance sports club Supadans, supported by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
On June 13 in the Mystetskyi Arsenal was held a children's charity concert of the International Music Camp project headed by a well-known educator Constance Fortunato.
The International Music Camp is a unique musical and educational project for children, which works in Ukraine for 10 years.
Under the project, in our country were organized more than 30 music camps in the cities of Kiev, Odessa, Cherkassy, Zaporozhye, Yalta, Bucha, Brovary, Lvov, Chernovtsy, Irpin, Stryi, etc.
Over 10 years more than 3,000 kids attended the music classes in Ukraine. Usually the training program lasts about 7 days and ends with a solemn concert on the best scenes of the city accompanied by a symphony orchestra.
Concert at the Mystetskyi Arsenal with 70 campers from Kiev and the Kiev region was supported by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation. The audience was pleasantly surprised with talent of children who had learned 6 worldwide known choral compositions less than in a week.
The children sang classics and well-known modern choral works by American composers. The concert ended with the "Prayer for Ukraine" by Taras Petrynenko and wishes of peace and love to everyone!
Children from a unique summer camp Skautvill decided to join the1000000 of Smiles cheerful project of the Good Deeds ICF.
More than 200 young residents of the forest town in age from 7 to 17 years organized a hilarious flash mob and formed a large "smiley"! Soon smiling photos of all little members of this positive event will appear on the website of the project.
For the support of their funny initiative, the representatives of the Good Deeds ICF presented pleasant gifts to all the participants. A child who proposed the idea of a flash mob, received a youth camera Fujifilm Instax Mini 8from the foundation!
The representatives of the Skautvill forest camp reported that they plan to participate in the photoshoot for smiles for a few times again, so to the future record of Ukraine will soon join more Ukrainians!
As a part of the World of Nature for Children charitable promo event by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation schoolchildren from Slavyansk visited the national center of environmental education the Kyiv City House of Nature.
The kids visited the permanent exhibition of aquarium fishes and plants.
It features over 80 fish species from around the world and more than 160 species of aquarium plants.
During the excursion, the boys and girls learned the names of different types of fish and saw the living conditions of certain cold-blooded. An unforgettable experience with its size had on young naturalists the largest Ukraine six-ton freshwater aquarium.
Also to the young guests from the East of the country was presented a unique exhibition of paintings from natural materials. Images of animals, cartoon characters and landscapes were created from poplar fluff, dried flowers, leaves, straw, banana skins and other plants.
Visiting a corner of nature in the heart of Kyiv the kids spent their leisure useful and learned a lot of interesting information.
As a part of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation supported talented young athletes-karters of the Chernivtsi regional karting club Zahid in preparation and participation in the Ukraine Karting Trophy Championship (Western region) competition.
The competition was attended by 12 teams (57 pilots) from extramural institutions of 6 regions: Chernivtsi, Khmelnytsky, Lviv, Ternopil, Volyn and Kiev.
The competition was held on the highway-ring races in personal offset in the carting classes:
"Pioneer-N – mini" – children 6-8 years,
"Pioneer-N" – children 9-12 years,
"Pioneer-B" – children 8-13 years,
"Cadet" – children 10-14 years,
"Popular boys" – children 12-16 years,
"Popular", ISA" – children over 16 years.
For all pupils of karting classes the event became an important training before the All-Ukrainian karting competition among students.
The winners in the individual championship in all classes of karts were awarded with diplomas and cups by theZahid Chernivtsi carting club.
For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
May 31through June 1, 2014 in the Extreme Park was held a sports festival the Kyiv Strong Fest, as a part of it was organized the competitions of the strongest people of our country.
In the Ukrainian Strongman Championship participated athletes in three categories: under 95 kg, under 110 kg and 110 kg +.
For the title of the strongest Ukrainian competed 26 athletes from all over Ukraine : Dnepropetrovsk, Chernivtsi, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kiev.
Even the rain did not stop supporters of endurance sports to attend this important event in the world of strongmen. The weightlifters demonstrated to the festival guests great strength, power and will to win.
Results of the competition:
up to 95 kg weight category:
1st place– Oleg Pylyp'yak; 2nd place – Alexey Novikov; 3rd place –Vasiliy Nemish.
up to 110 kg weight category:
1 place– Sergey Konyushok; 2nd place – Orest Pylyp'yak; 3rd place –Pavel Gaysha.
110 kg +weight category:
1st place– Vitaly Mikheev; 2 place – Sergey Ponomarev; 3rd place – Yaroslav Apalkov.
Organizer of the competition, as always, was a Professional Strongman League of Ukraine, with the support of the Good Deeds ICF.
Full results of the Junior Dance Festival 2014 in Blackpool look here.
Friends, we have a great news for you! The 1000000 of Smiles project continues! The winners of the eponymous flashmob are already known, but the website of smile does not stop its work, giving a good mood to all the people! Now the mail goal of the authors of a bright initiative is to collect a million of pictures of smiling people and show that good humor and sincere smile have no boundaries.
The 1000000 of Smiles allows everyone to smile from monitor screens not only to friends, but also to the whole country, and soon to people from other European countries! In addition, each month the participants will receive great gifts for their lovely smiles!
Representatives of the Ukrainian Book of Records are really interested in the large-scale project, because it has no analogues in our country! Anyone who will take part in the project in future will sure become a part of the all-Ukrainian record!
How to join the unique initiative can be found on the website of the project.
On April 20 in the main square and a palace of culture of Yasinovataya was held the first Easter Festival dedicated to the Happy Easter holiday. The guests were treated with different kinds of tea and sweets, everyone could take part in a prize lottery and attend workshops on Easter eggs painting.
With boys and girls played clowns who brought joy not only to children, but also to adults. Also was organized an exhibition of children's art works on the theme of Easter miracle and a charity concert featuring local children's dance groups.
Before the festival was held a charity event the Easter gift to collect Easter baskets for 20 native families of Yasinovataya living in difficult conditions.
The organizers of the festive project were Donetsk Regional Charity Foundation Center for Social Development "Mist" and the Konstantin Kondakov ICF, who supported the project in the framework of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program.
For the sake of promoting respect for cultural and spiritual traditions of Ukraine among youth, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Our congratulations to Dodonova Ekaterina from Kiev!
Happy owner of a youth camera Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 was chosen among those who fulfilled all the conditions of the organizers namely sent smiling selfie photo to the e-mail smile [at] 1000000smile [dot] kiev [dot] ua">smile@1000000smile.kiev.ua. So a charming smile of a winner beautifies Internet portal of the projecthttp://1000000smile.kiev.ua/! 50 original T-shirts with a collage of smiles in the form of map of Ukraine also found its owners! The organizers will sure notify winners about the prize and how to get it by email.
On the first day of April, the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation invites everyone to join the mega-positive flashmob and compete for prizes!
Flashmob will be held in two formats:
Offline (April 1):
Place of the flashmob: Troits’ka Square in front of the NSC Olimpiyskiy.
Time of the flashmob: 13:00-18:00
This event is for those people who want to be "hunters" for smiles! From 13:00 to 16:00, every hour, we'll be announcing start of a new photoshoot for smiles!
Before the flashmob ( at 12:45; 13:45; 14:45; 15:45) we will organize briefings near ticket offices of the stadium (Olimpiyskaya station), on which will discuss the conditions of the event, give wristbands to every team, show where will be hidden props for a photoshoot, will give special cards with information about the website where everyone can find their smiles http://1000000smile.kiev.ua/.
You should have: a camera (phone, P&S camera, professional camera) and a good mood! Each team will consists of 3 members.
The team that collects more smiles then others for the entire period of the flashmob will be awarded with aworkshop on Polaroid Extreme 600 camera and will get other great prizes. We'll announce details on a briefing at 18:00.
Online Flashmob (April 1 - April 16)
For those who are not able to come at the Troits’ka Square in Kiev – we have prepared online part of the flashmob!
To participate You need to:
Take a smiling selfie or make a picture of your colleague, a friend, a passerby, a baby and send it to e-mailsmile@1000000smile.kiev.ua. It will automatically replenish to our website of smiles. Let's show that we are resilient nation that believes in a sustainable future of our country!
A winner of the online competition will get: camera Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 or one of the 50 original T-shirts with a collage of smiles in the form of Ukrainian map!
The Random.org website will help us to determine the winner.
For those wishing to send photos in our social networks*:
FB https://www.facebook.com/kondakov.ua
– there we will also post your smiles. Don't forget to put tags #selfysmile #1000000smile #1Msmile (photos are accepted till 16.04.2014).
*In order to compete for the a prize you should also send this photos to the email of the project smile@1000000smile.kiev.ua
Your support is very important for us:
We will be glad if you support our initiative. It is very easy – place as your avatar for a few days – from 29.03.2014 any variant of our emoticons (http://1000000smile.kiev.ua/). Thus you will make a contribution to our positive project. We are grateful for each and every kind of support!
Professional excellence and high achievements of children from theMaister-Clas choreographic collective have long been noticed not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. In early spring the exemplary dance group was invited to participate in the international competition-festival Pearls of Europe, which had to take place in the Czech Republic and Italy.
Unfortunately, the day before departure of the Maister-Clas group to the festival, consulate of the Czech Republic refused in visas to the young artists.
The great way to prepare for the tournament, the prospects of representation of artistic Ukraine to the world were immediately thwarted by bureaucratic hurdles.
However, thanks to the support of the national Ukrainian television and other media outlets, as well as theKonstantin Kondakov ICF, the very next day the children and their artistic director went to the dance contest!
Festival results showed that the efforts of the not indifferent to the spread of Ukrainian art in Europe people, were not in vain.
On April third the small stars of the Ukrainian dance ensemble Maister-Clas returned home being winners of the III International Festival of Arts Pearls of Europe! The young artists joyfully welcomed parents, friends and media reporters that help children fight for victory from the first day.
Success became a good stimulus for the kids; now the team is preparing for another important event which will be held in autumn in Greece. Therefore, we wish the guys always win and go confidently to their goals!
Exciting initiatives of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF leave no one indifferent! In parallel with the foundation’s team, which on April 1st organized the photoshoot for smiles at Troits’ka Square of the capital, students of the Boyarka College of Ecology and Natural Resources also photographed smiling faces of people. The guys say that had been waiting for such a positive project for a long time, so they were happy to join the good idea of the foundation. Results of the photoshoot of the students can be found at the website of the 1000000 Smiles project. Now there are more than 300 smiles!
And we remind you that for those who were not unable to express themselves on April 1, the organizers have developed online version of the flash mob! All Internet users and active participants of social networks have the opportunity to participate!
Photos will only be accepted until April 16!
So hurry to send your smiling photo to the e-mail smile [at] 1000000smile [dot] kiev [dot] ua">smile@1000000smile.kiev.ua, and it will automatically replenish the famous web site of smiles!
*Winners will get Incredible Gifts:
*Website Random.org will help us determine the winner randomly.
Join rainbow initiatives of the foundation! Let's gather million of smiles and show that we are strong nation that believes in a sustainable future of our country!
For those results, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Recently was held a citywide creative competition for children and teenagers Lets Help Birds in Winter organized by the capital Houses of Nature, under the same name environmental promo event. The purpose of the contest: improving of environmental education, formation of ecological consciousness and culture of schoolchildren, introducing kids to the Kiev feathered friends, feeding of birds in winter, education of respect for birds.
On April 1 in the Kiev City House of Nature public utility took place the awarding ceremony of young participants and winners of the creative competition. A competent committee decided 21 prize and encouraging 29 places in four categories: Best Picture, Best Toy, Best Story, Best Poster-Photo Report.
The Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation supported the initiative of organizers and became a prize partner of the event, considers it necessary to care about the world and educate children respect for animals and birds.
A President of the foundation Natalia Kolesnik warmly congratulated boys and girls with victory; she also gave valuable prizes and diplomas to the winners.
For our charity organization it is very important to support projects that educate tolerant attitude towards animals and birds. We want young citizens of Ukraine grew fully developed personalities, respectful of nature,– commented the event president of foundation Natalia Kolesnik.
For those results, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Winners* will get incredible gifts:
Ø A camera Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 for happy pictures! Ø 50 original T-shirts with a collage of smiles in the form of map of Ukraine!* Web-site www.random.org will help us to determine winners randomly.
Join cheerful initiatives of the foundation, for such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!On March 22 at the Ukraine Kiev National Palace of Arts was held the official awarding ceremony of the eighteenth national program Person of the Year.
The best charitable and public organizations, business companies, groups and individuals received the highest charitable award of Ukraine the Angel of Goodness, and along with it — recognition and appreciation of all the Ukrainian society.
Before the festive awarding ceremony the members of the Supreme Academic Council of the Program by secret ballot identified the persons who got Person of the Year 2013 title.
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation with joy and proud would like to announce that our founder Konstantin Kondakov won in the Philanthropist of the Year nomination and became a Person of the Year! For this award are nominated persons who sincerely and constantly acts in the interests of Ukrainian people, whose philanthropic and charitable activities bring tangible benefits to the Ukrainian society.
I am very pleased that my good deeds were seen and obtained such a good appreciation. I intend to continue to actively engage in charity and do whatever I can to make our world a better place, — commented on his victory Konstantin Kondakov.
Reference:The Person of the Year National Program was initiated in 1995. Widely known award is given to Ukrainians who achieved success in professional and social activities. Candidates for the award are determined by a survey of experts — representatives of government, non-governmental and public organizations, associations, foundations and media. Winners are selected by the Supreme Academic Council of the Program.
The friendly team of the foundation congratulates Konstantin Kondakov with a fair assessment of his contribution to charity of Ukraine!
On March 21 in the Mystetsky Arsenal was hold the awarding ceremony of the Blagodiyna Ukraina national competition. Three days before were announced names of the winners – three benefactors in 12 categories who obtained the highest scores according to the results of the special committee and involved into its activity independent experts. The Konstantin Kondakov ICF could not stay out of such important event in the charity world and became a partner of the elegant event. In addition, to a representative of the foundation was entrusted the important mission – to give a brand amber angel to the winner in one of the nominations.
For the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation is very important to support such projects as the national Blagodiyna Ukraina Competition. The Foundation is very glad to give an award to a winner in one of the nominations. After all, we work hard to ensure that each Ukrainian is sufficient, do good deeds every day and can become a true benefactor! – commented the event president of foundation Natalia Kolesnik.
This year's ceremony was dedicated to the Ukrainian nation, its amazing self-organization and mutual aid of our citizens.
The Blagodiyna Ukraina Second National Contest started in April 16, 2013. Collection of applications lasted until 20 February 2014. The total number of applications is 227. The Competition Commission worked till March 6.
Man was created for happiness, like a bird for flight
Vladimir Korolenko
Three years ago to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all the people of our planet, The General Assembly of the United Nations declared March 20 to be observed as the International Day of Happiness. Today, the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation congratulates everyone with this positive holiday! We wish your families peace and prosperity, let happy laughter of children sounds from everywhere! Learn to enjoy the small, striving to achieve more. Be happy, not only on this day, but 365 days a year! To always feel happy you need to:
This year the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation congratulated all the ladies, making eight steps towards spring!
Under the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program we not only congratulated grandmothers, women and girls with the 8th of March, but also presented familiar and unfamiliar women beautiful gift cards and delicate bouquets of fresh spring flowers.
