Home(UA) ТЕНДЕР: Пошук спеціаліста розробки стратегічного плану та фандрейзингової стратегії

(UA) ТЕНДЕР: Пошук спеціаліста розробки стратегічного плану та фандрейзингової стратегії

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Благодійна організація «Міжнародний благодійний фонд ГАРНИХ СПРАВ» за підтримки ІСАР «Єднання» в рамках програми «Платформа розвитку громадянського суспільства» оголошує Тендер на постачальника: надання послуг спеціаліста по розробці стратегії розвитку організації та подальші консультації зі створення фандрейзингової стратегії організації. Для участі у тендері зацікавлені організації мають подати наступні документи: Лист зацікавленості, в якому зазначені назва організації, адреса, контактна інформація (телефон, факс, e-mail, адреса WEB-сайту), прізвище, ім’я та по-батькові контактної особи. Лист має бути підписаний та пропечатаний печаткою організації.; Резюме з прикладами успішних кейсів в даній сфері. 3. Комерційну пропозицію в гривнях у формі рахунку-фактури, пропозиції, прайс-листа, офіційного листа, тощо; завірених підписом та печаткою. та контакти відповідальної особи яка уповноважена відповідати на запитання щодо тендерної пропозиції. 4. Документи, які підтверджують відповідність технічним та кваліфікаційним вимогам. Право на здійснення підприємницької діяльності Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію юридичної особи або ФОП (Виписка з єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб та ФОП, свідоцтво про сплату єдиного податку-для ФОП) . Робота за безготівковим розрахунком Банківські реквізити Компанії, що висловили бажання взяти участь у тендері, повинні надати свої комерційні пропозиції до 17 серпня 2017 р. до 23.59 за Київським часом (дати закриття тендеру) на електронну адресу: gooddbf@gmail.com (з поміткою у темі листа «тендер по розробці стратегії і розвитку організації») Заявки, які подані пізніше, розглядатися не будуть. Рішення тендерної комісії буде оголошено 21 серпня 2017 року. Усі організації, які надали тендерні пропозиції у зазначені терміни, будуть повідомлені про прийняті рішення. Питання щодо тендеру направляйте, будь ласка, на адресу електронної пошти gooddbf@gmail.com Надавачі послуг, які подають документи на тендер, мають бути зареєстровані на порталі www.cd-platform.org Термін подачі тендерних пропозицій Четвер, 17 серпня 2017 Адреса 03040 Київ, вул Васильківска 1, оф 112 Максимальна сума тендеру (грн) 39000


Dear friends! The International Charity Foundation The Good Deeds announces a tender to select a supplier on the production of T-shirts with the logo.

Source of funding - this procurement is carried out as a part of all the programs and projects implemented by the Fund.

Description of items to purchase of goods / terms of reference for work and services

1. Women's and men's versions (all mesh sizes)
Example of womens shirt / Example of men's shirt
2. 50% cotton 50% viscose
3. Highest Quality
4. Application of corporate identity projects
5. Digital Printing: A3, A4, A5
6. Printing labels: 5x5 cm

Delivery of goods, works, services.

Within 10 days after the announcement of the winner

The expected result of the work and services

Getting services for production of T-shirts with the logo in the projects organizer of the tender.

Mandatory technical requirements for the procurement subject Documents confirming compliance with the technical requirements
Production of T-shirts with the logo. Tender offer
Appointment of a manager to work with the customer Tender offer
Payment Terms: cashless payment and the ability to pay after receiving the customer service Tender offer
Information on the cost of services (cost of services should be fixed, except for changes in the direction of decreasing during the entire period of the contract) Appendix 2


Required qualifications to the supplier of goods or the executor works and services Documents confirming compliance with the qualification requirements
Legal entity under the laws of Ukraine with experience in the requested services Certificate of state registration and information on the founders of the legal entity (an excerpt from the statute specifying the founders)
Experience in the field of services requested, documented License to carry out the relevant activity
General information about the tender participant Appendix 1


Evaluation criteria of the tender offer, which will meet mandatory specifications and qualification requirements:

Evaluation criterion

Documents confirming compliance criteria

Cost of services Appendix 2

In addition to the above mentioned documents, the tender offer should include the following documents:

  • Participation in the tender – "Tender Offer" (format attached to the tender announcement)
  • Appendix 1 to the number of bids
  • Prices, which are referred to in the Announcement and the tender offer.
  • Any other documents that you think may be useful in decision making.

