The Ready for School!" project is organized be the Good Deeds ICF within the framework of the "Road to Life for Every Child" program. Having a great experience of organization and implementation of such social initiative in 2013, when representatives of the Foundation gave stationary kits for multi-child families, it was decided to help raise to school children of refugees.
Relevance of the Project
According to the Ministry of Social Policy: there are more than 160,000 children of immigrants and most of them are pupils. Having appeared in another city families of refugees, especially their children need help. Especially now, at the beginning of the new academic year.
Before the Day of Knowledge parents usually buy everything for children they may need during the school year. Unfortunately, those families who had to leave their hometowns often cannot afford to fully prepare their children to school, buy everything they need, including stationery.
Objective of the project:
On the eve of September the 1st to raise money and buy school clothes and shoes, backpacks and stationery for the children of immigrants from the east of Ukraine.
Date: July 1, 2015 - nowadays
Location of the Project: Kiev
Status: Active
Target audience: people of all ages and social categories.
Results of the project:
- Collected funds for purchase of school uniforms for children of immigrants;
- Collected funds for purchase of sports equipment for children of immigrants;
- Collected funds for purchase of shoes for children of immigrants;
- Collected funds for purchase of necessary office equipment for children of immigrants;
- Purchased all things and stationery required for the start of school season;
- Stationery and clothes transferred to the families of refugees from the East of our country.
"Krepatura" Fest is a Festival of new generation where you will find all evidences that a full and happy life is not possible without sports. This is not just a sporting event, it is a push that will help many people to change their habits in favor of the daily activity.
Relevance of the Project
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. For them sport is life, but our fellow citizens often become depressed while thinking about sports.
We will prove that you can play sports all day and ... survive!
Objectives of the Project
- Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and exercises,
- Forming the habit to play sports since childhood,
- Organization of outdoor activities for youth,
- Promotion of healthy holiday traditions in the family,
- Consolidation of active citizens of Ukraine.
Location of the Project: Kiev
Date: August 8, 2015
Status of the Project: active.
Target Audience: inhabitants of our planet of any age, social and weight categories.
Scope of the project: 10 thousand people
Results of the project:
- Familiarize people with an alternative to passive time spending
- Familiarize people with the number of sports clubs and schools
- Sports competitions among ordinary people
- Game zone for children
Description of the Project
The “Turn Your Life On” project was specifically organized to make everyone creator of his or her own life, and make life itself brighter and more colorful by conducting rehabilitative trainings and courses of positive webinars that will help a person to develop good habits, become healthier, awake motivation in life, faith in oneself.
Course of webinars consists of 4 blocks, 3 webinar in each course:
- Healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle
- Leadership
- Influence of thoughts on human health
- How to get out of crisis?
Course of a webinar aims to pull person out of desperation, as well as give people knowledge and helpful tips, the use of which will help to get out from crisis and start a new life in a positive manner.
Relevance of the project
The unstable situation in the country significantly affects the level and quality of people's lives. As a result, more and more human are depressed and are in decadent mood. However, this is not a reason to get discouraged and depressed, because a human's life does not depend on the circumstances, and especially on ones thoughts, actions and perception of the world. And the best thing you can do to overcome the crisis is to continue the movement, learning and bringing your thinking to a new level.
The project aims to help people find the right way, to learn to live consciously, to think positively and make themselves and the world better. The aim of the project is not only to inform, but also to teach, because the course is conducted by the best psychologists and experts in the field of coaching, healthy lifestyle and healthy diet. The project is free of charge.
Aims of the project
- Formation of a positive perception of the world and good habits;
- Increasing of self-belief and expansion of inner freedom;
- Increasing a responsibility of people for their actions and deeds;
- Acceptance of oneself and the world, increasing the motivation to conscious happy life.
Audience of the project
People aged 24 to 65 who are in difficult circumstances and who want to change their lives for the better, improve their health and start living consciously (socially disadvantaged people, displaced people)
Geography of the project: Ukraine.
Dates: March 20, 2015 - June 1, 2015.
Status of the project: active.
Scope of the project: up to 1,000 people.
IMPORTANT: The project is apolitical and does not support any side in the political opposition. On the webinars are not discussed topics of patriotism and aggression. Also, the project does not promote any religion, is not engaged in the promotion of commercial and non-profit organizations, does not impose or suggest the use of medicines, dietary supplements and other medi
Centre for Social Initiatives "Making the world a better place"
Description of the Project Centreof Social Initiatives is a project aimed to create conditions for the effective implementation of social programs in Ukraine, as well as training and education of young people who want to join the volunteer movement in Ukraine. Relevance of the project Active participation in social life is now one of the main qualities of today's youth. However, many of them do not know how to organize themselves, volunteer movement and social initiatives. So we decided to create a resource that will help youth to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience, which can be used in the future in the social sphere. Objectives of the project - Motivation of young people to social activity; - Implementation of educational programs and technologies; - Assistance in the implementation of social initiatives of the youth of our country. Partners: Centres of Social Initiatives for Families, Children and Youth; ICF Help young Geography of the project: Ukraine. Date: February 5, 2014 till now. Project status: active. Audience: school childrens, students. Project coverage: up to 500 people.