Step 1. Firstly we congratulated our own mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters and daughters, because they always support us, giving their attention, love and warmth.
Step 2. Men's half of the foundation made an original surprise for the female colleagues, organizing for them a workshop on organic cosmetics making.
Step 3. We congratulated with a lovely sunny holiday women from our partner organizations. It's the smallest thing that male staff of the foundation could do to gratitude them for our long-term successful cooperation.
Step 4. On the eve of March 8, we organized a photo contest among subscribers of our groups in the social networks Vk.com and Facebook.com. The winners became Tatiana Vasilchuk and Khristenko Catherine, who got unique floral compositions and gift certificates to the BROCARD shop of perfumes and cosmetics form the Konstantin Kondakov ICF.
Step 5. On the Women’s Day, we greeted lonely grandmothers. The Foundation’s representatives made a charity visit to the Kiev pension for labor veterans, giving its residents care and elevated mood.
Step 6. We also congratulated the workers of the Kiev pension for labor veterans who every day patiently take care of the elderly.
Step 7. Particular attention was also paid to retired female teachers of Obukhiv district. Under the auspices of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF the guys from the local student government presented 200 beautiful bouquets to the representatives of the Union of Retired Teachers.
Step 8. We believe that accidents are not accidental. So, finally, we decided to congratulate with the 8th of March unknown women on a street, giving them congratulation cards and flowers.
We are pleased that our promo event 8 Steps to Spring became a source of positivity for many women! Join the good deeds, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Event will take place
at 12.00
in the educational and rehabilitation center Gorlica
Dnepropetrovsk Tevasyana, 3 Str.
For more information, please call (044) 360 08 75, (067) 77 491 77 or send request to inform@kondakov.ua
Subscribe to our pages on social networks:
and stay tuned!
Everyone have chance to win and get great gifts!
On our website we will constantly cover the course of the competition, so stay tuned!
For more detailed information on new projects follow the announcements on the website
or call at +38 (044) 360 08 75.
Do good deeds together with the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation!
The main objective of sports education is strengthening the needs of children in physical exercises, development of their health and, of course, development skills for healthy and proper lifestyle. Parents or caregivers are responsible for sports development of children. Unfortunately, the State is unable to fully provide those children who study in social institutions with appropriate sports equipment. As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child and A Sound Mind in a Sound Body programs was organized the Sportyvne Maybutne social promo event.
That is why the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation, together with the Cyferblat free space, decided to hold a special project and presented to children from orphanages and boarding schools of Kyiv region modern equipment for lessons of physical education.
Because each of us is convinced that the main task of the educational work in orphanages is formation of healthy lifestyles of students, their conscious need to physical training, education of valuable relation to their own health and the health of others.
Within the promo event, the staff of the foundation and the representatives of the Cyferblat free space purchased and delivered to the social institutions different sporting goods, namely: horizontal bars, balls, chess, checkers, jump ropes, boxing equipment, kits for badminton, etc.
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation is sure that new sports equipment will certainly benefit the younger generation and will awaken in children a desire to engage in sports. For positive changes in our society and with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On January 28 in the Nizhyn city Council was held a press conference of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation on the occasion of awarding Miroslava Pavlyuchenko – the winner of the all-Ukrainian contest of children's drawings MamoYamalyuyu. At this important for the life of the city event, except the organizers,were presented representatives of local authorities and teachers of the Nizhyn House of Children and Youth at secondary art school №15, in which the girl studies. The representative of the Foundation introduced to the guests the main ways of activity of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF.
Everyone knew about the directions of work and the achievements of the charity organization. The representatives of the city Council were pleasantly surprised by the fact that last year the team of the fund organized 500 socially significant fundraisers!
Further, the winner of the contest was awarded with an honorary diploma. The girl was told that her drawing will be inflicted by professional artists on the facade of one of multistory buildings on the central street of the town.
As a result, everyone knew that in 2014 the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation plans to organize a nationwide contest of children's drawings MamoYamalyuyu-2 once again.
The experience of organizing the children's art competition MamoYamalyuyu showed us that such events are necessary for our country and, in particular, for the younger generation. We also plan to open young talents and support young artists in 2014 year,–summarized the organizers of the press conference.
Previews of upcoming competitions from our foundation can be found at the http://www.kondakov.ua/ua/anonsi website.
Previews of upcoming competitions from our foundation can be found at the http://www.kondakov.ua/ua/anonsi website.
We want every child in this country to have the opportunity to fulfill his potential and achieve success, we want to change the statistics and give a chance to everyone.
(Konstantin Kondakov)
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation wants to share with each of you positive news! In 2013, the biggest number of orphans in the history of our country found their families! We are very excited about this, because we see that the efforts of our team according to popularization of adoption gave good results! We are proud that Ukrainians are becoming more conscious and responsible. In particular, let’s look through the current data. It is known that at the end of 2013 year in our country were created 145 family-type orphanages, they became homes for 826 children; 606 adopted families bring up 1414 children. During this period, the Ukrainians adopted 1605 children, foreigners – 586. Significantly increased the number of orphans who are raised in families, not in social institutions. The aim of our foundation is to make as less, as possible Ukrainian kids who are without parental care. In addition, we constantly take care of orphanages from boarding schools, kids from family-type orphanages. As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child, Smile Makes Everyone Happier, A Sound Mind in a Sound Body,Revival of Cultural and Moral Values, and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event, we organize free socially useful projects for orphans, aimed at comprehensive development of boys and girls. Our Foundation strongly contributes to the socialization of the children from orphanages and boarding schools in Kiev and the region, helping them to choose a profession. We direct our work to support single and multi-child mothers. Because our team is aware of and understands how difficult it could be to a young single mothers who, despite everything, raise a child without any help. Often people call to the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation with the will to help children from orphanages. It is remarkable that in today's fast paced life there are yet those who have time and desire to support disadvantaged Ukrainians. But remember that the most important that can be done for orphan is to become his or her loving father and mother. In addition, the government provides support to those people who adopt a child from the orphanages. The parents issue funds for food and free recreation of orphans and other children in the family. Upon reaching of 16 years of age, such children have the right to get their homes out of the lineup. More information about the adoption process in Ukraine can be found online: On the website of the Ukrainian national adoption portal Syritstvu –http://sirotstvy.net/how-to-adopt-a-child/adoption/1164.html; On the website of the Ukraine without orphans alliance http://www.ukrainabezsyrit.org/korysna-informacija/usynovlennya etc. However, a decision to adopt must be taken carefully and without rush, because your actions will depend on the life of a little human. Follow the advice of the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation and do good deeds every day, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!More information about the activities of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation find at -http://kondakov.ua/
Our phone: +38(044)360 08 75
Our email address: help@kondakov.ua
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas expressed a desire to develop cross-cultural cooperation between Ukraine and Palestine and share traditions in terms of cultural diplomacy.
In particular, the President supported the idea of holding in BethlehemWindow to Palestine. Holy Land in the Eyes of Ukrainian Artists Project, the Festival of Ukrainian Culture in Palestine, as well as the Days of Culture of Palestine in Ukraine in autumn 2014.
The project was initiated by a co-founder of the International Fund for Cultural Cooperation, Palestinian artist, author of the largest painting in the world Jamal Badvan. Reception of the President of Palestine took place within the Heart of the World, held with its support. The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation was a partner of this event.
The Heart of the World was launched in the New Year's Eve in Bethlehem: at midnight under a solemn salute at the Manger Square the curtain was raised over the painting, symbolizing the world in which the cultural richness and diversity exists in the atmosphere of intercultural understanding, tolerance and solidarity. For a week the artists from around the world were working at the painting. Ukraine was presented in the project by the artists: Alexei Glazunov, Daniel Green, Valery Goleyko, the author of the idea and the head of delegation Badvan Jamal, as well as project coordinator, the head of the International Fund Vlada Litovchenko. The President Mahmoud Abbas during a reception handed all the participants commemorative gold medals, and presented Vlada Litovchenko and Tatyana Demchenko national shawls as a gift.
With welcoming speech during the presentation of the project in front of thousands of residents of Bethlehem, tourists and pilgrims from around the world on Manger Square came Palestinian Minister of Culture, Dr. Anwar Abu Eysheh, director of the Department of Culture Municipality of Bethlehem Warzych Ona and the project author Jamal Badvan.
"We have a great desire to continue the cross-cultural cooperation among the member countries of this unique project. For us it is very important because Bethlehem is one of the oldest cities in the Holy Land and Palestine – a country that encourages people to come to their senses and unite around the idea of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding," – said Dr. Anwar Abu Eysheh.
"This picture calls the humanity to unite efforts to maintain peace and security throughout the world, regardless of religion, political opinion or social status. The relations between people should always be a sense of respect and sincere love, because God is one", - Jamal Badvan commented on the idea of the painting creation.
During stay in Palestine, the participants visited the exhibition in the Peace Center in Bethlehem, the Church of the Nativity, the tomb of the poet Mahmoud Darwish, Yasser Arafat's mausoleum and the museum of Palestinian political and cultural figures. Also a series of meetings with representatives of the administrations of cities and regions of Palestine was held, who praised the Heart of the World project, thanked all the participants for its realization on Palestinian land and wished to continue to cross-cultural cooperation.
"Heart of the World" makes everyone feel concerned, - shared her impressions the project coordinator, the head of the International Fund for Cultural Cooperation Vlada Litovchenko. - I saw with my own eyes how important the question of peace is for people who have suffered a lot of grief. Fortunate are those countries which do not know what the war looks like on their territory. At the heart of all things on earth peace should be"
2014 was proclaimed by the UN the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has promoted the idea of a world without weapons.
On January 8, 2014 was the long-awaited finale of the MamoYamalyuyu all-Ukrainian contest of children's drawings, organized by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation! Out of two best works, the best in online voting and offline voting, board members of our organization choose the winner.
According to the results of the competition, won the drawing of the 8-year old Pavlyuchenko Miroslava from Nizhin, Chernihiv region.
The jurors noted that the work of the girl is not only correspond to the subject of the contest Make your dream come true!, but its plot is also very complex and was skillfully painted into the fields of the picture.
January 8, 2014 Expert Committee chose this little masterpiece as a picture-winner of the offline voting. It was the best among the five works-favorites, for which from 29.12 to 7.01 more people has voted in a thematic exhibition contest.
The honorary jury consisted of the renowned experts in the field of fine arts and authoritative cultural figures, among them: Tatiana Malik, vice-rector of the Kiev State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design named after M. Boychuk; Zhivolup Lyudmila, a representative of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting; Krysa Marina, a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Ukrainian philanthropists; Stelmashov Artem, a founder of an information resource New Ukraine; Svetlana Petrova, a representative of the Kiev House of Nature; Cherepovich Olga, a representative of the Department of Culture of the KSCA, Marietta, a singer; Julia Ostrovskaya, a director of the Kinostolitsa company; Alexander Batenev, a known production designer, Tatiana Piskareva, a honored artist of Ukraine.
In turn, the most votes in social networks (online voting) has received the work of Andrew Zheldak from Brovary city, Kyiv region. Only in a social network "Vkontakte" his drawing received more than 1,200 likes from users. Therefore, the author will take a special gift from a partner of the contest - the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting.
During the official program the President of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF Natalia Kolesnik also said the words of gratitude to the partners of the national competition: the children's magazine Pіznayko, the information portal New Ukraine, radio stations Kiev 98 FM, Golos Stolicy, TONІS TV channels and KDR TRC.
However, the main gratitude deserve the young creators, because their talent and active participation ensure the high level of the competition!
Recently ended the last interactive performance for boys and girls of theBuild Your Fairytale World! project, dedicated to winter holidays. Eight days in the ART Mall shopping centre were held 20 unique concerts, organized by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation. In general, more than 7500 children, including kids from multi-child, low-income and single-parent families, and children whose parents previously ordered a free ticket for their child. Each young guest received a storm of positive emotions and a memorable gift!
In the children's playground of professions KidsWill (that is where everything happened), for kids expected active entertainments and fun! Each child was able to feel like an adult, tried a variety of professions – postman, doctor, judge, builder, policeman, barber, etc. Next, for the guests was organized a memorable festive extravaganza under the guidance of professional actors and animators who helped everyone to become a part of the fabulous action.
The interactive authoring program was created taking into account educational and gaming culture. In the way of game there are different genres methods: mass, singing, dancing games, activities with unusual requisite, modern gamedisco for kids. It should be noticed that the professionalism of the team confirmed the organization of Junior Eurovision Song Contest and many other national and international events for the youngest viewers. Author of the idea – Vadim Miroshnichenko, a director of the Children's Art House, teacher, stage director, gametrainee. Scenario author – Natalie Miyedinova, a chief director of the Kiev Palace of Children and Youth, social pedagogue, well-known gametrainee.
At the end of the performance guys had the opportunity to visit the All-Ukrainian exhibition-contest of children's drawings MamoYamalyuyu and vote for the picture they liked the most.
Having spent leisure interesting and with the benefit, parents and children thanked the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation for cheerful mood, unforgettable experience and nice gifts!
In our turn, we plan to continue organization of similar entertainment for the younger generation, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Dear friends, we remind you that on the second floor of the ART Mallshopping centre, near the KidsWill children's playground of professions, there is the MamoYamalyuyu exhibition contest of children's drawings! More than 230 art works of talented children on Make your dream come true! theme have been collected in one place. Every child perceives the world in his or her own way, dreaming about various things, so all the pictures are unique and with special twist. The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation sincerely invites you to visit a festive art exhibition of young artists' works!
You will not only be able to see how the younger generation thinks, but also can vote for the one work you like more.
The exhibition will run until January 7, inclusive, so do not miss the opportunity to give your voice for one of the works! The finalists will be rewarded with gifts, and drawing of the winner will be transferred on the biggest facade in a hometown of the young artist!
For those who cannot visit the exhibition-competition works online voting. To vote for the best, in your opinion, drawing, you have to visit one of the contest albums and put a "Like" on the selected image.
Visit the MamoYAmalyuyu album:
Public voting is held from December 24 to January 7! Support the best drawings and give them a chance to win!
On December 29, 2013 on the territory of the children's playground of professions KidsWill, that is in the new shopping center ART Mall,has began a long-awaited Christmas extravaganza from the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation Build your fairytale world! The unique one and half hour entertainment and informative show was attended by more than 2,000 children from Kiev and nearby regions. The program of unique performance includes a combination of an individual child's participation in developing game in the city of professions and the general entertainment part.
At the end of the program each child can make a wish and tie a ribbon on the symbolic tree of desires, and after that get a Christmas gift.
During the winter holidays will be held 20 unequalled performances, and the total number of children who will become active participants in the unique program will reach more than four thousand.
We recall that the tickets for the Build your fairytale world! project could be ordered directly from the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation. The tickets were distributed free of charge, the last ticket was booked on December 26, 2013.
Happy New Year 2014!
Dear friends!
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation sincerely wishes you Happy Holidays – Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 2013 presented us with many wonderful moments, projects and emotions. A rich list of good deeds we have implemented together with special people who want to change lives for the better! Thank each of you for a creative approach to the work, enthusiasm, openness and goodwill. Thank you for your willingness to help our foundation and participate in charity events! We wish you all the best, good health, harmony and love in your families. And also prosperity, success and stability in the development of your business!Пусть все, что радует и греет
Перенесется в Новый Год,
И ветер перемен навеет
Судьбы счастливый поворот.