The procedure for obtaining Tender documents

Form of Tender Offers may be obtained by sending a request by email info@good-deeds.ua Commercial suggestions in print: to the CO "ICF good deal" st. Red Army, 72, of. 6 fl. 10, Kyiv, 03150, (with a note to Lyakh Irini).

Terms of the Tender offer participant registration:

Participants must submit their proposals in writing, in person or by mail (courier).

All copies of documents that are included in the tender offer, must necessarily be certified by the signature party, and if the party is a legal entity, the seal and signature of the authorized person. To the bid the documents that certify the right of such person authorized to sign the tender offer (the order of appointment of a director or a power of attorney) must be added.

Provided copies of documents must be legible and of good quality.

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender proposal carries party.

The tender offer shall be not less than 12 months from the date of signing the contract.

Bids must be received by the Fund in an A4 envelope, which on the contact lines must be marked with the seal of a participant in a few places as possible to prevent unauthorized reading of the contents of the envelope to the date of disclosure of the Fund bids. If the envelope that contains the tender offer is not designed, is not sealed and marked properly, this envelope is not accepted.

If the Tender offer came after the deadline for receipt of the tender offer, then the envelope with the Tender offer shall not be disclosed by the Fund and returned to the sender.

To participate in the evaluation of the Bid Committee to approve procurement bids will be allowed to fully comply with the terms of this announcement and the Tender Offer form.

Bids will be accepted at:

Ukraine, 03150, Kyiv, str. Red Army, 72, of. 6 fl. 10, for "ICF good deal."

Acceptance of proposals submitted by the participants personally carried out from July 23 (from 09 h. 30 min. Before 18 h. 00 min.) On August 4, 2014 (from 09 h. 30 min. Before 13 hours. 00 min.) For Kyiv time.

The deadline for acceptance of the Tender offers from participants:

«04» August 2014, up to 18 hours. 00 minutes. Kyiv time.

Opening of tender offers bidders will be held:

«06» August 2014, at 15 h. 00 minutes. Kyiv time at: Ukraine, 03150, Kyiv, str. Red Army, 72, of. 6 fl. 10.

To participate in the procedure of disclosure of tender proposals is open to all participants who have submitted bids will be or their authorized representatives. Absence of a participant or his authorized representative during the procedure of disclosure of Tender offers is not grounds for refusing disclosure and review of the Tender offer.

The most economically advantageous tender offer is determined by the Committee to approve the procurement of the Fund and of the tender offer, which meet the conditions of this Announcement and the terms of the Tender offer, in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Tender offer.

Determine the winner of the procurement procedure will take place within ten (10) working days from the date of opening of tender offers with the possibility of renewal, if necessary, written verification of information contained in the tender offer, no more than three (3) days. The results of the procurement procedure will be sent to all participants not later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by proclamation on the Fund's website good-deeds.ua and send appropriate messages to bidders by mail or e-mail. The winner of the procurement procedure within three (3) days of the appointment of the winner will be sent by e-mail a written notice of the proposal acceptance.