The team of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation is concerned with issues of environment protection and preservation of our planet for the future generations. Indeed, rapid development of human civilization leads to the destruction of the planet that is our only home in the universe.
We believe that ecological lifestyle aimed at nature conservation will help in resolving environmental issue in our country and all around the world.
Therefore, within the Development of Science and Technology program, we organized a nationwide environmental grant competition EcoNation!
The Purpose of the Contest:
With the help of the project, our team wants to positively change the environmental situation in the world and promote the development of scientific potential of young scientists in the field of environmental protection and environmental activities.
To participate in competition are invited pupils, students, researchers, IT-specialists and not indifferent to the protection of nature people.
Objectives of the Competition:
Requirements for Contest Works:
The competition consists of 2 blocks: IT-startups and scientific/practical inventions.
Age of Participants: from 15 to 85 years.
The Grant Amount Varies:
Team projects:
Winner among single works receives a grant from the competition partner.
The Key Criteria for Project Selection are:
To Participate You Need to:
The Decision to Support the Project Accepts: by advisory council, composed of independent scientists, programmers and specialists in social sphere.
The winner will be announced no sooner than 30 working days after the deadline.
Structure of the «EcoNation» Project:
From the 1st day of each month will start additional activity. (Stay tuned for news on the web-site and in social networks)
If necessary (at the request of participants) will be held webinars and trainings. Will be sent explanatory letters and useful information. Stay tuned for news on the website and in social network.
Implemented within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program
Purpose: sharing of considerable participation experience in high-level competitions, improving sport skills of young athletes and strengthening of international relations, cooperating of self-team players as athletes, promoting healthy living among all age groups of the population.
- organizing the trip to the international tournament Subroto Mukherjee Cup Football Tournament, New Delhi, India
- helping with the accommodation and food to FC "Troyeshchina" during the tournament;
- representing Ukraine and the FC "Troyeshchina" and sharing of experience internationally.
Partners: Indian Embassy in Ukraine, sponsors and private persons.
Geography of the Project: New Delhi, India.
Implementation period: 1-18.10.2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Results: the FC "Troyeshchina" won a consistent victory in the three initial games, winning three matches between teenagers (age group U-17).
Implemented under the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program
Purpose: Promotion of human values in families, education, development of the child's personality, standards of living; development of artistic photography in Ukraine; making the opportunities for women for self-realization; search for new talented authors in the field of art photography; expansion of international relations of the Ukrainian art photography.
Objectives: To create a photo project of the exhibition and promote it in Ukraine and abroad, to popularize Ukrainian photography and humanistic values in matters of family, education, individual development of the child.
Partners: various photographic associations of people.
Geography of the Project: Kiev Gallery "House Nicholas" (Kiev Palace of Children and Youth)
Implementation period: 03.06.2014.
Resonance: up to 1,500 people.
Results: exhibition of selected photographs in a series of photo exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, print catalogs, mailing catalogs to all participants of the studio, support the web pages of the studio.
Implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program.
Purpose: To support gifted child from an ordinary family to take part in the final national shortlisting of the children's song contest "Eurovision 2014".
Objectives: Participate in the final, as well as in the public events of the final shortlisting of the International Children's Song Contest "Eurovision 2014", present Kiev city and Ukraine as a whole, give the possibility for young talented artists to express their patriotic position, to distribute informational and artistic space of Ukrainian culture in the world.
Partners: initiative teachers who develop skills of the gifted boy Denis Frolov, information support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports, the support of volunteers from the Creative Union "PRODIS".
Geography of the Project: International Children's Center "Artek-Carpathians", Ukraine.
Implementation period: from 28.07.2014 to 09.08.2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Results: This project as a creative step for talented boy.
Implemented within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program
- To promote healthy living among all age groups of the population;
- To support NPO who is working in the field of athletics in the Danube region;
- To develop the material and technical basis for running local and regional sporting events in athletics and other sports.
Objectives: The successful running of the 15th International Marathon "Golden Autumn".
Partners: PO "Ismail club of runners" Suvorovets ", Department of Family, Youth and Sports of Izmail City Council.
Geography of the Project: Izmail, Odessa region, Ukraine.
Implementation period: September 28, 2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Results: The event will enhance friendly relations between athletes and representatives of regional and international sports clubs runners.
Implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation provided participation of 40 members of a unique choir from the Gulak-Artemovsky Music College (Cherkassy) in the international competition «The International Choral Competition Pimini 2014».