Так с Новым Годом!
С Новым Счастьем!
Пусть будут с Вами навсегда
Любовь родных, друзей участье
И мир на долгие года!
With your help and with love in our hearts we are building a new world!Also please remember that you can vote for the pictures online.
If you still did not put "like" for any picture,
To get a free invitation call (044) 22-11-673.
Let’s celebrate this New Year’s holiday together!
ART Mall is located at: Zabolotnoho Street, 37
Timetable of route taxis: Daily from the Kharkivska, Vidubychi, Teremky metro stations: 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00:12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30,17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30,19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00.Visit the MamoYAMalyuyu album:
Public voting is held from December 24 to January 7! Support the best drawings and give them a chance to win!
As a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation decided to do something memorable for boys and girls scouts – members of the Scouts of Kiev organization.
The Scouts of Kiev helps to attract children and young people to socially useful activities and is for comprehensive development of the younger generation.
On the eve of the winter holidays we invited children to visit the capital Morskaya Skazka oceanarium where kids could get acquainted with unique marine animals.
At the entrance the visitors met a legendary buccaneer, who showed little guests the way to the first gallery of the exhibition – an inverted wooden ship. There was an exposition of coral complex in the sunken ship portholes. In the underwater tunnel, which is located at a depth of 2 meters under the water, the children could feel themselves like divers. Except large fishes and sharks everyone saw colorful clownfishes, wise turtles and invertebrates – shrimps, jellyfishes, sea stars and sea urchins.
An unforgettable impression on the children produced a touchpool with starfish and stingrays, located in the central hall.
Visiting the museum with live exhibits, the inhabitants of the seas and oceans of the planet, Kiev scouts learned a lot of interesting and useful information that will surely be useful in their future endeavors. For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
This St. Nicholas' Day Oksana Schyrba's author program on the radio "Golos Kyiva" have visited the President of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation Natalia Kolesnik. The main theme of the speaker-platform of two guests became a charity in Ukraine, through the eyes of donors.
Serious tone of the conversation was supported by the head of one of the charities’ associations, who informed the audience about the current state of affairs in the field of charity and named the difficulties faced by charitable organizations every day.
In turn, Natalia Kolesnik, expressed the belief that we should not stop in front of a difficult situations - on the contrary, now is the best time to bring their actions, their good business that everyone can make for the better life, open your heart to others. To make good deeds there’s no need to put yourself through the work of some of the charitable organization, just – to develop a culture of individual charity!
However, the head of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF believes that charity does not have to be public and well promoted, so spend considerable money for its coverage – not the best thing to do.
"I congratulate all with the amazing holiday of St. Nicholas. This symbolic day, I heartily encourage everyone to ask themselves: "What good things have I done?" remember your good deeds and they continue to perform in the coming year with great zeal! It's time for begin to unite around a good deal for a better future – let's start the chain of charity and with love in your hearts we’ll build a new world!" – said Natalia. - "Ukraine will rise with 102 place and be sure to enter the top ten World ranking charity CAF!"
All children wait for 19th of December with great impatience, because this day is usually celebrated the Feast of St. Nicholas, who is a patron of all kids.
This day every child is looking forward to wonderful gifts and truly believes to find a surprise under a pillow. In order to please the kids from socially disadvantaged families and children deprived of parental care the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation organized a perfect celebration of St. Nicholas Day in the Mamajeva Sloboda Cossack village.
As a part of the Revival of cultural and moral values program more than 70 boys and girls had the opportunity to personally communicate with the real Nicholas and get sweet gifts.
After appearing in the Mamajeva Sloboda village, the young guests were delighted with the national Ukrainian coloring that surrounded them everywhere. Together with a Cossack-guide the kids visited the manors of a village head, Cossacks Jurs, and a fortuneteller. During the trip across the village the children also learned the names and purpose of different outbuildings: barn, hangar, stable, cellar, cowshed, etc.
Got acquainted with the territory all the guests went into the house of St. Nicholas, who was looking forward to meeting with the kids. Amiable old man congratulated the children sincerely and gave each of them memorable gifts. The guys not only talked with the magical character personally, but also could express their creativity.
The journey to the residence of St. Nicholas, that was organized by the team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation, gave everyone a magical feeling of fairy tale which the kids will certainly remember for life! For this, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation invites boys and girls to visit a unique interactive New Year's show!
Traditional New Year’s screenplay seems too boring for you? Then come from 29 December till 7 January to playground of future professions "KidsWill" in the new shopping center ART Mall.
Become a part of the unique Christmas charity campaign "Zbuduy sviy kazkoviy svit" by the Konstantin Kondakov ICF!
An unusual format of the holidays will allow each child (6-13 years old) to take part in unforgettable festive extravaganza and get a truly new experience! The original show program combines fairy story, theatrical performance, vibrant musical numbers and the active involvement of each viewer. Come with whole family and take your friends. Give your kid happy emotions and good mood!
Schedule of holiday events:
29.12.3 Performances - 10.00- 12.00, 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
30.12.3 Performances - 10.00- 12.00, 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
2.01.3 Performances -10.00-12.00, 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
3.01.2 Performances - 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
4.01.3 Performances - 10.00- 12.00, 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
5.01.3 Performances - 10.00- 12.00, 14.00-16.00, 17.00-19.00
6.01.2 Performances - 10.00- 12.00, 14.00-16.00
7.01.1 Performance - 15.00 -17.00
For more information, go to the website of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF
Discover the magical world of Christmas stories for your child!
To get a free invitation call (044) 22-11-673.
Let’s celebrate this New Year’s holiday together!
ART Mall is located at: Zabolotnoho street, 37
On November 29 the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation organized an informative and entertaining Granka-Vyshyvanka holiday for children from socially disadvantaged families and kids from the Tripoli special boarding school. The event was a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program and took place in the Manufactura outlet village, Hodoseevka, Kyiv region. For almost fifty young guests different entertainments, contests, quest and workshops by renowned designer Natalia Anri were organized.
Before the active competition the kids went to a tea party into the Dityacha Svitlytsya centre. Having refreshed themselves the young guests attended art workshops on unwoven tapestry, lyalka-motanka, and bright applique creating; also they visited a choreography lesson.
The next stage of the event was the enthralling quest. All the children were divided into six teams; with each team participated volunteers who helped the young researchers to manage with the part of the quest. Animators waited for the kids at each stage of the game, and gave the tasks related to the history of our country. At the end, all the participants received prizes and gifts from the Konstantin Kondakov ICF.
On the festival all the time with the boys and girls worked the volunteers of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation and animators of the Dityacha Svitlytsya developmental center which in the form of games and creativity acquainted kids with the peculiarities of Ukrainian culture.
The Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation express gratitude to the administration of the Manufactura outlet village for supporting the festival. Together we gave the children great memories about fine leisure, for this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
We are extremely grateful to the Philanthropists' Association of Ukraine for partner’s involvement in organizing the event and the award ceremony of participants!
On November 25, 2013 in Zaporizhiya has started different events as a part of the Kazkovi Peredzvony children's talents festival. It is organized by the Nashe Schaslyve Zhittya Zaporizhia regional youth organization. As a part of Revival of Cultural and Moral Values and Smile Makes Everyone Happier programs the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation became a partner and sponsor of the event.
The festival is confined to the day of St. Nicholas, the patron and protector of children.
The organizers plan that the event will run until mid-December and the holiday program promises to be bright and interesting.
In particular, for children from local orphanages and boarding schools free workshops on drawing, making holiday cards and Christmas toys will be organized. The guests of the festival will visit an exhibition of children's drawings and will be able to see the dreams of small Ukrainians. At the end of the holiday everyone will watch a spectacular concert of children and youth creative collectives of Zaporizhia region and Ukraine.
As a part of the festival will also be held an intersectoral Regional Forum dedicated to development of volunteerism in the Zaporizhie region with the participation of government representatives, public organizations and educational institutions.
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation is sure that the Kazkovi Peredzvony project will qualitatively affect the social integration of children's homes and orphanages of Zaporozhie region to attract public attention and power to this question. And also will contribute to the development of youth and voluntary movements.
On November 23-24 of this year ended fifth, anniversary Ukrainian championship on web development UA Web Challenge.
Alongside with the final competition was held a Forum of IT-Professionals where the best experts in the various areas of computer sphere shared their knowledge with the guests. One of the main and permanent goals of the championship is to help the best specialists and best IT-companies to find each other.
Since the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation stands for improving of computer literacy of Ukrainians, and we also are very impressed by the ideas of such projects like UA Web Challenge, we were happy to join this important event in the world of Internet technologies. Our charity foundation was a prize partner of the championship and presented to the winners eight modern tablets.
The championship was attended by hundreds of programmers from all regions of Ukraine. The program of the Forum was very rich:
During the event the representatives of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF presented a unique "IDiy!" grant. The winner will receive 50,000 UAH for further implementation of already launched project that, for whatever reasons, stopped in its development. It turned out that given information is relevant and very interesting for our programmers, because in Ukraine not so many companies give such grants. That’s why mostly all young IT-specialists are seeking support for their start-ups abroad.
The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation congratulates the winners and wishes the organizers and participants of the UA Web Challenge championship new achievements and more interesting ideas!
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation announces grant for future development of already launched project that for some reason "stuck" in its development - “IDiy!”. It is implemented in the program Revival of cultural and moral values. Therefore, the project must be socially meaningful benefit to citizens. For example, it may be a computer program that helps to develop positive skills, talents and measures of revival spirituality in people.
The purpose of the contest:
We grant – you do!
General Terms: the applicant must have a business model that has already begun its implementation, but require additional financial push to gain progress. The business model must be of a social nature, have a clear reasoned budget, future development and be universal for different regions of our country.
Tangible results from the initial implementation phase of the project should show up in six months from the date of grant.
The grant amount: 50000 UAH
Closing date for applications: 31.12.2013
The key criteria for project selection are: quality, innovation, a clear description of the business model and its advantages over other, understandable mechanics of implementation, predictable results, the possibility of expanding the project.
The decision to support the project accepts: Expert council.
To participate in the grant competition "IDeystvuy!" you need to send by 31.12.2013 at tender@kondakov.ua completed documents:
Starting this Monday, the social video dedicated to MamoYAmalyuyu Ukrainian competition can be seen on air of two channels: the Tonis national TV channel and regional KDR TRK. Leaders of these media supported the national competition of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation. In addition, thanks to the support of our project from the Kiev Radio 98 FM and Golos Kyeva radio stations all listeners can also hear advertisement of our social project.
According to the decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting video MamoYAmalyuy received the status of social, which simplified its rotation on air. Also, in the near future, posters with information about the competition will be placed in social institutions.
We also would like to note that the video dedicated to the Ukrainian competition of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation is in rotation on the main screen of our country on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti.
On November 1st, 2013 a social project Zdorova Rodyna – Mama, Tato, Ya organized by the We Are Women Zaporizhzhya regional women organization started. The benefactors are going to change the attitude of young people to marriage, family and parenting and to revive the value of family traditions. As a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation sponsored this event supporting the initiative of Melitopol citizens.
The targeted audience of the project is young families and couples who are preparing for marriage. The weekly information sessions for the residents of the town have already started. Among the main topics of the seminars are: "What is a family?", "Family roles. The rules of life in a family", "Five languages of love", "Family crisis. Threat or opportunity?", "Communication in a family. How to reach an understanding?", "Secrets of a positive attitude" and so on.
The next phase of the project consists of six video lections that show the successful life stories of famous people and motivate men and women to have responsible attitude to marriage, family values and parentage.
Also there will be organized several the Instytut Sim’i trainings for young people to form healthy family relationships, disclosure of the — love, loyalty, self-devotion concepts, and the revival of family traditions and promoting the lasting marriage.
To demonstrate family values, display positive scenarios of life and responsible parenthood and happy childhood at the end of the project will be a Healthy family – Happy Me photo exhibition.
We understand the importance of increasing spirituality, creating of structural behaviors of today's youth. We want to renew family values and understanding of responsible parenthood of the next generation, — says Oksana Chernyachenko, the project manager of the event.
Great news for young artists! The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation prolonged the MamoYamalyuyu Ukrainian contest of children's drawings until the 18th of December, 2013.
This means that talented children have now:
Today every child has the unique opportunity to become famous in the whole of Ukraine, as the winning design will cover the wall of the largest building in the artist's hometown! In addition, most vibrant, positive, life-affirming picture will take part in a remarkable exhibition of children's drawings in Kiev.
We are waiting for all the brightest, most positive and most children's drawings at Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., 32 , Kiev, 02088, or by e-mail mamoyamaluyu@kondakov.ua
Please do not forget to send us a copy, and be sure to save your original drawings, because they can become a part of the fantastic children's exhibition!
More information about the contest you can find on this page
On November 13, 2013 in the building of the Lviv regional state administration within the framework of activities of the Innovation Breakthrough-2013 All-Ukrainian Contest a round table discussion on the creation of a technology park and a favorable environment for the development and implementation of IT business-projects took place.
Active participator of the roundtable was a representative of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation Svyatoslava Maximchuk.
As it was previously reported, the philanthropists supported a nationwide competition, which aims to educate a new generation of talented innovators in the field of business and open our state as an attractive region for investment and implementation of innovative solutions.
During the roundtable, the participants, including representatives of government, business and the public, discussed the issues of the local investment projects on the territory of Lviv and the Lviv region. In addition, the Bionic University was presented, which is a modern educational initiative aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills among young people.
The organizers have also paid much attention to the importance of the contribution of charitable organizations in the development of innovation. They noted that the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation always supported exciting innovations in the field of science and technology. The representative of the Foundation was able to inform the participants about the achievements of the charity and shared plans for the future.
Let us recall that on 25 November there will be a ceremony of awarding the winners of the "Innovation Breakthrough-2013". In six categories: "Innovation Breakthrough - 2013", "Best of Innovations for Kiev", " Innovation Potential"; Grand Reserve, "Best Innovative Idea" (the pupils), "Best Youth Project" (among students) the best projects will win and make a positive contribution to the future of our state.
The Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation released the final version of the video on the social -Ukrainian competition of children's creativity – Mamoyamalyuyu. Now you can watch it at the official youtube channel of the foundation. Also the philanthropists turned to the National Council on Television and Radio to provide video footage with the social status. Therefore, in the near future , we hope, the story will be available at the national and regional TV channels. In addition, since yesterday in the main square of the country - the Independence Square – the rotation Mamoyamalyuyu movie rotation started.
A half-minute video can be viewed every 10 minutes, and its demonstration will continue until completion of the competition - 18.12.2013.
One of these days the shooting of a “No More” film will come to the end. The main message of the author is that every dream comes true when a person is trying by all means to carry it out, making a maximum effort. Shooting of the film was funded by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
The fifteen-minute story of a thirteen-year- old girl Masha from the province who dreams of becoming a professional athlete will not leave anyone indifferent. To make her dream come true the main heroine overcomes a lot of obstacles, learns from her mistakes, not losing faith in what she does. And, most importantly, having passed all the tests of fate, she achieves the result and becomes an adult. The short film illustrates the long road from a small dream to its full implementation.