Dear friends! The International Charity Foundation The Good Deeds announces a tender to select a supplier for printing leaflets of the Fund. Source of funding - this procurement is carried out as a part of all the programs and projects implemented by the Fund. Description of items to purchase of goods / terms of reference for work and services 1.    Notebook (250 pieces): eco-paper 13h17 cm; 100 sheets; Cover from Kraft paper; indoor unit from recycled paper; Print Cover 6 +0. Example of notebook. 2.    Folder (100): 220h300 mm; fabric is not bleached; With Velcro; Printing 5 + 0. Example of folder. 3.    Eco-pen (400): eco-pen with a cap; Printing 1 + 0. Example of eco-pen. Delivery of goods, works, services. Within 10 days after the announcement of the winner The expected result of the work and services Getting services for production and printing of souvenirs fund projects organizer of the tender.
Mandatory technical requirements for the procurement subject Documents confirming compliance with the technical requirements
Printing Fund’s leaflets Tender offer
Appointment of a manager to work with the customer Tender offer
Payment Terms: cashless payment and the ability to pay after receiving the customer service Tender offer
Information on the cost of services (cost of services should be fixed, except for changes in the direction of decreasing during the entire period of the contract) Appendix 2
Required qualifications to the supplier of goods or the executor works and services Documents confirming compliance with the qualification requirements
Legal entity under the laws of Ukraine with experience in the requested services Certificate of state registration and information on the founders of the legal entity (an excerpt from the statute specifying the founders)
Experience in the field of services requested, documented License to carry out the relevant activity
General information about the tender participant Appendix 1
  Evaluation criteria of the tender offer, which will meet mandatory specifications and qualification requirements:

Evaluation criterion

Documents confirming compliance criteria

Cost of services Appendix 2
In addition to the above mentioned documents, the tender offer should include the following documents:
  • Participation in the tender – "Tender Offer" (format attached to the tender announcement)
  • Appendix 1 to the number of bids
  • Prices, which are referred to in the Announcement and the tender offer.
  • Any other documents that you think may be useful in decision making.
Customer officials entitled to communicate with the participants The procedure for obtaining Tender documents The form of the Tender Offer to be sent to the email address info@good-deeds.ua Commercial offers in hard copy should be sent at the International Charity Foundation The Good Deeds, Krasnoarmeyskaya str, 72, floor 10, room 6, Kiev 03150 Terms of the Tender offer participant registration: Participants must submit their proposals in writing, in person or by mail (courier). All copies of documents that are included in the tender offer, must necessarily be certified by the signature party, and if the party is a legal entity, the seal and signature of the authorized person. To the bid the documents that certify the right of such person authorized to sign the tender offer (the order of appointment of a director or a power of attorney) must be added. Provided copies of documents must be legible and of good quality. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender proposal carries party. The tender offer shall be not less than 12 months from the date of signing the contract. Bids must be received by the Fund in an A4 envelope, which on the contact lines must be marked with the seal of a participant in a few places as possible to prevent unauthorized reading of the contents of the envelope to the date of disclosure of the Fund bids. If the envelope that contains the tender offer is not designed, is not sealed and marked properly, this envelope is not accepted. If the Tender offer came after the deadline for receipt of the tender offer, then the envelope with the Tender offer shall not be disclosed by the Fund and returned to the sender. To participate in the evaluation of the Bid Committee to approve procurement bids will be allowed to fully comply with the terms of this announcement and the Tender Offer form. Bids will be accepted at: Ukraine 03150, Kyiv, Krasnoarmeyskaya, 72, floor 10, room 6. Acceptance of proposals – "21" July 2014 - from 09 h. 30 min. before 13 hours. 00 min.) Kiev time. The deadline for acceptance of the Tender offers from participants: «01» August 2014, up to 18 hours. 00 minutes. Kiev time. Opening of tender offers bidders will be held: «04» August 2014, at 15 h. 00 minutes. Moscow time at: Ukraine, 03150, Kyiv, str. Red Army, 72, of. 6 fl. 10. To participate in the procedure of disclosure of tender proposals is open to all participants who have submitted bids will be or their authorized representatives. Absence of a participant or his authorized representative during the procedure of disclosure of Tender offers is not grounds for refusing disclosure and review of the Tender offer. The most economically advantageous tender offer is determined by the Committee to approve the procurement of the Fund and of the tender offer, which meet the conditions of this Announcement and the terms of the Tender offer, in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Tender offer. Determine the winner of the procurement procedure will take place within ten (10) working days from the date of opening of tender offers with the possibility of renewal, if necessary, written verification of information contained in the tender offer, no more than three (3) days. The results of the procurement procedure will be sent to all participants not later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by proclamation on the Fund's website good-deeds.ua and send appropriate messages to bidders by mail or e-mail. The winner of the procurement procedure within three (3) days of the appointment of the winner will be sent by e-mail a written notice of the proposal acceptance.
Tender Offer Appendix 1 Appendix 2


Dear friends! ICF THE GOOD DEEDS (hereinafter - the "Fund" ) announces a tender to select a supplier for printing leaflets of the Fund.