Purpose: To encourage the younger generation towards the environment of cultural values, to the choral art, the formation of consciousness and self-knowledge for the development of the youth culture of the nation.
Objectives: preparation of choir: the acquisition of repertoire, making costumes (classical and Ukrainian), creating an image of the team, the stage director's work with performers.
Partners: Gulak-Artemovsky Music College administration, Sozvezdie XXI Charitable Foundation,Interhim Pharmaceutical company.
Geography of the Project: Rimini, Italy.
Implementation period: from 25.09.2014 to 29.09.2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Results: the choir team took second place in the 8 International Choir Competition «The International Choral Competition Pimini 2014".
Implemented within the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program
Improvement of the environmental situation in the country and preparation of youth to create a professional movie.
- To raise awareness of Ukrainians in the ecology;
- To draw filmgoers together, glorifying their own state;
- To give the chance for young people to realize their dreams and projects for environmental film and not only;
- To initiate constructive reserves of young and creative people in music and design.
Objectives: Educating young people of cultural sensitivity, morality and national dignity, learning how to create a movie and see the smiling faces. The focus of the man, the man who created the world!
Partners: empathic businessmen.
Geography of the Project: Poltava, Ukraine.
Implementation period: 27.09-28.09.2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Results: Implementation of the destruction of the environmental problems in Ukraine or a significant weakening due to the popularization of environmental films.
Implemented within the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program
The project is expected to film (clip) on the song of «GIMN MOLODUM».
Purpose: This project will contribute to: a change in young people's attitudes to their rest, rethinking our values, raise the spirit of unity and positive thinking.
Objectives: Show modern youth of Ukraine - an active, athletic, positive, extreme, well-mannered, open, conscious. Create a youth anthem and its visualization that would portray the state of the soul, delight and values of today's young Ukrainians.
Partners: SHEI "Ukrainian Academy of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine."
Geography of the Project: Sumy, Ukraine.
Implementation period: 13.09.2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
- After watching the video, everyone have to revive spirits;
- Clip will encourage children and youth to a healthy sporting lifestyle;
- This video will give an understanding of the unity of the Ukrainian youth, then sport, music, art have always been the unifiers;
- Young people have its own anthem that cheers up.
Implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program.
Purpose: To achieve 40 children’s dream from boarding schools of Chernihiv region and organize high-quality, meaningful leisure activity, during which the children will receive practical skills that will help them in individual life.
It is in the camp of "Skautvill" (Kyiv region), a special program developes in the form of training and action games, where children from boarding schools will be able to gain required knowledge.
- Create an effective and practical environment that will help teenagers in preparation for individual life;
- Teach and make an efficient use of its own resources;
- Develop an effective model of teenager’s communication;
- Develop the skills to work in a team;
- Stimulate the creativity of the project participants;
- Activate individual leadership skills and abilities;
- Encourage active participants in the project.
Partners: the magazines "Edinstvenaya" and "Good parents"
Geography of the Project: Kiev region, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky district, the territory of "Summer tent camp" Skautvill"
Implementation period: from 17.07.2014 to 31.07.2014.
Resonance: 40 children.
Results: The knowledge and skills help children to fulfill their potential and find their place in adult life after leaving the orphanage.
Implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program.
Purpose: Restoration of cultural traditions and family values in rural areas.
- will be organized a holiday to the International Children's Day involving children from socially disadvantaged families and families of privileged categories, gifted and talented young people to revive cultural traditions and family values in rural areas;
- Invite the children and adults to visit our holiday.
Partners: Public Organization Vozrozhdenie of Donetsk region.
Geography of the Project: Nikolaev rural house of culture, Mykolaivka, Donetsk region.
Implementation period: June 2, 2014.
Resonance: 100 - 300 people.
Implemented within the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program.
- integration of Ukrainian culture into the European space (France);
- creating conditions for Ukrainians, in which they can feel their individuality.
- implement visit to France members of the Ukrainian public organizationAssociation of modern and pop dance of Ukraine;
- present a positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians by personal acquaintance and direct communication between French representatives and youth of Ukraine;
Partners: Municipality of Paris, Ukrainian School of Arts in Paris, Association Prostir Mozhlivostey (Paris), French Institute in Ukraine, Embassy of France in Ukraine, Kiev Boris Grinchenko University, French Association Centre of France-Ukraine Relations.
Geography of the Project: France - Paris, Messhers-sur-Gironde.
Implementation period: June 24 - July 22, 2014.
Resonance: unlimited
Implemented within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program.
- promotion of dance sports classes between children and youth;
- promoting of healthy lifestyles and harmonization of gender relations in our society.
- qualitative organization of the Ukrainian Championship in sport dancing in 2014 to determine the best pairs in all age categories in both standard and Latin-American programs;
- conducting training camps for the members of the national team of Ukraine for sports dance with invited world's leading trainers.