Since December 2013 during the whole year the film will take part in the international festivals programs. The author also plans to ask the pitching of Ukraine’s Derzhkino to create a full-length movie in 2014. Attracting people to analyzing their actions, thinking about moral values, family, about their path in life - that is what the film calls for, and this is what the philanthropists joined to.
By supporting these projects, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On the New Year eve everyone usually buys gifts to all of family members and friends. Often the question arises: how beautifully a pack of a chosen gift? It turns out that even a kid can make a unique box for a festive surprise in quickly and easily way. Recently, the children from single-parent and multi-child Kyiv families visited an interactive art session on gift pack making. The workshop was organized as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation.
The host of the lesson and the staff of the Kyiv City Center of social services for families, children and youth helped the boys and girls to show their creativity. The cardboard boxes the kids decorated with snowflakes, beads, pieces of colorful paper and tinsels.
Watch for the announcements about upcoming events on the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation website http://www.kondakov.ua and join our projects, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Reusable eco-bags made from natural materials are an alternative to disposable bags. Abandonment of plastics in favour of natural fabrics is the first step in the fight for the ecological health of our country and the planet in general.
There is no difference of eco-friendly bags from poly bags: they are also light, comfortable, can be folded to a minimum size and carried around in case of an unexpected purchase.
For the inmates of Desnyanskiy Shelter for juveniles of Kiev district a wonderful workshop on linen bags painting was held. The art-lesson was a part of the Good Cause Every Day!promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
At the workshop the participants were involved in the fascinating creative process of redesigning of the same bags into the element of personal style. The teachers of the Azur art-studio brought to the children bags of natural linen and acrylic durable paints that do not fade and crack. It turned out that it was not necessary to have drawing skills when painting on fabrics: the children could enjoy the special stencils that allow to put different patterns and inscriptions on the fabric. At the same time the children were not limited in the choice of the pictures. Every kid could show his or her imagination. In a few hours the guys created unique handmade accessories out of simple bags!
Original painted eco-bags will please the children for a long time and remind everyone that handmade things always exude warmth and positive emotions. For those results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
In Ukraine the MamoYAmalyuyu national art contest is developing really fast. The organizing committee has already received more than 40 works by young artists from different regions of our country.
The contest by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation began in early October, and will continue until December 1, 2013! Let's recall that the the main topic of child picture should be rendering of his dreams, which later will be put on the facade of the largest building in the winner's hometown.In addition, the benefactors are going to release a final album on the contest's results of the - "Dreams of the Ukrainian Children". The best children's works will please the eye of one of a Kiev art gallery visitors.
The other day shooting the announcement social video was finished, so very soon it will be available for the whole Ukraine.
Light graffiti or freeze light is a new kind of urban art which allows drawing of wonderful pictures with the help of light. Paint cans, markers and other art tools are unnecessary in this kind of painting. Light graffiti is a very exciting and fun time spending which is fully harmless for facades of city houses. As a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation a bright master class on light painting was held for the children from multi-child Kostenko, Plohih, Danyuk and Misyura families.
An experienced photographer Vitaly Motruschenko taught the children how to do a light graffiti. He told the young guests of the TimeStudia photostudio that the darkness and the modern camera it's all that a light graffiti artist needs. The presence of multiple sources of light is strictly forbidden; otherwise the picture quality will suffer.
The photographer put special camera settings, set it on a tripod and pulled the trigger. At this time in the dark the boys and girls painted everything they wanted with bright flashlights in front of the camera lens. Slow shutter speed allows to draw any character or letter. The kids were thrilled when on the pictures they clearly saw unusual glowing figures and patterns.
You should choose the instrument of painting by yourself: flashlights, sparklers. The most important thing for the artist is to have a fantasy and desire to create. A kind of "brush" does not matter", — Vitaly shared with us.
We believe that the children from the multi-child Kostenko, Plohih, Danyuk and Misyura families had a great time and discovered a new kind of creativity. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Recently the preparation works devоted to the creation of MamoYaMalyuyu Ukrainian children's contest promo video by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation were finished.
During it the Foundation staff hold several castings for the main video roles – the child and his mother. Of the 10 candidates who wished to participate in the project, the most talented stylish couple was selected, fully consistent with the requirements of the director and cameraman.
In addition , a major role in the selection of the best candidates openness and harmony relationships between a mother and her child played. As a gift the Foundation transferred pictures taken during the trial by a professional photographer to all casting participants. The photos full of positive emotions and inspiration will allow the casting participants to remember those nice moments forever. Soon a ready version of social video will be presented to the audience on the Internet and television.
In addition, philanthropists and a DAR - Video shooting partner are preparing an interesting surprise for the Internet audience.
In a previous publication we have already told about the Tomorrow unique psychological center, which opened with the support of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. Now we are going to discuss in detail on how the center develops and what prospects expect it in the nearest future. In September as a part of the Future of Ukraine Creators project the Foundation team conducted preparatory work for the opening of the Center for testing of children in Kiev at the Garmatna street, 26/2, Rostokart center.
The partners of the Foundation in this project were: Solomyanska state administration, Institute for the Gifted Child of Pedagogical Sciences Academy of Ukraine, Rostok art center, MTI,Praktiker Ukraine companies, Kyiv Regional Directorate of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, the Association of Rotary Clubs of Kiev and Figaro-Catering. At its opening on September 9 the Center was attended by about 100 people, among them – the officials, leaders of public, charitable and business organizations, journalists and parents with children. On this daysome of the children present had the opportunity to be tested. Another 20 have been accepted the next days.
Since September 9 to the present day more than 150 tests were conducted at the Center. Partnership with public school number 90 of Kiev Pechersk district was established. To increase public awareness of the psychological Center 2,400 leaflets were developed and distributed and a series of publications in the Ukrainian media was posted. According to preliminary estimates – more than 15,000 people already know about the ZAVTRA Center, and will soon take advantage of its free services.
Many Ukrainian citizens have expressed a desire to set up local branches of the Center. In September the members of ZAVTRA Center trained school psychologists of the Ivankov district, Kiev region, where the district education department is going to create the center, similar to the Kiev one. Today the negotiations with the Ministry of Education about the possibility of the opening of the all-Ukrainian network are held .
We hope that the initiative of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation will find support from both the public authorities as well as Ukrainian parents. After all, we all want our children to get a decent start in life. And for their bright future with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On October, 9 and 10, 2013 the last batch of bed linen for Kiev region orphanages was shipped from the Yaroslav factory concern, as a part of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation social project named Sweet Dreams to Every Orphanage!
In particular yesterday the textile sets were received in a children's home in Tripoli, and today they will arrive in a similar social institution in Belaya Tserkov.
Only 136 of the 176 orphanages have expressed a desire to join the Sweet Dreams to Every Orphanage! action. Now 85 applications were processed: bed linen, pillows, blankets, towels and mattresses – fot the 24 provinces and the autonomous republic of Crimea. So during six months new bedding sets will be delivered to over 2,000 orphans.
As a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation a workshop on decorating of glassware was held for students from Vasilkovsky vocational school, who are without parental care. Lyceum students had the opportunity to get acquainted with a new kind of creative art and make handmade painted plate. The lesson was held by Inga and Oksana professional artists of Azur creative studio, which masterfully manage with stained glass painting technique. They gave every kid glass plates in the form of fish and paints.
The children were offered pre-prepared sketches of future drawings. Nevertheless, the girls and boys were not limited in the choice of patterns and colors for painting. The artists tried to help the pupils to show their talents and gave professional advices. To make all the plates shiny they were covered with a special silver paint, which will protect patterns from abrasion in the future.
Drawing on the glass with acrylic paints became a great opportunity for self-expression of the children. Finished crafts will delight the children with their appearance for a long time and inspire for creation of something new and interesting.
In memory of the workshop each kid got painted glassware and positive memories. For this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Visiting of planetarium is not only beneficial for the overall development, but also fascinating. Since 2011 in the Kiev planetarium there appeared something absolutely new – the spherical cinema. Today the movie events do not appear on the big screen, but at the huge dome. The action of the film takes place right around the viewer. As a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event of the Foundation nearly 150 inmates of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky boarding school and the Tripolskiy special boarding school visited the unique ATMASFERA 360 spherical cinema.
The guys saw two exciting films: Secrets of the Solar System andPossession of Light. With the help of modern technology the history of the universe has been modeled on the big dome. From the birth of stars, nebulas and galaxies, to the emergence of life on our planet. The kids were very interested to learn about the mysteries of the solar system, planets and satellites.
The children made an exciting journey into the past of our planet. Thanks to the latest technologies, everyone felt their presence in the film and had an opportunity even to reach the Sun, as well as learn more about this bright star.
After the cinema show the guys were discussing what they saw and thanked the representatives of the Foundation for the useful leisure time. For those bright moments with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation organized a playground for children's art at the GOGOLFEST-2013 holiday!
About 100 pupils from the Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky boarding school, Oberig Bohuslav orphanage and Darnitsky orphanage spent a fascinating day, painting and shooting films and commercials.
Workshops in origami and installation of paper , the lessons of street art and poetry, playing the old Ukrainian instruments and a variety of other interesting activities were expecting little visitors of the festival. Where else but in the world of free creativity, children could paint a wall, having fun and support from adults? And also to create an original musical medley on an old piano to the envy of the music teacher? At the charity project there were no restrictions and rules for young creators – only a desire to create something new and explore the world!
"While playing, we are changing the world" – this motto of the Igropolis planet very accurately illustrates the lessons of its first inhabitants, children from orphanages. "The Igropolis planet is a free space for children's creativity. Here every child can discover the creative potential and make a masterpiece with his own hands. Today, we have helped to touch the unique world of creativity the children who, for one reason or another have been deprived of parental warmth. We will continue to support such projects", – says Natalya Kolesnik, President of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation .
As a charity event showd, the children are in need of not just viewing works of art – they need to create their own unique works. In this way the belief in their own abilities and positive character features are developed. After the creative days of the Igropolis planet the GOGOLFEST art scene was supplemented by hundreds of exhibits by gifted children.
We remind you that the Igropolis planet is working with the support of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation upto September, 22. So the children who have not been able to take part in exciting activities still have time to do it! Let us create together and help each other grow, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to organize series of informative tours of the home city for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages. In order to increase knowledge about the ancient Kiev for the kids from Lugovskih, Kostenko and Plohih families an unusual journey through the ancient Kievan pharmacy was organized. The excursion began in one of the historic districts of Kiev at the Podol. Here the first Kiev pharmacy was.
The metropolitan pharmacy looked like a large room furnished with furniture of the XIX century. An old cash register and a lot of fancy jars on the shelves attracted the children’s attention.
Museum staff showed the guys the office of a pharmacist. In the old days a pharmacist was also a doctor, so he did not only prepare medicines, but also communicated with patients. The children also saw a basement laboratory of an alchemist with a large high table and diverse apothecary utensils, an old cell where people were treated with prayer and a wise woman hut full of dried herbs. Totally families visited the 12 halls with a unique history and old pharmacy exhibits.
Further there was an interactive lesson on potion making, the children did not only learn the history of herbal tea and learn all the details of its preparation, but they also have experienced the power of this miracle drink by themselves!
Visit to the pharmacy museum showed the children from the multi-child Lugovskie, Kostenko and Plohih families the integral part of everyday Kiev life, also everybody learned about the development of medicine in our country. We should say that the children spent the great day and expanded their horizons. For this purpose with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
With the support of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation in Kiev the first Centre for identifying natural abilities of school-age children opened. The project was implemented within the framework of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program of the Ukrainian Tomorrow Foundation and is intended to promote the transformation of Ukraine into the intellectual center of scientific, technological and socio-cultural creativity. We believe that talented children and youth will contribute to large-scale social changes that will make our country prosperous in the near future!
The Tomorrow psychological Center with the catchy name is located on Garmatna 26 /2 Street at Rostok cultural centre and works for free.
Professional psychologists who have been trained using modern techniques of computer-based testing work with children in the new Centre. The task of the psychologists of the Centre is to explain to the child what the tests consist of, how they work and for what they are needed. Then they test the child, make a report and provide parents with the results in an accessible way, together with recommendations on how to develop their child's abilities. The results of the tests and the recommendations of the psychologists are confidential and are for parents only.
The Tomorrow Center uses unique licensed test programs that are relevant to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. In particular, the Universal-4 technique was developed at the Gifted Child Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
The Tomorrow Kiev Center is the second in Ukraine, we recall that about a year ago in Stry (Lviv region) the first Ukrainian Centre was opened, which has already shown its effectiveness — by the moment it has tested over 500 children.
Every child can be tested. Every kid has a spark of God and personal talent. We are planning to initiate the establishment of similar Centres throughout Ukraine, — said Alexander Chubatenko, a Chairman of the board of the Tomorrow Foundation.
We invite you to visit the new free psychological Center! Hurry up, because the main task of parents is to to consider and develop the best talent of their children in time.
Teaching is the only light according to the proverb, it is also a freedom.
Nothing liberates man so as knowledge ...
(Ivan Turgenev)
We live in the age of new technologies that are rapidly penetrating into all spheres of our life; children today often do not even realize how people spenе their time before the invention of a computer. It is necessary to remind the younger generation about the past, because without it there is no future. The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation invited students from multi-child Bogdanovy, Ogurcovy and Haniny families to plunge into history and visit a lesson in Old Russian school. The interactive event was organized as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event. In the playful way a lesson-excursion was held for girls and boys, during it the children learned how Old Russian school looked like, what subjects were studied at those times. The teacher told how and in what way students were taught in the old days. She also introduced to the guys an Old Slavonic alphabet, the children even tried to write texts in the Old Slavonic language. All the children really enjoyed writing with real goose feathers. It was very exciting and at the same time not a simple task. The kids learned what means the method of «carrot and stick» and what it meant in ancient times. The girls and boys were able to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the old school and feel what our ancestors being pupils experienced. The excursion into history turned out incredibly informative, the children broaden their horizons and increased erudition. Our Foundation continues the series of informative lessons for children from multi-child families, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!All the children like balloons. Probably it is so because this simple toy encompasses all the power of childhood, with its ability to enjoy the small, be surprised with something new and to dream.Together with the laboratory of scientific entertainment Vesela Nauka the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation decided to show the children from the large Dutka and Pavlenko families that with a help of conventional balloon the physical laws can be known. The project was a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.
The workshop for children held a children's favourite teacher the Professor Theorem. She proved to the children that balloons – a priceless material to observe physical phenomena and performances of various physical experiments.
Before starting the interesting experiments the teacher gave to all children the funniest invention of mankind – balloons. She told how to inflate balloons without blowing air into them by mouth. Then, with the help of an "air kiss" experiment the boys and the girls saw the law of aerodynamics in action. The children also learned that from inflated balloons it is possible to do air barbecue! The guys were very surprised when they saw that the balloon can be pierced so that it will not burst.