Source of funding - this procurement is carried out as a part of all the programs and projects implemented by the Fund.


Description of items to purchase of goods / terms of reference for work and services

  • Sample Layout link
  • Booklet: 592h210mm;
  • Quantity: 5000.
  • Paper weight: 200 g / m;
  • Printing: 4+4;
  • Matt lamination 1+1;
  • Selective varnish : 1+1;
  • Embossing : 1+1;
  • Joint forming.

Delivery of goods, works, services.

Within 10 days after the announcement of the winner

The expected result of the work and services

Getting the services of printing leaflets fund projects of the tender’s organizer.


Mandatory technical requirements for the procurement subject Documents confirming compliance with the technical requirements
Printing Fund’s leaflets Tender offer
Appointment of a manager to work with the customer Tender offer
Payment Terms: cashless payment and the ability to pay after receiving the customer service Tender offer
Information on the cost of services (cost of services should be fixed, except for changes in the direction of decreasing during the entire period of the contract) Appendix 2


Required qualifications to the supplier of goods or the executor works and services Documents confirming compliance with the qualification requirements
Legal entity under the laws of Ukraine with experience in the requested services Certificate of state registration and information on the founders of the legal entity (an excerpt from the statute specifying the founders)
Experience in the field of services requested, documented License to carry out the relevant activity
General information about the tender participant Appendix 1


Evaluation criteria of the tender offer, which will meet mandatory specifications and qualification requirements:

Evaluation criterion

Documents confirming compliance criteria

Cost of services Appendix 2

In addition to the above mentioned documents, the tender offer should include the following documents:

  • Participation in the tender – "Tender Offer" (format attached to the tender announcement)
  • Appendix 1 to the number of bids
  • Prices, which are referred to in the Announcement and the tender offer.
  • Any other documents that you think may be useful in decision making.

Customer officials entitled to communicate with the participants

The procedure for obtaining Tender documents


Commercial offers in hard copy should be sent at the ICF THE GOOD DEEDS

72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150

Terms of the Tender offer participant registration:

Participants must submit their proposals in writing, in person or by mail (courier).

All copies of documents that are included in the tender offer, must necessarily be certified by the signature party, and if the party is a legal entity, the seal and signature of the authorized person. To the bid the documents that certify the right of such person authorized to sign the tender offer (the order of appointment of a director or a power of attorney) must be added.

Provided copies of documents must be legible and of good quality.

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender proposal carries party.

The tender offer shall be not less than 12 months from the date of signing the contract.

Bids must be received by the Fund in an A4 envelope, which on the contact lines must be marked with the seal of a participant in a few places as possible to prevent unauthorized reading of the contents of the envelope to the date of disclosure of the Fund bids. If the envelope that contains the tender offer is not designed, is not sealed and marked properly, this envelope is not accepted.

If the Tender offer came after the deadline for receipt of the tender offer, then the envelope with the Tender offer shall not be disclosed by the Fund and returned to the sender.

To participate in the evaluation of the Bid Committee to approve procurement bids will be allowed to fully comply with the terms of this announcement and the Tender Offer form.

Bids will be accepted at: Ukraine 01004, Kyiv, Krasnoarmeyskaya, 32, room 2.

Acceptance of proposals – from 09:30 to 18:00 ("31" of January 2014 - from 09:30 to 13:00), Kiev time.

The deadline for acceptance of the Tender offers from participants:

"31" in January 2014 , 18:00 Moscow time.

Opening of tender offers bidders will be held:

"03" in February 2014 at 15:00 Kyiv time at:

72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150

To participate in the procedure of disclosure of tender proposals is open to all participants who have submitted bids will be or their authorized representatives. Absence of a participant or his authorized representative during the procedure of disclosure of Tender offers is not grounds for refusing disclosure and review of the Tender offer.