Partners: National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine (NUPESU), Ministry for Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Geography of the Project: Ukraine, Kiev.
Implementation period: June 11-15, 2014.
Resonance: unlimited.
Implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program.
- to change the attitude of school children to themselves and the world through the realization of their creative, communication and leadership skills by participating in the Children Festival;
- to present Ukrainian dance culture at the International level.
- Organize a trip to Greece, to Paralia-Catherine;
- Participate in the festival and get festival awards;
Partners: Charity organization the Lingvik - 267 Charity Fund.
Geography of the Project: Greece, Paralia-Catherine.
Implementation period: from 06.19.2014 to 30.06.2014.
Resonance: 30 students + audience of the festival at Paralia-Catherine and other participants from different countries.
Implemented within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program.
Purpose: - to participate in the competition, which will be the first chance for young rowers to shine at National level. These are the first steps in a great sporting future.
- travel of the youth team Lokomotiv (13 athletes and 2 coaches) to the All-Ukrainian Rowing and Canoeing Championship among boys and girls 1998 – 1999, 2000 – 2001 age groups;
- fight for the medals;
- promote healthy lifestyle among young people;
- develop and promote boating and canoeing.
Partners: private entrepreneurs.
Geography of the Project: Zaporizhzhya, Kovel, Ukraine
Implementation period: 24.06 - 29.06.2014.
Number of people who will be covered by the project (resonance) is not limited.
Implemented under the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program.
Purpose: changing attitudes of children from11 to15 years about themselves and the world through the understanding of the creative, communication and leadership skills through participation in music camps planned for spring and summer in Irpen (Kiev), Kiev, Lviv and Stry (Lviv region). Objectives: - organize and conduct 4 music camps in 4 cities of Ukraine in the May-June period for 920 children. 5 - day rehearsals in every city, working with teachers, lessons on 10 musical instruments and choir (singing of 5 languages) and 4 concerts accompanied by a professional symphony orchestra. Partners: local business, civil society, the media (through co-operation with the Ukrainian Association of Community Foundations of Ukraine), media partnerships. Geography: All Ukraine Implementation period: 1) April 21-25 in Irpin (170 children) 2) 27 April -3 May in Lviv (200 children) 3) June 1-6 in Striy(250 children) 4) 8-13 June in Kiev (300 children) Rresonance: unlimited.Realized in the framework of the Fund "A healthy body - healthy mind"
Project geography: Ukraine, Kyiv, park "Friendship of Peoples" (Extreme Park)
Implementation period: 31.05-01.06.2014
Purpose and objectives:
Resonance: Unlimited.
Implemented within the framework of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program
Purpose: To promote healthy living among all age groups of the population, bodybuilding and fitness, patriotic education of the younger generation, introduce young people to sport.
Objectives: preparing athletes for competition of high-level, social development of Kirovograd’s and Kirovograd region’s gyms.
Geography of the Project: Kirovograd, Ukraine.
Implementation period: 19.10.14-22.10.14.
Resonance: 850 people.
Results: various bodybuilding and fitness competitions and tournament have been successfully held.
As stated on the website of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, childrens way of life in the structure of the factors influencing the formation of the state of health of more than 50%. That is to improve the health of school children it is essential to involve them in an active lifestyle. It badminton can be a catalyst for revitalization of life and means to improve the health of school children.
Project geography: Kharkiv.
Implementation period: May 2014.
Purpose and objectives:
Resonance: 900 students.
The final stage of the MamoYaMalyuyu competition was held as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program. As organizers promised the finalist received a gift painted on the facade according to the winner’s sketch drawing. Miroslava Palyuchenko – the author of the drawing with dreams now can proudly show her friends how dreams may come true. In honor of the front of the house opening the charity foundation conducted a cognitive activity with gifts for the participants.
Project location: Nezhyn.
Implementation period: 24.05.2014.
Purpose and objectives:
Resonance: 2,000 people.
The project includes a series of large-scale events dedicated Victory Day on May 9.
Among them - the concert for veterans at the Kiev Institute of Co-operative Business and Law, celebration for war veterans, war children, families of the victims in Kiev and Brovary; laying flowers at the eternal flame in Belaya Tserkov, also volunteers gave flowers and leaflets to war veterans in Ukrainka city.
Project location: Kyiv city, Brovary, Belaya Tserkov, Ukrainka city.
Implementation period: 7-9.05.2014.
Purpose and objectives:
Target audience: 370 people: war veterans, children of war, the war victims' families.
Resonance: unlimited.
Implemented as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Valuesprogram.
National Institute for the Gifted Child Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in the framework of a joint project with the National Center " Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine " and FM MST "Quasar" , a national team was selected and participants of the XX International Conference «ICYS -2014» were prepared .