In the end of the workshop everyone did modelling of balloons. If someone thought that it is very difficult to do toys out of the balloons, the Professor Theorem proved otherwise. It turned out that it is actually very easy and fun! Children have learned by themselves how to make funny characters in the technique of twisting and received a lot of positive emotions. No one went home empty-handed, the each child had a unique funny handmade toy.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to show children from multi-child families the secrets of nature around us, because for this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
During the summer holidays our Foundation tries to diversify leisure time for the children from multi-child families. This time, under the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event a tour to the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine Pirogovo for large Cheberyak, Misyura, Danyuk, Sulimenko and Shvets families was organized. In general more than twenty children visited the historic place. The overview of the museum began on a hill with two old windmills; hence the participants of the tour saw a beautiful view of the valley.
During the walk boys and girls not only acquainted with the architecture of Ukrainian villages of 17-20 centuries, but also saw the usual household items of Ukrainian house.
Walking through the vast territory of the museum everyone enjoyed the beautiful nature, fresh air and listened to folk music. Mostly children liked to look through the collection of traditional costumes, wooden dishes and pottery, musical instruments.
The highlight of the trip in the open-air museum was a visit to an ostrich farm. The little guests and their parents were able to observe the life of ostriches, learn more about the habits and characteristics of these exotic birds. The children were showed and could hold large ostrich eggs; it turned out that ostrich eggs are the largest in the world. The kids were pleasantly surprised by the fact that one ostrich egg is equal to 25 of chicken!
In the Pirogovo museum the large families felt connection with the past, learned a lot of useful information about the history of our country and just mentally rested on the fresh air.
Happy faces of the children and smiles of the adults meant that the tour was successful. For those happy moments with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to do good deeds and bring joy to children. When a child is happy and in a good mood, parents will also become glad. As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event we organized a memorable leisure for fourteen children from the Ditsul family type orphanage. A large and friendly family visited the Dyvosvit centre of development and entertainment.
With joy and warmth the Centre opened its doors towards the young visitors, and the children could not hold joyful emotions at the sight of a huge number of attractions and a variety of entertainment.
The fun began with the attractions, here boys and girls were able to spend jolly time, ride and play different games. Then the whole family visited the unique 4D cinema where they looked exciting and dynamic film The Lost Island.
For some time the children felt themselves as the characters of the film about the wildlife and got a lot of thrills.
All the time the fairy-tale characters – lovely Snow White and a good Fairy accompanied and entertained the young guests from a large Ditsul family.
The animators brought the children to the largest labyrinth in Kiev, the total length of it is over 150 meters. The set of slides, labyrinths, ascents and descents, a trampoline and a ball pool caught the imagination of children who did not miss the opportunity to have fun at their pleasure!
Today was a great day! Our children got a lot of positive emotions that they will remember for a long time. Thanks to the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation for great projects for kids that make happy us – their parents, – said the multi-child mother Liliana Ditsul.
The best part for the representatives of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation – to see the smiles on the happy faces of the children, for the sake of it, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
"Family will always be the foundation of society"
(Honore de Balzac)
In fact, everyone should realize the importance of family. The strong and united family is the source of life energy, it gives us warmth and support every day. From August 30 to September 1 of this year the Festival of family holiday the Kyiv Family Fest took place on the Obolonska Naberejna street as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event. At the family event, the kyivans and guests of the city were able to see the performances of children and youth aikido schools, modern dance, BMX, street-workout, look at the competition of American football teams. Also, all the visitors could take part in pottery and basketry workshops, modeling shuttles and kites. The organizers suggested children and adults to jump on the trampoline, read books in English, French, Spanish, and pass casting "Become a TV host" and a workshop from "Inter-school". The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation stands for the revival of cultural and moral values and supports the development of sports culture in the Ukraine that is why it was decided to make a contribution to the Festival. For three days our Foundation offers everyone a fun and active leisure in the fresh air. Each family could visit the unique workshops, to conquer the height, as well as play a variety of educational games with animator. A climbing wall became a favorite place for young adventurers. People already knew it from the Sorochinska Fair. At the request of children and their parents The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation brought and installed a climbing section to the Festival. Everyone who could conquer the "wall", was coming down with a smile and in excellent spirits, and received a prize from the Foundation. Next to the climbing wall in the tent of the Foundation for all the guests were organized creative workshops. Under the guidance of one of the country's top game technicians all the people were able to learn how to make origami, create traditional Ukrainian souvenir motanka-doll, and make handmade bracelets of the ribbons. All the outdoors initiatives were accompanied by Ukrainian folk songs that make the family holiday special. An animator Natalia worked with the guests of the Festival. Her unique author's technique allowed to pay attention equally for children and for adults. Along with cheerful animator kids sang songs and danced in a ring, played fun games whith trained reaction. At the platform of the Fund was no place for boredom! From everywhere came the clear voices and merry children's laughter. Party atmosphere, which was created by the representatives of the Konstantin Kondakov CF, has attracted newlyweds, who celebrated their wedding on the banks of the Dnieper river. The bride and groom also join the general merriment, thus supporting the idea of becoming a strong family and a joint leisure. The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation is proud to become a partner of the Kyiv Family Fest- 2013 and was able to support the idea of revival of family values . For this, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation as a part of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event provides comprehensive support for the health projects. One of these events is the unique Fresh Fest Ukrainian festival on the beach. From 15 to 22 of July in the hero-city Sevastopol everyone could have a great time full of sports, music and good humor. During the event popular training programs covering healthy eating , fashionable youth movements were held, and much more.
Companionship on a territory free from insalubrious habits, beach, sea and fresh air this was the way to spend summer for more than a thousand participants of the FRESH FEST First International Festival of Healthy Lifestyle!
This year the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation supported the remarkable initiative by acting as a sponsor of the festival. Thousands of young people found the strength to say "Yes!" to the active lifestyle and fun, and to relax in the new format – of the Healthy Generation in a friendly company of sports and healthy people to study slackline, parkour, rock climbing, capoeira, street workout, as well as participate in volleyball, football, tennis championships and other sports! Those who visited the festival for the first time, were able to whatch the flaybord masters’ demonstrations and fights without rules on the water.
The festival changed the world’s vision of those present in a positive way and motivated them on the wonderful changes! We hope that the FRESH FEST International Festival of Healthy Lifestyle will be the first step in educating the next generation of health issues.
After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
"Science is the most important, the most beautiful and useful in our life, it has always been and will be the highest expression of love"
(A. Chekhov)
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to plant love for science in children, nowadays Ukraine needs brilliant inventors and scientists more than ever. As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event together with the laboratory of scientific entertainment "Vesela Nauka" our Foundation has organized an interesting scientific workshop for boys and girls from a Makhovy family-type orphanage.
The renowned experimenter Professor Crocodile showed the children such a chemical element as silicon. The children have learned that from it people made flint, liquid glue, silicone.
In the chemistry workshop all the kids did a fabulous multi-colored silicate garden with chemical algae and jellyfish. With silicate glue, vinegar and special indicator the kids made crimson "desert" in the cup and the world's only solid acid. As the souvenirs from the workshop the kids took home handmade silicone "berries" in the sticks.
Future brilliant chemists from the Makhovy family-type orphanage went home with new knowledge and in high spirits. It was our aim, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Our Foundation wants all the children to spend their summer holidays usefully. We want every child to receive new impressions, experiences, skills and knowledge every day. As a part of The Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized educational excursion to the Kiev museum of miniatures to the multi-child families of Danyuk and Misura.
Having crossed the threshold of the gallery boys and girls seemed to arrive in the fairy kingdom of Lilliput. The uniqueness of the museum is in the fact that there are only two galleries of miniatures in the world. The children were amazed by tiny handmade sculptures made by using a unique technology. A representative of the Foundation told the families that the author of all these mini-masterpieces is a world renowned master from Ukraine Nikolai Syadristy.
The kids and their mothers admired the wonderful exhibits of the museum. The large Danyuk and Misyura families had not seen the real steel flea, the world's smallest violin, a portrait of Yuri Gagarin cut in the blackthorn stone, the world's smallest operative electric motor, balalaika in the poppy-seed, a caravan of camels in the eye of the needle, and many other masterpieces before.
As the museum is located on the territory of the Kiev-Pecherskaya Laura, after visiting of the museum the families walked on the holy places and were able to admire the architecture of the ancient temples. To make the walk more interesting and funny for the kids a representative of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation has treated children from large Danyuk and Misyura families with delicious ice cream.
This day brought a lot of new experiences for the children. We believe that our projects encourage the development of the younger generation, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Summer is a hot time. It is simply impossible to imagine summer days without such a refreshing and sweet treat like ice cream.
Ice cream – a favorite sweet from childhood. Not only children, but also adults like ice cream. Our Foundation is sure that the care of the older generation is the direct responsibility of young people. So when the administration of the Kiev Labor veterans’ boarding house asked the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation to present their inhabitants some ice cream, we immediately responded.
When the management of the Foundation knew that retirees want to experience the sense of joy and happiness as in childhood again, it was decided to make sweet surprises for more than one nursing home.
As a part of The Older Generation – That's We in the Future program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation interviewed all the nursing homes in Kiev and the region. As a result, residents of four nursing homes who wanted to participate in the project got the ice cream. Kiev Labor veterans’ boarding home, Evrodom nursing home, the Natalia Uzhviy home of the veterans of the scene and Korosten’ center for social protection and rehabilitation of senior citizens participated in the project of the Foundation. More than 600 packs of ice cream were handed out. All the grandparents were happy to taste the cool dessert.
As a poet and novelist Thomas Macaulay said — A small good deed is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible. Following this idea, our Foundation continues to make pleasant surprises for Ukrainian nursing homes. After all, older people deserve that we always remember about them and do not forget to please them with care and attention.
For this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
This year, all visitors of the Sorochyntsy Fair had the unique opportunity to try themselves as climbers, and also join interesting workshops and fun sports competitions.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation as a part of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body and the Revival of Cultural and Moral Valuesprograms equipped a sports and entertainment area for everyone at the fair.
Every year on the open field in Poltava region for a few days thousands of people become participants of a large-scale celebration. These days in the warm Ukrainian air routine turns into an elegant event, and a familiar reality is filled with mystery of Gogol times and characters. The current fair was no exeption.
The organizers have created a great festive atmosphere, in which all that you can only imagine was. On the Sorochyntsi field a traditional Ukrainian World gathered: with cossack’s gopak, dolls-motanki and Gogol's Soloha. All this was perfectly complemented with modern characters – Verka Serduchka and amusing guys from the popular Tick band. The visitors from Poland and Slovakia also organically fit into the world of Caucasian cuisine and Ukrainian hospitality. "The noise, swearing, mooing, bleating, roaring – all fused into a single discordant voices", – this is how Nikolai Gogol described an event almost two centuries ago. Time passes, but the holiday in Velikie Sorochyntsi remains the same friendly and familiar!
Unusual sports and entertainment area of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation became a nice addition to entertaining designs at the fair. Each visitor had the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of dynamic events and outdoor activities.
The most popular destination for lovers of extreme sports became a climbing wall, which was installed by benefactors next to the main stage. Could the author of Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka imagine that in the centre of a fair glorified by him a few centuries a huge "rock" would appear? There were so many people wishing to conquer the impregnable Sorochyntsi top that near the "rock" a long queue for health and a positive attitude formed quickly. It is interesting, that at the climbing wall adults met with the very young climbers.
Next to the climbing wall at the foundation’s playground creative workshops for the public were settled. Under the guidance of experienced artists and designers the visitors of the fair learned how to create a traditional Ukrainian souvenir doll-motanku, and hand-made strips bracelets. All the time the body-art studio was working, where everyone could get a free unique pattern on the body.
"Sorochinskaya Fair is a part of Ukrainian history and traditions of the Ukrainian people. Positive emotions, joy and bright experiences create an indescribable atmosphere of the holiday. That is why we have decided this year to join the trade fair on the Sorochintsy field. We were pleased to contribute to the current Sorochyntsi Fair and the revival of Ukrainian traditions", - Natalia Kolesnik, the President of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
Under the leadership of unsurpassed master at the Foundation’s playground a variety of dynamic entertaining games and competitions were continuously held. Basketball, frisbee, jump competition with a skipping rope and many sporting events in which both children and adults competed.
Modern technologies were also present at the fair. For those who forgot the camera at home or wanted to quickly share their feelings and emotions with friends during the fair an online photo-rack was running. With the help of this masterpiece of computer technology everyone could take photos with their friends for free and immediately send the pictures to social networks.
"Sports and entertainment area of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation gathered all those wishing to experience themselves and their strength. It was nice that people liked our playground. Many of them came later and thanked us,"– Tatiana Krupskaya, the Foundation’s project manager.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation made a healthy and sporty contribution to the celebration, where every child and adult had the opportunity to test themselves and their capabilities.
That's great, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The family plays a major role in the formation and development of personality. The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event provides comprehensive support to the projects aimed at strengthening the institution of the family.
From August 19 to 23, 2013 with the support of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation the Family Values All-Ukrainian Workshop was held in Zaporozhye.
In the organization and conduct of activities participated:
The main objective of the workshop was to raise the quality of school teachers, psychologists, social workers and teachers on family educationwork in schools and after-school facilities. The basis of family education is the human desire to live happily, and to develop efficiently. Workshop participants are confident that the implementation of the new curriculum will help to improve family relationships.
- We want a course on family values in Kiev to have a serious scientific basis, - said the mayor of Zaporozhye A.Sin. - I met with the Rector of Zaporizhzhya National University, and we have agreed on the establishment of the Department on family issues.
The employees of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation also convinced that the Family Values workshop will have a significant positive impact not only in Kiev, but also in Ukraine as a whole.
After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
From 19.08 till 22.08 of this year the photo courses for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages were organized. The project was a part of The road to life for every child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized together with the Kiev photo studio Mimimi. Eight children were selected to participate in the project. The boys and girls between the ages of eight and sixteen were able to feel themselves like professional photographers.
The photo courses for the children hold a photographer and owner of the studio Maria Kokulina. On the first lesson she introduced students the theory of photography: taught to distinguish the composition of the exhibition, said how light and color effect on image quality, explained how the camera works, showed different optics and filters.
Then the guys had to apply their knowledge in practice. Practical course consisted of studio and outdoor shooting. In the studio the children pictured each other, everyone could stay for a while a photographer and a model. One was more interested in shooting, the other liked more to pose, in any case – everyone got the pleasure of working in the studio.
I like to look at the pictures of models in fashion magazines. I also want to try myself as a professional fashion model. I am confident that today's experience will help me in the future, - commented her participation in the project of the Foundation Lisa Misura.
On the last day of the photo course the kids had to pass the "exam" in T. Shevchenko park. Each young photographer invited the model and created the plot for the shooting. Someone called friends, another one invited parents to participate in a photoshoot. The ideas of shooting were very different and limited only by the children's imagination.
At the end of the workshop, all the children got memorable fully finished and printed portfolios, as well as diplomas for participation in the project. Also, there was an exhibition of their work in the Mimimi studio.
Thanks to the photo courses every child was able to take the first exciting steps on his or her own path in the world of photography and realize own creative potential. Lessons of photography taught children how to experiment, to notice almost invisible beauty that surrounds us and just enjoy life. Kids liked so much to make photos that many children choose photography as their future hobby.
In the future, all those wishing to participate in various projects of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation need to follow the announcements on our website and send orders to participate to the email address of the Foundation.