The most economically advantageous tender offer is determined by the Committee to approve the procurement of the Fund and of the tender offer, which meet the conditions of this Announcement and the terms of the Tender offer, in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Tender offer.

Determine the winner of the procurement procedure will take place within ten (10) working days from the date of opening of tender offers with the possibility of renewal, if necessary, written verification of information contained in the tender offer, no more than three (3) days. The results of the procurement procedure will be sent to all participants not later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by proclamation on the Fund's website good-deeds.ua and send appropriate messages to bidders by mail or e-mail. The winner of the procurement procedure within three (3) days of the appointment of the winner will be sent by e-mail a written notice of the proposal acceptance.


ICF THE GOOD DEEDS (hereinafter - Foundation) announced a tender for the development of a new functional web-site. Expected result – getting services for the development of a new functional web-site of the Foundation in three languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian and English), and its start. Conditions on Requirements Description: The need to develop a new web-site for the Foundation: design, functional configuration, the transfer of materials from the last version of the web-site, launch. After testing, it will be necessary to share a detailed review of the web-site functioning with the administrator of web project. Visualization: a new web-site must retain corporate colors of the foundation and take into account all the expectations of a customer. Technical requirements (details):
  • CMS - the official release without "hacking" and self "updates". Easy to use system which does not require the presence of the developer.
  • High-speed operation of the proposed CMS, easy to edit templates and the small size of the original database.
  • The upgrade CMS option is a must, self- inclusion of additional modules and functionality.
  • No frames.
  • Functionality of the old version of the site should be preserved and expanded with additional plug-ins, providing maximum ergonomics .
  • The content of the old version of the site should be moved to the new preserving the logic of its presentation.
  • The new site should provide the ability of using the existing banners of the Foundation.
  • The site should be equally suitable for viewing on a desktop, and on mobile devices. Design - "flexible", adapts to the user's monitor resolution .
  • The pages should contain Breadcrumbs navigation.
  • Each page of the site should be no more than three "clicks" from the root directory.
Tender started: November, 1, 2013 Tender deadline: December, 6, 2013 According to the tender there must be a possibility of including / excluding technical advice during the Scope Statements negotiation with the direct performer. Please send your tender proposals at info@good-deeds.ua We are always glad to cooperate with professionals!


ICF THE GOOD DEEDS announces the Transportation Services Tender.

This offer is valid within all the programs and projects of the Charity. Expected result - obtaining transportation services within the projects of the Tender’s holder.

For the winner/performer - high and timely remuneration.

Terms of transportation services according to the Tender requirements:

  1. The company must appoint a manager to work with the customer.
  2. The customer pays the company upon completion of the services. Non-cash payment accepted.

3.       The cost of services shall be fixed. An exception is made if the cost may be changed during the whole period of the contract validity.

4.       The contractor shall be a legal entity with experience in the field of the required services and document its experience.

The documents that you need to provide for participation in the Tender:

1.       The completed "Tender Offer" form with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

2.       Certificate of state registration of your company.

3.       An extract from the charter of the organization and its founders.

4.      Operating license.

Please send the hard copies of the documents, signed and sealed at:

72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150

The deadline for submitting the tender applications – July 17, 2013, 13:00.

The winners of the Tender will be announced on July 19, 2013.


The announcement of the procurement procedure (hereinafter - "Announcement")

ICF THE GOOD DEEDS (hereinafter – the "Foundation") announces tenders for the purchase of bedding and items for sleep and rest.

Source of funding – this procurement is carried out within the programs and projects implemented by the Foundation for the orphans support.

Description of goods for purchase: bed linen, mattress, pillow, blanket, etc.

Required specifications of goods: proof of compliance with technical requirements.

Required qualifications of the goods supplier:

·         proof of compliance with the qualification requirements;

·         the right to conduct business;

·         certificate of state registration of the legal entity or FLP (Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Sole, proof of payment for a single tax-FLP);

·         bank details;

·         work on bank wire transfers.