ICYS International Conference is the kind of individual competitions in physics, mathematics , computer science and ecology for children from 14 to 18 years.
Project location: Belgrade (Serbia).
Implementation period: 17-23.04.2014.
Purpose: support the participants of the International Conference of Young Researchers ICYS -2014, who will protect on the international level not only their own scientific results, but also the scientific image of Ukraine.
Objective: to represent Ukraine at the International Conference of Young Researchers ICYS -2014 and create a stable motivation to scientific creativity.
Target audience: 5 people (3 students – the winners of the national stage of the ICYS - Ukraine competition and two Ukrainian research team supervisors).
Resonance: unlimited.
Implemented as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Valuesprogram. In Ukraine there are many ancient traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. However, today's young people and children have very different values and do not always feel interested in the history of the country. One of the oldest traditions is Happy Easter, a family holiday of love and joy.
For children the meaning of the word "Easter" is not very clear, and parents do not always know how to acquaint the child with age-old traditions.
Project location: Ukraine, Donetsk region.
Implementation period: 16-22.04.2014.
Purpose: To increase the involvement level of children and youth in Ukrainian culture, promoting love for culture, traditions, rituals, creating conditions for intellectual self-improvement of children and youth, personal creative development through Easter Festival.
Target audience: Residents of Yasinovataya, Donetsk region:
Resonance: 1000 people.
Project location: Kiev, Kiev, Zhitomir, Khmelnitsky, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi region.
Implementation period: 16.04.2014.
Purpose and objectives:
Target audience: children of social category, volunteers of public organizations.
Resonance: 3000 children.
Conducting Organization of Volunteers in Melitopol training seminar among the representatives of public organizations as a part of the Making the World Better program by the Center for Social Initiatives.
Partners: -
Project location: Melitopol.
Implementation period: 07.04.2014.
Purpose and objectives:
Target audience: students, pupils, adults.
Resonance: Zaporozhskaya, Ukraine.
Project is realized as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program.
From December, 1 2013 to February, 28, 2014 Kyiv City House of Naturecontinued conservation action, in which the Let's Help the Birds in Wintercompetition was conducted of children and teenagers.
Partners: -
Project location: Kiev.
Implementation period: 01.04.2014 from 15:00 to 17:00.
The purpose and objectives of the competition:
According to the Protocol of competitive commission gathering on March 11, 2014, it was decided to provide 21 and 29 bonus incentive medal places.
Target audience: pupils, students, young people.
Resonance: 100 people.
The project is part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program. On April 1st The Good Deeds ICF decided to make a fun flash mob for office workers, students and all residents and visitors of Kiev, who on that day were able to join the fun event.
Partners: -
Project location: Kiev, Troitskaya Square.
Implementation period: 01.04.2014 from 13:00 until 18:00 .
Purpose and Objectives:
Target audience: children with parents (mothers), students , active youth, community organizations, volunteers, students, workers of the Olympiysky.
Resonance: unlimited.
Social event was carried out as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program.
During the Happiness holiday for the residents of Vinnitsa, the Foundation treated everyone with hot tea, sweets with predictions, shared hearts of balls and took photos.
Partners: -
Project location: Vinnitsa.
Implementation period: March 20, 2014.
Purpose and Objectives:
Target audience: children with parents, students, active youth, community organizations.
Resonance: unlimited.
For six months as a part of the the Road to Life for Every Child program we carried out sending necessary supplies for a sweet sleep of children in orphanages and boarding schools.
We all met and decided to report to the public in a press conference format.
Partners: -
Geography Project :
Implementation period: 13.03.2014
Purpose and objectives: to report on the project Sweet Dream in Every Orphanage, hold a press conference and reception, present gifts to children.
Target audience: children, media, government representatives.
Resonance: 150 people.
Download the map of the project "Sweet Dream to Every Orphanage"
Is implemented as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program.
This year we decided to take a few steps forward to spring: the grandmothers of the House to congratulate the staff of the Veterans’ nursing home, business partners, to carry out the photo contest in social networks, to prepare a surprise for female teachers of the Kiev region and congratulate a girl on the street.
Partners: -
Project location:
Implementation period: March 7-11 , 2014.
Purpose and objectives: to give joy to girls, women and grandmothers, inspire for doing the good things.
Target audience: old women from a nursing home and staff of the Labor veterans home, retired teachers, partners and colleagues.
Resonance: 800 people.
The project is part of the Revival of the Cultural and Moral Values program.
Traditionally Kievan Rus Park takes guests on Maslennitsa Tuesday.
The Good Deeds ICF decided to join and organize a platform for children, families in Kiev and Kiev region.
Project location:
Implementation period: 1-2 March 2014.
Purpose: To show the high level of organization and alternative format celebration for children, families, lighting up the fund.