With love in our hearts we are building a new world!
It is summer, and it means that the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to organize creative workshops for boys and girls in the fresh air.
As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event jointly with the centre of child development My umnichka in Kiev Shevchenko park was organized an entertaining creativity lesson.
Kievans has already fallen in love with summer projects for kids organized by the Foundation. Parents are always happy to bring their children to the creative, scientific and educational workshops. This time was not an exception. Nearly fifty children come to learn how to make handmade decoupage of the magnets and spend a memorable funny day with a mischievous clown.
The master showed the little guests how to use napkins and glue to make decoupage on the gypsum magnets. While ready-made magnets were drying up, merry clown entertained the children.
Along with the animator kids painted on the pavement with colored chalks. All the pictures were bright and childishly sweet. Some of the children drew a beautiful house, flowers, and one boy painted on the pavement a real submarine.
The authors of the most memorable drawings were encouraged with the gifts by the representatives of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
A lot of mothers thanked to the representatives of the Fund for the cheerful active leisure for their children in the fresh air.
"On the website of the Konstantin Kondakov CF I read that today should be a fun workshop for kids. That’s why our family came to the park. My kids liked to draw and make magnets. They just loved the clown! Many thanks to the Fund for engaging lessons of creativity for kids!" — shared with us Valentine - mother of 5-year old Oleg and 8-year old Zlata.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation invites all children to free workshops, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Probably everyone has a microwave at home. Everybody knows that it is suitable for reheating food, cooking popcorn, defrosting of frozen food. In fact, there are a lot of secrets and a variety of options in microwaves.
For the brave experimenters from multi-child Danyuk and Misyura families the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized an unusual master class under the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.
Talented and attentive teacher the Professor Theorema from Vesela nauka laboratory of research activities showed the experiments for the children.
At the beginning of the master class the animator told the kids about safety precautions and basic recommendations for the use of a microwave oven.
Together with the inventive teacher children saw what can happen to different objects when they are under microwaves radiation. The Professor Theorema was very creative: light bulbs, soap, chips, ice, CD’s, grapes - a lot of different things were in the microwave oven that day. Children from large Danyuk and Misyura families were delighted with what they saw.
The teacher told the children, why they should not heat an empty microwave. Also, multi-child Danyuk and Misyura families learned that they should not use metal cookware and utensils with metallic decor in a microwave oven.
At the end of the master class the children have created an unusual three-dimensional paintings and multicolored miracle pencil, of course, with the help of a microwave oven.
The children liked the science workshop from the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation very mush. Of course, there are so many new and interesting things than the kids can share with their friends!
You can also bring your children to a variety projects, organized by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
"Nine out of ten people say they like chocolate. The tenth person always lies", – says the American writer John Tullius. Both, children and their parents, like chocolate, it's more than just a sweet treat. Chocolate is a good mood, positive emotions and cheerfulness for the whole day.
For the chocolate lovers from a multi-child Proskurko family the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a "sweet" Chocolate Kiev tour, as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.
The informative walk began in Mariinsky Park. The guide Yanina held the children and their mother through the shady paths of the park across the Bridge of Love to the Puppet theatre. All the way the Proskurko family listened to the fascinating stories about the origin of chocolate.
Then the tour guide told the multi-child family about the different types of this delicious sweetness. The children did not know that chocolate varies according to the method of processing and formulation, the content of additives in it, in form and content of cocoa in chocolate.
When the kids got enough information, the tour guide took Proskurko family in Zolotyj Ducat chocolate coffee house. The children had been waiting for chocolate testing for a long time! In the Zolotyj Ducat coffee house the large family tried a hot flavoured drink made from Côte d'Ivoire cocoa beans. Children tried three types of hot chocolate: the dark one with orange flavour, dark with strawberry flavour and hot white chocolate.
The Proskurko family continued their tour in high spirits and with happy smiles. The Chocolate House was the symbolic final point of the walk.
All the participants of the walking tour learned many interesting things about their favourite product, were able to enjoy unforgettable tastes of hot chocolate and got a flow of positive emotions for the whole day.
For this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On August 20 and 21 in Kiev free lessons and a children's artistic photography competition will take place. The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation within the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event invites everyone to visit the exhibition of young photographers and to take part in the selection of winners. During two days, from August 20 to 21, under the guidance of experienced photographers, children will learn the art of photography.
At the final stage the kids will be able to try their skills and create their own photographic masterpieces. The best works will be awarded with prizes by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. On Tuesday, August 20 from 11.00 to 13.00 in the photo-studio in the Garmatna street, 1 free lessons on the author's photography will take place for children participating in the project. An experienced photographer and teacher Mary Kokulina will tell the children about the basics of photography, the secrets of transferring experiences and emotions with the help of photos.
Time: 11.00 - 13.00
Location: Kyiv, photo-studio in the Garmatna street, 1
The next day, Wednesday, August 21 project participants will be able to try in practice the knowledge gained during the photography workshops. Children within a few hours will create photo-masterpieces, elect stories and take pics of the surrounding world. On the same day the best works of young artists will be selected. Winners will receive prizes from the organizers – the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. All works will be showcased at the photo exhibition.
Time: 15.00-17.00
Location: Kyiv, T.G. Shevchenko park
As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation performs daily sightseeing tours for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
This time we decided to show the children of the Fisochenko family one of the most amazing sights of Kiev – the Museum of Water!
Water Information Center "Water Museum" is located in the heart of the Ukrainian capital and offers visitors a memorable journey through the virtual "water system". The museum workers in the form of a game told the children about modern water supply devices, described how the water search is performed, also they told exciting stories about the hard way of water breaking through the earth. Special attention was paid to the necessity of saving natural resources.
The children took pictures on a background of the largest Ukrainian toilet model, studied the mysterious water tunnels and blew soap bubbles. Most children liked to play with the fish that swam with interest and "kissed" the children's hands.
The children went out of the museum with new useful knowledge and a smile on their faces, "At such events children do not only relax with their bodies and soul, but also develop and learn about the world," – shared her impressions the mother of the Fisochenko family Irina.
Dear readers, join our projects and engage with the children in the amazing adventures of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation!
After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The stained glass decoration of our homes is becoming a trend again. Invention of stained glass painting may certainly be called miraculous. Stained glass paintings always remind illustrations of children fairy-tales – so bright and amazing they are.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a fabulous master class in stained glass painting for children from multi-child Misyura and Gordienko families as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.
Mistress Catherine greeted the children on the doorstep of the art studio Den’ Tvoren’ya, where the workshop took place. She showed young guests their places at the large round table and began telling about the history of the unique stained glass painting technique. The children listened attentively, and then choose the subjects of their future drawings. Kids will be kids; so, most of them chose to draw cartoon characters.
Stained glass painting requires attention and concentration. Every child of those who visited the workshop showed his or her talents. Some children preferred to do stained glass paintings more, others were mostly interested in decorating the wooden frame of the picture. Even the youngest painters Aniuta and Alesha Misyura carefully, without adults’ help, drew clear lineament of the fantastic characters on the glass. At the end of the workshop all the children took their stained glass pictures home to hang it on the wall.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation helped children from large families to show their artistic abilities and spend great time. Such results are our main target, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On August 8th at 16:00 The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation presented in Kiev unique Paint the Wall project as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event. Guests of the event became the witness of the opening of the graffiti picture, which covers the entire area of the side wall of house on Zlatoustovskaya 53 street. The picture is the result of the work of The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and creative initiative group, which consisted of five professional artists.
The artists were creating the art project for nearly two weeks. The scale of the picture is really impressive – 21X12, 5 meters. Being a child, probably each of us dreamed of having own tree house, where you can hide from everyone and do what you like. The organizers and artists decided to bring to life the idea of returning to the world of childhood and managed to depict on a gray wall vivid picture - a fabulous tree house where happy children live. Being a child, all the colors of life seemed brighter, we were able to enjoy every day and knew how to be happy. The project was created to ensure that each person who will look at a painted wall will smile and begin to enjoy every day as it was in a childhood.
The guests of the festival was not only able to admire the bright pattern, but also had an opportunity to involved to the process of the picture ending by themselves. The representatives of the Foundation offered everyone who was present on the celebration to be creative and paint gloomy garages, which are situated near the house. There were a lot of people who wished to do it, so in a short time the rusty walls of the garages were covered with colorful drawings. Especially popular among the visitors of the project were flowers, cats and fish, and someone even drawn a fairy angel.
"I did not expect that I will be offered to draw something be myself. It was a pleasant surprise, because the last time I painted on the pavement was many years ago when I was a little girl "- shared her impressions of the holiday guest Helena Ivanovna.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this project for the native of the city and especially for those who live in Shevchenko district. Because, the main idea of the picture – to induce the positive emotions and smiles.
As a part of the project, representatives of the Charity Foundation presented a symbolic Mailbox for smiles for children. Now little Ukrainians will be able to send messages to the Foundation with their requests. Kids can throw their letters directly into the box or send letters from all over Ukraine to the address Zlatoustovskaya 53, marked "To the mailbox of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation".
At the celebration the bandura players from exclusive Ukrainian musical group "Shpilyastі kobzarі" entertained - the participants of the project. At the project musicians, whom we know from the TV show "Ukraine's Got Talent", performed covers of world famous hits and Ukrainian folk songs played in their own interpretation. The guests loved the emotional performance of the bandura players, so people began to dance and sing along.
Project organizers have decided to entertain guests without pathos and glamor. Tables were covered with newspapers, iron cookware, aluminum spoons, uzvar instead of champagne, canapes, black bread, cucumbers, green onions and patties – all these caused the nostalgic memories of the Soviet era and made the event more soulfulness.
The festival organizers wore the uniform of builders, and it was very symbolic, as Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation "built" fairy tree house, which has caused a lot of sincere emotion of the people, and every day with love in heart is building a new world.
At the end of the project the Foundation launched three hundred balloons to the sky. The representatives of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation gave the guests white and blue balloons to release them all together to the sky. While releasing the balloons to the sky, everyone was making their wishes.
A professional artist, resident of UFW, promising designer with experience in the global market Natalia Anri visited the project of the Foundation. Star guest thanked the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation for original creative project and put made proposals for future cooperation.
Always smiling and witty Alexander Vishnevsky was a host of the event. He communicated with each guest as he or she was his old friend, that’s why the event had a friendly atmosphere.
The organizers of the creative activity are convinced that such projects will not only have a positive effect on mood and emotional state of the people, but also will create conditions for large-scale positive changes in Ukraine and abroad. After all with love in our hearts we are building a new world.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation thanks to everyone who supported the project, as well as the organizers and guests of the Festival.
It is very important for our foundation to develop the children's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Within the Road To Life For Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the educational Perfume Laboratory workshop was organized. A Ditsul family-type orphanage and a Professor Teorema from the Merry Science team delved into the wonderful aroma world of essential oils.
At the beginning of the class the Professor arranged a little workout on associative thinking: the children were asked to guess what kind of flavor they were offered, and then reflect it with a particular color on paper. Then the process of making perfumes began.
As it turned out, the basis for a parfume is made usually out ofalmond oil, since it has virtually no smell. Such interesting and fun chemistry facts were told by the Professor Teorema. Also the children from the family-type orphanage learned that the human nose distinguishes several hundred odors. After making their first parfume the family began to develop a "sachet" – dry spirits and little "bombs" for the bathroom.
In addition to getting amazing theoretical knowledge in chemistry and physics, the children were able to see it all in practice and also to create with their own hands the wonderful crafts and gifts for family and friends. At our workshops combining knowledge of new facts, creative work and games, we allow the family-type orphanages develop in children the desire for knowledge and reveal their potential.
After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Media representatives are invited to take part in our celebration!
Accreditation is held at korenkov.a@kondakov.ua or by phone (066) 488-62-23 Date and place: August 8, 2013 from 16.00 to 18.00 at Zlatoust Str., 53.The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation conducted a series of developing events together with the Den Tvoreniya creative workshop as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program and Good Cause Every Day! event.The first exciting event was an experience in oil painting. The large Arsentievy family for two and a half hours turned into a team of real artists. Prior to that day our members have never tried oil painting and this "first attempt" was a success! At first the children chose the sample which became the basis for their creations.
Despite the fact that all chose landscapes, each picture became a personal and unique work.
The teacher-artist, who conducted the session, said that the children surely have creativity and as for the first time they showed a very good result. After painstaking and fascinating work was done, of course, all of our artists were smeared with paint from head to toe. However, the result was worth it, because who does not draw – does not get dirty. Join our workshops to develop and create together. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Come with good humor and cheerful smiles to the Shevchenko Park on July 25-26!
As part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation arranged a real beauty-holiday for mothers with many children and presented them a beauty holiday in a SPA. This project was received by all with enthusiasm and confidence that this day will bring relaxation, recharging with positive energy and a release from household chores and fuss. We decided during a whole week to share good emotions with moms arranging for them small, but memorable holidays of relaxation.
The charity event started on Monday in the Thai massage spa named "Elephant". It is located in the center of Kiev. Two wonderful mothers – Irene and Lydia – were invited. They try to do everything for their children: take care, educate, delight them with daily surprises. And they have no time for recreation. Foundation managers decided to change the situation and organized the wonderful project especially for the loving mothers.
At the spa our participants dissolved in a peaceful atmosphere. Subject-selected music, the staff – all helped to turn away from household chores and think about themselves for a little while. They spent an wonderful time in peace and quietness. One mom enjoyed a wonderful anti-stress massage, and the other one - a Thai massage. It should pointed our that these types of massage have a relaxing but also a healing function. According to our beauties, everything was just wonderful. Massages helped our participants to recover from the difficult "mother’s everyday life", and now they can once again return to their children – relaxed and peaceful. This makes us very happy, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
As the part of The Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation arranged an interesting master-class for children from the Edjibia family. A vegetarian lounge-café in the city center hosted us. The interior was ‘vegetarian’ too. The children were surprised to see the walls on which the grass “grew” and on which there were plants, decorated balls and other small toys in the “natural” style. Smiles were shining on the kids’ faces and their mood was high.
The chef showed the Edjibia family interesting ingredients for the cocktails that the children ordered – bananas, plantains, clovers, lettuce and spring water. Everyone was surprised, because none of us had tasted these products in a mixture before, so the children were amazed, when the chef started putting the ingredients into the blender. The kids tried to be of help as much as they could – they cut, stirred, and whipped up the ingredients. The Edjibia children were told about the healthy qualities of each product, and they promised to add them to their daily ration.
Beside the cocktail, the chef also brought natural ice-cream made of bananas and dates. It was very tasty, nutritious, and most importantly for the children – healthy!
Having eaten enough, the girls and boys started imaging themselves in the role of a professional chef and thought of their future menus and dishes; also they were discussing their favorite fruit and vegetables. Everyone was happy to feel the friendly atmosphere around and to talk about the food they would cook themselves. The children very much enjoyed cooking the unusual food from healthy ingredients. That wonderful day helped the whole family to rest well, have a useful and a good time. After the master-class the kids’ eyes were shining and we were convinced again that with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
In the framework of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organizes a series of fantastic mini-projects, making the dreams of multi-child and foster families, family-type orphanages come true. This time the foundation has organized a very interesting and informative journey into the world of chocolate products for a multi-child Arsentiev family: little Maria, Elvira, Suzanne and Simone. The family together with the foundation managers literally plunged into a world of confectionary art harmony and taste.