The composition of the tender offer:

  1. The tender offer in the form of invoices, offers, price list, a formal letter, and so on.
  2. Documents confirming compliance with the technical and qualification requirements.
  3. Also, please add to your tender offer any other documents that you think may be useful for evaluating the proposal (for example, letters of recommendation, etc.).

Composition rules for the participant’s tender offer: 

Participants must submit their proposals in writing, in person or by mail.

All copies of any documents must be included in the tender offer, authenticated by the signature of the participant, and if a participant is a legal person, the seal and signature of the authorized person are required. The tender offer must be accompanied by documents certifying the right of the person authorized to sign the tender offer (the order of appointment of a director or a power of attorney).

Applications will be accepted at: 72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150

Acceptance of proposals submitted by the participants in person, is Monday through Friday, 8:00-16:00 Kyiv time.

The deadline for submitting applications from participants: August, 28, 2013, 16:00. Kyiv time.

Methods of election:

At first the Committee on approving the purchase of the Organizer chooses among the submitted tender the best ones, relevant to the technical, qualification and other requirements of the procurement subject and supplier, which are contained in this announcement. From the chosen bids the Committee on approving the purchase of the Organizer elects the competitive bidding tender offer with the lowest price and the participant who has submitted a tender bid is declared the winner of the bidding.

The determination of the procurement procedure winner will take place within five (5) working days since the date of bids opening with the possibility of this term renewal in case the written verification of the information contained in the tender offers is required, but no more than 5 days. The results of the procurement procedure will be delivered to all participants no later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by sending appropriate messages to all the participants of competitive bidding by mail or email.

Provided copies of the documents must be legible and of good quality.

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender offer is carried by the participant.

Validity period of the tender offer shall be no less than 60 calendar days since the date of bids opening.

Bids must be placed in an A4 size envelope, which at the contact lines must be marked with the participant’s seal in several locations to prevent unauthorized reading the contents of the envelope prior to the date of the organization tenders disclosure.

If the tender offer is received after the deadline, the envelope with the tender offer is left untouched, and goes back to the sender.

Opening of tender offers bidders will be held: August 29, 2013, at 15:30 Kiev time at: 72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.

The participation in the disclosure of bids is open to all participants who have submitted bids or to their authorized representatives. The absence of a participant or his authorized representative during the procedure of disclosure of tender offers does not mean refusal of disclosure or consideration of the tender offer.

The most economically advantageous tender offer is determined by the Committee to approve the purchase by the Fund of bids that meet the criteria of this announcement.

Determine the winner of the procurement procedure will take place within ten (10) days from the date of opening of bids with the possibility of renewal as required written verification of the information contained in the tender offers, not more than five (5) days.

The results of the procurement procedure will be communicated to all participants no later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by posting on the Fund's website

good-deeds.ua and by giving notice to bidders by mail or email.

The winner of the procurement procedure within 3 days of the determination of the winner will be sent by e-mail with a written notice of acceptance of his proposal.


ICF THE GOOD DEEDS (hereinafter - the Charity Foundation) announces a tender for the development of three-dimensional animated presentation of the Foundation to be located on the site.

Expected result - getting services on the development of the three-dimensional animated presentation of the foundation web-site within the tender organizer’s projects.

Terms and Conditions

Duration of presentation: 2.00 - 2.30 min.

Description: The presentation must be done in the form of a colorful 3D-animation, using materials from the Foundation projects.

Visualization: the presentation should be made on the post production in the form of three-dimensional animation (3D-cartoon). The result files’ format - the movie (. avi,. mpg) plus flash movie (.swf, .flv). Your video has to be voiced professionally, a studio-like audio track.

Technical characteristics:

The documents that you need to provide to participate in the tender:

1.       The completed "Tender Offer" form with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

2.       An extract from the Unified State Register proving the registration of your company.

3.       An extract from the organization charter pointing out its founder, certified by signature and a seal of the company.

Please send your signed and sealed documents in a printed form to the

72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150

The deadline for submitting the tender applications - October 1, 2013 to 13:00.

The tender winners will be announced on October 4, 2013 at the foundation's Web site.

Details on the conditions of participation and registration of tender offers

"Tender Offer" Blank 

Appendix 1

Appendix 2