Target audience:
Local authorities, students and families of Kiev and region.
Resonance: 6,000 people.
The social promo event is implemented within the Road to Life for Every Child program. Having a successful experience in general charitable work, The Good Deeds ICF and Cyferblat free-space decided to continue theKaptsі-Udaltsі-2 promo event.
Caring people during a few months donated their shoes. In turn, the fund has collected clothes and toys among residents for orphans.
Shoes and things were given to boarding school Yablunivka city I-III stages, Priluky district, Chernihiv region. Every day there are more people who are willing to warm others and donate their things to children.
Project location: Yablunivka city (Chernihiv region)
Implementation period: 06.02.2014.
Provide orphans with necessary practical shoes, clothes and toys. Motivate residents to charitable activities in Ukraine.
Pack 200 pairs of shoes, sort clothes and toys, arrange delivery to the orphanage to organize volunteers for a common cause .
Target audience: children from the orphanage.
Resonance: 300 people.
On January 31, 2014 the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation held the Sport of the Future social promo event. The representatives of the foundation bought and handed sporting goods over to the Kiev orphanages and boarding schools. Sports and physical education classes provide an opportunity to the young generation to spend more time outdoors and keep oneself in good shape. The foundation decided to compensate the lack of sports equipment and sporting goods and donated it to schools for physical education lessons .
Implementation period: 31.01.2014
Project location: Kiev region
Target audience: orphanages and boarding schools.
Resonance: 600-1000 people.
Holding the finals of grants from TheGood Deeds ICF – IDeystvuy! as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program.
After the second stage of selection of applications the foundation council selected the five best projects from all over Ukraine, who took part in the final competition.
Implementation period: 24.01.2014
Project location: Kiev
Organization of the three-hour event:
Target audience: socio-active youth, investors of startups.
Resonance: more than 30 people.
The project was implemented as a part of all the programs by The Good Deeds ICF. From December 29 to January 7 on the territory of the ART Mall a Build Your Own Fairy-Tale World unique interactive New Year's show was held. The original show program combined a fantastic story, theatrical performance, vibrant musical performances and an active interactive for each person. Foundation presented happy emotions and good mood to the kids and their parents!
Implementation period: 29.12.2013-7.01.2014
Project location: Kiev
Purpose and objectives:
Target audience: 6 to 13 years old children from orphanages (including family type ones) of Kiev and Kiev region.
Resonance: 8000 people.
The project is part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values and Smile Makes Everyone Happier Foundation's programs.
It is intended to draw public attention to the problems of abandonment, the integration of children and youth with disabilities to society through creativity and art, the development of the volunteer movement, creative and professional levels of today's youth, inter-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation.
Carrying a wide range of cultural and artistic events (workshops, an exhibition of drawings, a charity concert integration ) during the winter holidays.
For a full implementation of the project a broad information campaign was planned (announcing the news conference, sending out announcements and releases of master classes , concerts , advertising the project on the social networks and news sites , inviting creative youth teams with boarding schools and other Zaporozhye region of Ukraine), a series of free workshops for children from orphanages and boarding schools Zaporozhye region holding most of the Festival and the Regional Development Forum volunteering and inclusive processes.
Project location: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region.
Implementation period: 18.11.2013-12.12.2013
Target audience: students of Zaporozhye regional orphanages and boarding schools, the general public of Zaporozhye region and the whole country, local organizations and creative children's and youth groups, the media and government.
Resonance: unlimited.
From 7 to 8 December in Kiev at the NSC "Olympiysky" a Best Food Fest & Health festival of healthy eating supported by The Good Deeds ICF.
Visitors to the festival met with the global trends of healthy food with organic and eco-friendly products, attended master classes by leading chefs, nutritionists, experts on healthy lifestyles.
Implementation period: 7-8.12.2013.
Project location: Ukraine, Kiev.
Introduce children and their parents to the "healthy" pastime, let the children show their creativity in cookingin cooking.
Create a play space for the whole family.
Target audience: parents, 5-17 years old children, festival visitors.
Resonance: 3,000.
Christmas workshop in Zhytomyr was conducted as a part of The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation Good Cause Every Day promo event.
Share a festive mood and help children make gifts to relatives and friends with their hands.
Organize a workshop on making a Christmas wreath, Christmas envelopes, Christmas decorations and flyers.
Project location: Zhytomyr city.
Implementation period: 03/12/2013.
Target audience: students of the Zhytomyr special boarding school № 2.
Resonance: 101 children.
The project is implemented as a part of the Older Generation – That's We in Future program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. Taking into account the example of the Melitopol territorial cente, where in addition to standard services elderly people get the opportunity to study and attend a variety of activities (the University of the Third Generation, Crynychka club). Things become an important stimulus for life, help the elderly people learn new activities and spend free time usefully .
Implementation period: November-December 2013.