An experienced master-chocolatier gave everyone special aprons and chef hats, and the children started making sweets. The process captured our young confectioners completely and fascinated them, because this is a good opportunity to show imagination and make the most delicious and beautiful chocolates with your own hands. And besides, you can finally eat plenty of chocolate and even smear your hands with it!
Chocolate River, magical smells... The children felt as if they were in a chocolate paradise! We are confident that the Arsentiev family will remember this amazing journey for a long time! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Popularization of sports lifestyle is one of the main objectives of the Sound Mind in a Sound Body program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. This is why it is so important to make the younger generation interested in new kinds of sports.
This time the foundation managers introduced the children of the family-type orphanage Lelekach to a rapidly developing sport of wakeboarding.
Wakeboarding is a very cheerful and interesting way to spend your free time. It is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing.
Since this sport involves all muscle groups, under the guidance of an attentive instructor the children had a workout together. After the instructions were given the bravest boys immediately got on a wakeboard - a special surfing board.
The children listened to the coach and performed all necessary actions. Although all the children were riding a wakeboard for the first time, we proudly watched as even the smallest ones made their first successful steps in this wonderful sport.
Active leisure gave our young athletes plenty of joy and an unforgettable experience. We are confident that the sports lifestyle of the children will become a family tradition and a guarantee of their good health. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Under the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation arranged a fascinating walk through the park of Partisan Glory on bicycles for the children from the Gyoza family-type orphanage. Cycling brings your body a huge favor. Muscles strengthen, endurance develops, and activity of all body system improves during a bike ride. In addition, it is a great way to enhance immunity.
So children from the Gyoza family with great pleasure and health benefits have made a long bike ride in the open air, and the smallest child Vika for the first time in her life has ridden a bike and even felt like a real cyclist!
We were pleased to see how the children competed watching a surprisingly beautiful scenery of the park. But the most important thing is that this time they spent in the open air and received a lot of positive emotions! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to organize a series of exciting workshops for children. At this time under the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event the children from the Marchenko family-type orphanage made amazing gel candles with their own hands.
Making gel candles is a creative and exciting process the children could watch. The little girls and boys were happy to select decorative items for their candles – a variety of stones, shells, beads, and then unanimously picked colors that they would like to fill their candles with.
The process of making candles dipped our young artists in an atmosphere of creativity and implementation of their ideas, so the children from the Marchenko family-type orphanage managed to make unique and colorful candles, and their faces shone with happiness! Once again we saw that the children need creativity. This develops their boundless imagination and brings a lot of joy, which they are willing to share with the world! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation does not work a day without good deeds. Thus, under the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event we give children an unforgettable experience, a flow of positive emotions and fun. At this time, the participants of our mini-project were the children from the large Solomaha family. The Foundation managers organized a wonderful adventure for the children – a trip to one of the most beautiful Kiev beaches to ride jet skis!
Easy to operate, powerful jet skis left none of the children indifferent! The children so easily and quickly managed to ride them that in a couple of minutes they crossed the river themselves.
How much joy and excitement was on the faces of our young athletes! Children from the Solomaha family experienced incredible feeling and received a powerful boost of positive energy.
We are sure that the emotions that our children have experienced will live in their memories and will give them a feeling of lightness and happiness. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
As a part of the Road to Life for every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized an unforgettable culinary workshop for a large Korotkih family, young Uliana, Demida and little Dunyasha. The master class was held in the open air, in cozy gazebos, which added a special atmosphere of cordiality and a family picnic. The kids put on their aprons happily and began to study the menu.How much fun there was on the faces of our young chefs when they learned how to cook the most authentic pizza!
The chefs took care of the sweets: for dessert the children have cooked an incredible panna cotta with orange marmalade and strawberry mojito!
Our young chefs could not wait to begin working on all these dishes in tandem with professional chefs. Even the smallest kid, Dunyasha, without testing herself as a cook before, vigorously carried out all instructions of chefs and assured all present that since now she is going to help her mother in the kitchen.We gladly watched the children's faces lit up with joy, because today their first culinary debut held! It's safe to say that such workshops help children discover their abilities and instill a love of work and bring great joy to the kids what they did! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Under the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo action the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a fascinating river cruise for children from the Shamrai cfamily-type orphanage, who have dreamt a lot about this cruise.
The children have made an unforgettable journey along Dnipro, enjoyed fresh air, saw the beautiful scenery of the left and right bank of Dnipro, the ancient temples of Podol and golden domes of St. Andrew’s Church.
Our children were excited by the beauty of the capital's waterfront and cozy Trukhaniv island beaches , covered by dense vegetation.
We are sure that today the whole family discovered new, awesome and majestic Kyiv, and the walk along the river has given them a lot of bright impressions! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
In one of our previous publications, we have already mentioned the wonderful world of 3D art, located in the Dream Town shopping center. 38 magical paintings surprised and attracted the attention of thousands visitors of the exhibition. And this is the place where the impossible becomes possible. This could personally experience the children from the Kaplunovs familu-type orphanage, who together with the Foundation visited the exhibition of 3D-painting under the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.
Realistic "live" pictures have impressed all members of the family. And it is natural, since not every day you can stand with the Soviet flag on the Reichstag or ride a rubber boat on the stormy waves of the mountain river! Besides they could take a picture of all this to share their joy with their friends and acquaintances.
After the excursion, the family got only the most positive emotions! But the most important thing is that the children were able to personally experience the beauty of human creativity, for which there are no restrictions and standards. The picture as it turned out did not have to be closed by a frame in two dimensions. Like a flight of fantasy of an artist!
Let us together encourage brave decisions, creative experiments and curiosity of children! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues the series of exciting micro-projects in the framework of the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event. This time the multi-child Fisochenko family – little Nastya, Cyril, Karina and Yanina – acted as potters, and under the watchful eye of the Sakhno Art pottery workshop craftsmen they molded things, which used to be extremely important for our ancient ancestors hundreds of thousands years ago!
As soon as the children entered the studio, they began to discuss excitedly what they would make out of clay and of what shape it would be. They were looking forward to sitting down at the potter's wheel, which is why they were so happy to start work.
The children happily rolled out the clay and carefully made interesting things out of it. With a little patience and diligence, they created beautiful clay things: cups, vases, pots, plates and exciting figures! The children were happy, because all that they made with their own hands was unique and unrepeatable.
During the workshop the Fisochenko family got an unforgettable experience and a real flow of positive emotions! We are confident that this improvisation helped the children to discover their creative abilities and enjoy the work they did. While the workshop was running the children kept smiling happily, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
The Road to Life for Every Child program always wakes a sea of positive emotions and a great opportunity for children to self-actualize creatively. Just recently our charity foundation has held an exciting children's workshop on … making soap! Yes, do not be surprised – colorful natural soap which children made with their own hands! Over fifty children from the whole Kiev came to partake in the unusual workshop that our foundation and My Umnichka center for children’s development conducted in the Taras Shevchenko Park.
So much admiration shone on the children’s faces when they were creating their first "author’s bars of soap"! They could choose the color and shape, and even the smell of their future "soap composition."
But the most important thing about this workshop was that the children did their best not for themselves but for their beloved parents, grandparents, little sisters and brothers. The young craftsmen covered each bar of soap with pretty bright signatures that definitely brought up the warmest feelings in the children’s parents!
The foundation managers believe that it is essential to develop and encourage children's creativity. In this way we will not only be able to significantly strengthen Ukrainian families, but also advance our nation intellectually and economically. Join our foundation’s initiative, make useful crafts with your children, and you will not be disappointed! Because children are our future, and because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On June 15, an exciting family event Z haty na kanaty, organized by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation was held in Kiev.
People have an opportunity to spend a day with family, to try new types of entertainment and to recollect that they are one team. And all this was absolutely for free.
Parents with children, even families with very small children in their arms have passed rope route that had something similar to life. My Family - My Fortress and A Sound Mind in a Sound Body - T-shirts with such message received all the participants of the tournament as a gift. The fastest participants received from the foundation certificates to visit karting, zorbing, rollerdrome and other unusual and exciting entertainment to keep the excitement for active leisure time.
Different areas for outdoor activities were open for all participants during the event. These areas embodied an ideal family entertainment: workshops on cooking delicious vegetarian food, animators played with children in the development game, kids taught how to do origami, paint fairy pictures on children happy faces. For those who had a wish to gain knowledge on how to understand each other better, we organized a lecture on the harmony of family relation and a game-“alignment”, where parents and children virtually played roles of each other.
Cohesion and the team spirit were seen even in the names of family teams, which were about 70! Brave, nice, friendly Lytsari Svitla, Simyashky, Vedmedyky,Fiksiki (name of the Snezhana Egorova team) will remain in memory of each participant for a long time.
Implementing such programs as A Sound Mind in a Sound Body, I Am a Vegetarian and The Revival of Cultural and Moral, foundation didn’t forget about such aspect of cultural activity as taking care for their health and the environment. During the event all participants had an opportunity to do yoga or attend a master class on environmental issues.
Our dream has come true! We wanted to give people an opportunity to make a choice between spending leisure time in front of the TV or spend it together in active and a funny way. And we did it! We have made it possible for everyone to spend more time with their children and beloved, friends, to learn something new together and get positive emotions! We believe that Z haty na kanaty made families stronger. Therefore, at the request of many people Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation will organize one more family holiday this summer! Parents, children and spouse will have one more day to spend it together and become happier! You can find all information on the website and on social networks Vkontakte.ru and Facebook.com
with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation would like to express appreciation to all our partners:
•Seiklar park and instructor for the support of our members
• Mosigra for a fun and educational games
• TEHPOTEH for extraordinary lectures concerning the harmony in the family.
• Oasis Yoga studio for taking care of physical and mental health of each guest.
• Veganohoolgano for cooking master-classes and tasty treats.
• Radio station Lux FM for good mood.
• Media portal Obozrevatel for informational support.
Within the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation carries out not only micro projects, but also national family, maternal and child health programs.
One of these global initiatives is the project initiated by Kremenchug and Komsomolsk administrations, which is aimed at supporting the "Heroine mothers". With great pleasure we sent 70 modern crockpots to the best Ukrainian mothers as a memorable gift.
We hope that our small contribution will help to ease the house works of merited Ukrainian women.
Ukrainian "Heroine mother" is not just a woman who raised five or more children. It's a real homemaker, faithful to her sacred duty, a gentle wife, caring mother, dear to each of us. Since the birth moment we are surrounded by love and attention of our mothers, and they made our future come true!
It is impossible to convey in words the priceless feat of Ukrainian mothers: give birth, raise a child, and give him a decent start in life. The mother is willing to sacrifice the most precious thing she has for a better future of her children! So, perhaps, no one would argue that we are all indebted to our mothers.
The importance of the honorary title "Heroine mother" is hard to overestimate - not accidentally a reward for the best of mothers is obtained directly from the President of the country. And we are very pleased with the fact that the Ukrainian so many remarkable women – the true builders of family happiness!
Of course, we will not be able to fully repay the Mothers for their invaluable sacrifice and unconditional love with material gifts only. So we have to respond our dear Mothers with affection, warmth, smiles and attention!
After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation continues to organize exciting visits to the Experimentarium museum of popular science and technology under the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event. Thanks to its interesting exhibits every visitor can "touch" the science and make a lot of new discoveries. We are pleased to note that such interactive learning is invaluable.
Bright vivid examples help children to grasp complex science material and understand its practical implementation.
In one of the earlier publications we already mentioned this unusual museum. At this time along the Foundation managers invited to Experimentarium the children from the Kuznetsov family. Our little visitors in practice saw the laws of physics, chemistry, optics, acoustics, biology, mechanics and levitation work, and also solved many scientific riddles and puzzles. As if they were real researchers the children got acquainted with optical illusions, a live micro-tornado model. They played the piano and electronic drums, measured the volume of their voices and arranged a real soap bubble show. And they also tremendously enjoyed and even laughed while passing a mirror maze in the dark!
Education can be fun and entertaining, and happy children’s faces prove it! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
As a part of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation conducts a series of visits to the rollerdrome for children from Kiev orphanages of family type. Time well-spent on a modern sports ground gives children a flow of positive emotions, teaches them to socialize and instills love to an active lifestyle. That is why our Foundation will continue to arrange days of active recreation for children, including trips to rollerdromes.
This time eight children from the Yarovy family happily skated on the roller rink. The smallest boy — Ilyusha – will remember this day forever, because he overmastered the disobedient rollers for the first time! The children's faces were shining with happiness from the fun they had, spending the day like this and because of the care they received from the Foundation staff. And this is the most important thing for us, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
In the framework of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation regularly holds children's tours . At this time the foundation pleased the children of Kiev children's family type home from the Ishchuk family, having discovered a unique world of the spherical cinema. Today there are 10 children in the family -– two own children and e eight step-children.
Family’s story is just amazing. Firstly parents made a major decisionto adopt two girls. And during the visit to the orphanage they noticed a little boy who, after being not adopted by the family, just ran behind them. This is how the Ishchuks adopted the son. And this boy had a brother, who also lived in the same orphanage , so he also was accepted to a big happy family. After a while the Ishchuks were asked to take four more children abandoned by other family-type homes. They agreed and now remember this chance, given them by fate with great joy. Our Charity Foundation appreciates responsible parents’ feat, so we decided to please them: with nice souvenirs and a visit to the cinema.
With admiration children looked at the ATMASFERA 360 theater majestic dome, where projectors broadcasted the 3D motion movie about space, planets, mysterious and fantastic travel. The video was so realistic that it seemed one could touch its unknown stars and the universe with one’s hand. Small audience not only learned about the structure of our galaxy, but also got personally acquainted with each planet. Thus, only one film combined astrology, physics and chemistry lessons. It would be great if every school in our country took this positive example.
Unique andperhaps the only Ukrainian theater of this kind is the biggest one in Europe. In addition, ATMASFERA 360 can be proud of its positive role in the development of Ukrainian society. Indeed, it raises such important l issues as “Where are we from?”, ”What is the fate of our lives?”, ”What is our purpose and place in this world?”. Not surprisingly, the children left the room satisfied and intrigued, eager to learn and make their own discoveries.
The spherical movie is a unique form of family entertainment, a fascinating journey into the exciting fantastic reality. Spend more time with your family, learn the world with your children, and in the future they will thank you for the positive experiences that you gave them!
Let's together with love in our hearts build a new world!
On April 29 glorious feast of Easter came to the students of Special educational boarding school № 18, who decided to spend this holiday together with Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. As a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo action employees of the Foundation organized a creative workshop, where together with students made out decorative Easter eggs using a "decoupage" technique. Teachers’ sincere hearts and kids’ attention helped us to conduct workshop on a higher level.
Together we chose the beautiful ornaments and started our work. Traditional Ukrainian krashanki in creative children's hands turned into bright and unusual works of art. Children got a chance to express their personality, so our holiday eggs revealed completely different styles! Some works reminded eastern fairy tale, some – the famous Faberge eggs, and someone painted the traditional Easter greetings "Christ is Risen!"
