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The Video Providing Inspiration Is Ready!

Recently the preparation works devоted to the creation of MamoYaMalyuyu Ukrainian children’s contest promo video by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation were finished.

During it the Foundation staff hold several castings for the main video roles – the child and his mother. Of the 10 candidates who wished to participate in the project, the most talented stylish couple was selected, fully consistent with the requirements of the director and cameraman.

In addition , a major role in the selection of the best candidates openness and harmony relationships between a mother and her child played. As a gift the Foundation transferred pictures taken during the trial by a professional photographer to all casting participants. The photos full of positive emotions and inspiration will allow the casting participants to remember those nice moments forever. Soon a ready version of social video will be presented to the audience on the Internet and television.

In addition, philanthropists and a DAR – Video shooting partner are preparing an interesting surprise for the Internet audience.

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