Project location: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region.
Objective: Support the right of the elderly people to quality education with the help of modern equipment in the study room.
Target audience: elderly people who visit Melitopol territorial center.
Resonance: unlimited.
The project was implemented as a part of the of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program by The Good Deeds ICF.
The Foundation organized a one day party for the children. Participants got acquainted with the culture and history of his country in the quest format, and have tried various kinds of creativity. Special guest of the event was the professional Ukrainian designer Natalie Anri.
Implementation period: 29/11/2013
Project location: Ukraine, Hodoseevka village, Manufactura outlet.
Provide an unforgettable event for orphans.
Target audience: orphanages.
Resonance: more than 50 children.
“Nich u Lvovi” is traditionally held in Lviv in July and November. Program, from over 100 events, which again confirm, that the nightlife in Lviv can be really cultural.
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation has joined the cultural and historical holiday of the most famous western city of Ukraine.
Implementation period: 15-17.11.13.
Location: Lviv.
Organization of the festival.
Target Audience: members and guests of the festival.
Resonance: 15 000 people.
Free space "Tsyferblat" in conjunction with the The Good Deeds ICF on November 8, 2013 presented more than 200 pairs of comfortable shoes to the students of the social institutions in Pereyaslav -Khmelnitsky in line with the social program "Kaptsі - Udaltsі".
Implementation period
Kiev- Pereyaslav –Khmelnitsky
Provide comfortable shoes to the orphans. Engaging partners to charity partnership.
Separate package for 200 pairs of shoes, arrange delivery, and find volunteers.
Target Audience
Orphan asylum, small business.
Resonance: 200-300 people.
On November, 3 at Nyvky Park a new playground for free sports opened! Along with the training elements the park was decorated with new elements of landscaping.
The full cost of the initiative group's idea was covered by The Good Deeds ICF .
Implementation period: November 3, 2013.
Project location: Kiev.
Target audience: residents of Kiev.
Resonance: about 1 000 people.
The project is a part of the Road To Life For Every Child program.
The Good Deeds ICF provided the participation of the chorus of pop music college department of the Gulak-Artemovskiy college (Cherkassy) in the Jubilee International Choir Competition “Praga Cantat-2013”.
Purpose: to attract the growing generation to cultural values and the choral art in particular.
Objectives: to present Ukrainian choral art at the international level among 12 European countries.
Project location: Ukraine, Europe.
Implementation period: 31.10.2013 - 03.11.2013.
Target audience: students, teachers, spectators, children, spiritually enriched choral works.
Resonance: unlimited.
The project is a part of the Revival of The Cultural And Moral Values program.
We're going to change the negative attitudes toward marriage and parenthood, revive family values and traditions.
My Zhenshiny Zaporizhzhya Regional charitable organization.
Purpose: to revive family values, to form positive model of family relations, traditions and responsible parenthood among young people.
Project location: Ukraine, Kiev.
Implementation period: 1.11.2013-30.04.2013
Target audience: young people wishing to participate in the project, couples preparing for marriage, young families.
Resonance: unlimited.
The project is implemented as a part of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation Good Cause Every Day! promo event, for children who are under supervision of social services in Obolon district.
Purpose: To organize an interesting workshop for children, where they will have an opportunity to use creativity and imagination.
Objectives: To arrange a workshop, where children will learn the art of decoupage and decoration.
Project location: Kiev.
Implementation period: 22.10.2013.
Target audience: Children from large families, single-parent and needy families from Obolon district in the city of Kyiv.
Resonance: 10 children.
Results: Children together with social workers from the Obolon district have created a wonderful pirate stash, decorated with special sand, coins and shells. In future, children will be able to keep their handcrafts in these stashes.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program by The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
The Foundation has given the full support of the Global Village-2013 International Festival of Cultures and created an atmosphere of real holiday for many guests.
Project location: Kiev.
Implementation period: October 14, 2013.
Budget: 2750 UAH.
Pulling together the initiative young people from all over the world.
To familiarize people with the cultures of different countries, to promote youth mobility, demonstration of the world without borders.
Target audience
Foreign delegates, visitors of Kiev shopping centers.
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation created the atmosphere of the holiday for many guests at the event, gave air-balloons to more than 1,000 guests, organized a lounge area and met with international delegates.
From September 13 to October 13 a festival of the famous Ukrainian composer Myroslav Skoryk was held in Kiev. The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation supported this event as a part of the Revival of Сultural and Moral Values Program.
In addition, the foundation has financed the attendance of this event for 30 students from the Tripoli orphanage and 20 elderly people.
Implementation period: 13.09. - 13.10.2013.
Project location: in Kiev.
Purpose: the organization of the festival "Days of Music Skoryk " in Kiev.
Objectives: To provide an opportunity for everyone to hear the best composer of Ukraine Skoryk.