Our charity foundation promotes the development of children's creativity and enjoys working with children's institutions. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
On April 25 the solemn closing of departments of computer science and engineering, chemistry, and biology of the Ukrainian competition in defense researches of the Ukrainian Junior Academy of Sciences was held. Representatives of Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation were invited to the celebration as honorable guests. The head of the Charity Fund Natalia Kolesnik made a presentation on the $ 40,000 grant competition for the best IT-project, and handed out gifts to the young inventors.
Among the guests of the celebration were also present people who have made an invaluable contribution to the Ukrainian science and research. The President of the Junior Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Stanislav DOVGY, Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, honored worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and technology, winner of the Glushkov Prize, NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Michael ZGUROVSKY, the first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine, Major-General, Doctor of Technical Sciences Leonid KADENYUK and other distinguished guests supported the students, who devote their free time to the development of national science .
The main purpose of the event was to draw attention of entrepreneurs and sponsors to the children's inventiveness. Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation with great pleasure announced grant for the best IT-innovation, because it is the only way we can help children to realize their potential and multiply the scientific achievements of our country.
Grants are awarded in the following IT spheres:
Thematic priorities for projects of the 2013 Grants Competition are given to the training computer programs or those providing analytical information in the financial sector: it can be a service, a web-site, a game. Detailed information on the conditions of the grant may be found here: http://kondakov.ua/en/grant-best-it-project-creative-mind
Pupils are confident that humanity really need their inventions. For example, the 11-th grade student of the Information technology Lyceum of the Alexandria City Coucil, Kirovograd Region, Daniil CHEREVASHKO introduced a portable device to clear any kind of water – rain, river, etc. You can take this device on camping trips and always have on hand to clean drinking water. Also young inventors created a device for the breathing treatment, the newest way to come up with photos and videos, developed a method to eliminate the consequences of the offshore oil wells, a device for converting solar energy into thermal one, the really needed computer software and hundreds more useful innovations.
Our charity supports young inventors’ innovations, and we believe that only with love we will build a new world!
Nobody tells his neighbor: "Why do you not love me?" But, making things worthy of love himself, draws his neighbor closer to love.
St. John of Kronstadt
If we want the other people to believe us, we should live well; and if we want to be loved, we will love the others.
The Rev. Isidore Pelusiot
Our neighbor’s love to us is our hands: it depends entirely on the strength and depth of our love for the neighbor.
Reverends Varsonofy Great and John
Do not expect from the neighbors more than they can do for us. Otherwise we will be disappointed, will fabricate something nonexistent, and spoil everything.
Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky
It is impossible for anyone to get angry with his neighbor, if his heart is not lifted over him first, if he does not despise it, and does not consider himself better than him.
Abba Dorotheus
The one who possesses true love does not care if his love is appreciated or not. The sacrifice he makes loving his neighbour, he does not even remember afterwards.
Schemonk Paisios Svyatogorets
Do not seek and do not expect love from people, by all means seek and demand from yourselves love and compassion for people.
St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov
He, who has love, possesses no competition, no jealousy, no hatred, nor does he enjoy the falls of others, but sympathizes with them and takes part in them.
St. Ephraim the Syrian
In compassion there is such strong love hidden, that it is much stronger than the ordinary one. If you have compassion for another person, you begin to love him more.
Elder Paisios Svyatogorets
The mystery of love to the person starts at the very moment when we look at him or her without desire to own or by any means to use gifts or personality – but just look and marvel at the beauty of what is revealed to us.
Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky
Love can give only when it forgets about itself.
Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky
We all think that we know what love is and how to love. In fact, very often we can only feast on human relationships.
Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky
You're longing for love, want to be loved...
This is your fault, give yourself away.
You are hungry, but how will you nourish the others?
If you were fed,
Full of spiritual graceful love,
Then you would not require love, but vice versa
Would warm the others, for it is said:
"Love," and not – "Be loved."
Hieromartyr Seraphim Zvezdinsky
The basis of human culture is the knowledge of national traditions. What seems to be primitive ancient rites, ancient everyday life and folk-art preserves and passes on valuable information - history, world vision and philosophy of our wise ancestors. The valuable information (history, world vision and philosophy of our wise ancestors) is preserved and transmitted in the primitive-like ancient rites, life and folk-art. It is very important that in the multiethnic age of informational technologies children continue to discover their country’s culture.
This is why the foundation staff eagerly responded to requests of the Gyodz, Mishenko and Khutorny families (family type orphanages where 10-15 stepchildren live in one big happy family) and helped them to organize a very informative and interesting Shrovetide celebration. From 13 to 15 of March as a part of the Good Cause Every Day promo event the foundation held a series of excursions for the children in the restored "Mamaeva Sloboda" village.During an entertaining walk the children got acquainted with authentic Ukrainian life-style, architecture, religion and attended a master class in making dumplings. They were surprised that text-book notions in real life turned out to be even more interesting than computer games and walks in the yard.
The children learned about the old Cossack "mobile connection", discovered the meaning of secret decor-signs in the village houses. They were also told about the way relationships were built and people behaved in a traditional Cossack village. And then, singing merry and lyrical folk songs, all the children made a national dish – dumplings filled with meat, fish or jam, which turned to be traditional Ukrainian fertility symbol during the "Kolodiy" holiday (later – Shrovetide). The "kitchen work" was enjoyable and interesting, because cooking can be done with love, turning monotonous pastry rolling into a magic and festive ritual, as our glorious ancestors did long ago!
The foundation employees appreciate the tour guides’ enthusiasm and sincerity, which they showed while telling the children about the spiritual traditions of the functioning Cossack church and stories of unusual Ukrainian icons (sharing the spiritual traditions of the functioning Cossack church and the stories of unusual Ukrainian icons with the children.
We admire the kindness and spiritual strength of the families who organized the family-type orphanages. The foundation representatives are glad that Ukraine has so many kind and noble people, who with their own example show the society that there are no “unwanted children”! It is important to remember that the Ukrainian nation, its culture and traditions are based first of all on eternal family values. This is why Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation gladly helps such families to revive the national cultural traditions and organizes tours for those who seek knowledge and spiritual development. With love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Fund Activities of good deeds done in the framework of the program:
- The older generation - are we in the future
- The development of science and technology
- The revival of cultural and moral values
- The smile will brighten all
- In a healthy body - healthy mind
- Increase financial and computer literacy
- The road to life for every child
The results of activity for 2014:
- 19 own and 26 partner projects
- 3 projects nationwide scale
- 7 charity events
- 2 international projects in Georgia and Palestine
- 19 charity events
- 179 Ukrainian families provide targeted assistance (including 39 families - migrants from the east)
Fund Activities of good deeds done in the framework of the program:
- The older generation - are we in the future
- The development of science and technology
- The revival of cultural and moral values
- The smile will brighten all
- In a healthy body - healthy mind
- Increase financial and computer literacy
- The road to life for every child
The results of activity for 2014:
- 19 own and 26 partner projects
- 3 projects nationwide scale
- 7 charity events
- 2 international projects in Georgia and Palestine
- 19 charity events
- 179 Ukrainian families provide targeted assistance (including 39 families - migrants from the east)
- Set a record for the largest number in Ukraine while older couples dancing at the festival "Youth is dedicated to"
- To collect 20,000 more smiles in the framework of the "one million smiles"
Fund Activities of good deeds done in the framework of the program:
- The older generation - are we in the future
- The development of science and technology
- The revival of cultural and moral values
- The smile will brighten all
- In a healthy body - healthy mind
- Increase financial and computer literacy
- The road to life for every child
The results of activity for 2014:
- 19 own and 26 partner projects
- 3 projects nationwide scale
- 7 charity events
- 2 international projects in Georgia and Palestine
- 19 charity events
- 179 Ukrainian families provide targeted assistance (including 39 families - migrants from the east)
- Set a record for the largest number in Ukraine while older couples dancing at the festival "Youth is dedicated to"
- To collect 20,000 more smiles in the framework of the "one million smiles"
Fund Activities of good deeds done in the framework of the program:
- The older generation - are we in the future
- The development of science and technology
- The revival of cultural and moral values
- The smile will brighten all
- In a healthy body - healthy mind
- Increase financial and computer literacy
- The road to life for every child
The results of activity for 2014:
- 19 own and 26 partner projects
- 3 projects nationwide scale
- 7 charity events
- 2 international projects in Georgia and Palestine
- 19 charity events
- 179 Ukrainian families provide targeted assistance (including 39 families - migrants from the east)
- Set a record for the largest number in Ukraine while older couples dancing at the festival "Youth is dedicated to"
- To collect 20,000 more smiles in the framework of the "one million smiles"
- To provide linens 2,760 children in orphanages
- Submitted medication for victims in the amount of 540,678 thousand. UAH.
- To organize 53 volunteer training in different parts of Ukraine
- On the good deeds Foundation spent UAH 6,097,387
On the last day of winter on February 28 as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event employees of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation visited Kyiv boarding school number 17. The purpose of the visit was somewhat unusual - to teach the kids the art of making the popular Korean songs from a long, narrow strips of paper called "quilling".
On February 27, under the The Road to Life For Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation employees along with the "Interesting Kiev" excursion company arranged a fascinating walking tour around the Ukrainian capital Kiev for the Children sanatorium boarding school № 21.
In an interesting entertaining and playful way the children learned valuable information about the centuries-long Kiev history and discovered the secrets of the city, which the majority of native inhabitants are not even aware of.
The children were especially impressed by the famous "Landscape Alley" have caused, built in the historical center of Kiev in the early eighties of the previous century by the architect A.Miletsky. There one can find a variety of fairy-tale characters: hybrids of cats and centipedes, giant sparrows, fountains shaped like elephants fountains and many other amusing constructions. The children enjoyed having their photos taken there.
After visiting the alley the students of Kiev boarding school №21 got a chance to join in on high art by visiting the art gallery of the well-known artist Eugenia Gapchinska. Each of her paintings bears a great positive impulse which modern children need so much.
Excursion programs of Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation encourage the spiritual development of the Ukrainian nation, promote such fundamental principles as love of the historical heritage, respect for the older generation, positive mental attitude and patriotism. Spiritual recovery of the younger generation is one of the Charity Foundation’s main activities, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
With the financial support of the Konstantin Kondakov Foundation in Melitopol the tenth all-Ukrainian competitions in sport dancing. February 23 and 24 on the basis of Youth-3 to compete for the Cup of the newspaper "Vedomosti Melitopol 'representatives came to the floor 24 of the 46 cities of Ukraine dance clubs and had a real celebration of ballroom dancing. The smallest four-athletes ("super Bebik"), boys and girls under the age of 19 years and athletes in the category of "adult" demonstrated in this day their talent and professionalism.
On February 21 as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the representatives of Konstantin Kondakov’s Charity Foundation conducted origami workshops for the students of Sanatorium boarding school № 19 where children with spinal curvature study. On February 22 the children from Sviatoshinsky orphanage made amusing paper figures, and on February 26 - the students of Special boarding school № 11 for visually impaired children with profound study of artistic and aesthetic cycle did the same. How was it all happening?
After a brief description of the Japanese art history the organizers gave the children coloured paper, and a magical act of turning ordinary paper into beautiful figures began: they made original hearts, funny little green frogs, graceful swans, etc. Each participant wanted to show all their creative and artistic skills, and everyone did it pretty well.
Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation pays special attention to the wide spreading of children's origami, because this art is a unique way for children to develop spatial and logical thinking, to stimulate their creativity and the desire to invent. This is especially relevant for children with special needs.
The evening ended with traditional Japanese tea. The children received memorable gifts from the Foundation: cognitive, developmental board games and books detailing the process of creating origami - from simple to incredibly complex figures.
Making children part of traditional folk arts, believe members of the Foundation, instills in the rising generation insistent demand for creativity. The Foundation intends to keep promoting the art of origami in our country to encourage children to enquire useful skills, because with love in our hearts we are creating a new world!
Staff of the Konstantin Kondakov Foundation continue to give joy to the children. This time the lucky participants of the Road to Life for Every Child and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event were children from Special boarding school № 12 for children-orphans and those, deprived of parental care. Boarding school’s pupils have got a unique opportunity to plunge into the fabulous magical world of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago, to learn how prehistoric reptiles were raising and protecting their children.
Cartoon-makers from the U.S. and South Korea have tried to make a bright colorful cartoon, which has everything to fascinate kids’ imagination: an ultramodern time machine, and a cute newborn baby dinosaur, loving, caring Dino mother, who spending all possible efforts, gave her entire self to foster kiddies. A good cartoon teaches kids to be brave, caring and attentive to each other.
Dozens of comical situations in the movie have caused a storm of positive emotions and laughter. The kids were in awe of dinosaurs’ fun jumps, spectacular scenery of the Jurassic period, good music, and of how bravely Dino Mom defended the welfare of her family.
There is no doubt that going to the cinema, organized by the International Charitable Foundation of Konstantin Kondakov, was a true success. Besides the sea of positive impressions of the trip, the children received a correct picture of the happy family, which they will be able to create in the future. This is very important, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
Charitable Foundation of Кonstantin Kondakov thanks to:
Manager of the cinema "Oscar" Victoria Dobrovolskaya and the distribution company "Kaskad Ukraine" for help in organizing the event.
Konstantin Kondakov’s Charitable Foundation inspired students of the boarding school № 23 (Kiev) on creativity and made the children happy. In the framework of the project Road to Life for Every Child and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event charity workers have organized a trip to the third-grade art gallery "Minus 4", where there is the largest in Europe Kaleidoscope, which is included in the "Ukrainian Book of Records"
Unusual excursion produced children an unforgettable experience for children! The boys looked happily into a giant fabulous car longer than 2 meters to see the unique color pictures. Kaleidoscope’s do not repeat for 500 million years! And every child saw something special, unique and magical. Therefore impressions of the trip organized by the Konstantin Kondakov’s Charity Fund will always remain in the form of happy memories. In memory of that day pupils of the boarding school № 23 took the unusual photos of themselves in a kaleidoscope.
This tour was organized in order to develop creativity in students and create a positive attitude. From a scientific point of view, the combination of colorful patterns in a kaleidoscope gives a powerful impetus to the development of creative thinking. After gazing at pictures in a kaleidoscope, the children’s both hemispheres of the brain work together!
Moreover, Kaleidoscope helps to reduce fatigue of the optic nerve, which is particularly important for the health of today's children, who spend a lot of time studying.
Konstantin Kondakov’s Charitable Foundation thanks to:
• Oksana Yuryevna Shevchenko for a very positive and unusual excursion for students of the boarding school № 23;
• Art gallery "Minus 4" (located in the Czech restaurant "Staromak" at the address: Artem Street, 37-41, 2nd floor) for their help in organizing the project "Kaleidoscope of emotions" under the project "Road to Life for Every Child".
On February 1, 2013 the unique promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation starts – Good Cause Every Day!
Have you ever wondered how many people in our country is in need of attention and care? For the global transformation it is enough to start the day with paying attention to individuals, small groups of people, and gradually it will spread to everyone!We believe that even one grain of positivity and the right attitude to the world in a short time can give a harvest of thousands. In the framework of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event we arrange sightseeing tours, useful workshops and other educational activities for those in need – children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages, and many other members of the foundation's projects.