Target audience: devotees of Ukrainian art.
Resonance: more than 1000 people.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and Good Cause Every Day! promo event, and includes a series of culinary workshops.
In a playful way children learned to cook in one of the best cafes of Kiev.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 1572 UAH.
Arrange a bright workshop for children in one of Kyiv's best cafes.
Motivate children's curiosity, the desire to acquire new knowledge.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev.
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited informative cooking classes in Kiev.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented within the framework of the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
For children it is important to gain knowledge on the history in the form of a game, as in this case the information is stored better than the traditional "school" form.
• Ukraina.UA tour agency
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 1200 UAH.
Organize an educational excursion for multi-child families and family-child orphanages. In a relaxed atmosphere to show a antique decoration of Kiev pharmacies of the eighteenth century, as well as a master class for the preparation of useful herbal tea.
Make children interested in studying the history of Kiev.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev.
Children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev took part in the tour to the old pharmacy.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and Good Cause Every Day! and implies a children's tour to the Radomysl castle.
The glorious traditions of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are embodied in a castle in the form of hand-made paper. This process is similar to how almost 400 years ago the monks published their first books.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 2124 UAH.
Show the children the amazing city of Ukraine, which "tell" the ancient history of our people, to make them acquainted with the culture of the home country.
To motivate children's creativity by conducting a workshop on the paper manufacture using the XVII century old print technology.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev.
Children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev visited the Radomysl castle.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies a series of cognitive workshops on painting sea pebbles for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Under the guidance of masters kids turn ordinary stones into works of art.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 3000 UAH.
Conduct an educational workshop on painting sea pebbles.
Help children to develop their creativity.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev.
More than 50 children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev attended workshops in painting sea pebbles.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
The project implies unusual lessons for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in a stylized School of Ancient Rus’
Project opened: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013 .
Budget: 1350 UAH .
To organize an unusual lesson for multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev, to show the children how to conduct lessons in the school of ancient Rus’, what rules there were, what an old Russian alphabet looked like.
To introduce children to the history of Ukraine, to show that learning can be fun and easy.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev.
Children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev visited the "Lesson in Old School".
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, and includes visits of multi-child families and family-type orphanages to the Happylon entertainment center.
The center is made in ocenistic style, here you can ride, enjoy the trampoline, play the video-simulators, etc.
Project started: 2013 .
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 3000 UAH.
Present the children an unforgettable adventure.
To share a fun day out in one of the biggest Ukrainian amusement complexes and positive emotions with children.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev.
Children from Multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited Happylon Kiev entertainment center.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and assumes the workshops in painting of plaster figurines.
Experienced specialists will help every child to make his figure individual and unique.
The project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 2500 UAH.
To conduct a creative workshop on painting plaster figurines in the Pobeda Park for children.
To give children the opportunity to learn the techniques of painting plaster figurines and express their creative imagination.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
More than 50 children from Kiev attended the Painting Plaster Figurines workshop.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
Attention, contest! You are from 5 to 16 years old; you draw well and do not know where to show your creativity? Do you want to become famous in your hometown and show your talent all over Ukraine!?
Then specially for you will start a unique all-Ukrainian competition of drawings from the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation.
To participate in the contest:
Hurry up to take part, as the works of young artists will only be accepted until December 18 of this year!
The main prize is shocking by its size! Author of the best work may be glorified in his or her hometown because the kid’s picture will be drawn on the wall of a multi-storey house.
All the participants will be able meet at the awarding ceremony in December and see an exhibition of their works.
Please send your pictures to:
Zlatoustovskata 53 Str.,
marked "In the mailbox of The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation"
Shevchenko district, Kiev, Ukraine 01135
This project is implemented as a part of the Road To Life For Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, and implies children's workshops on sand animation.
For kids is not only fun, but also an opportunity to try something new, to show imagination.
The project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
To introduce children to the original technique of drawing in the sand, which allows to define and develop the creative abilities.
Give children the opportunity to learn the techniques of drawing in the sand.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families families and family-type orphanages of Kiev attended Sand Animation workshops.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented within the framework of the Road To Life For Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies cognitive excursions to the Museum of Miniatures (Kiev).
Since the museum is located in the Pechersk Lavra, the kids had a great opportunity to learn the history and culture of our people.
The project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region
Project implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
Organize educational excursion for multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
To give children the opportunity to experience a unique exhibition presented at the Kiev Museum of Miniatures, to stimulate children's curiosity and creativity.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages from Kiev visited an amazing exhibition at the Museum of Miniatures.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented within the framework of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, and implies cognitive workshops on sculpting sweets.
What can be better than to make your own marzipan candy, express their imagination and share with friends!
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 2000 UAH.
Provide children with an exciting and original workshop on sculpting figures of marzipan.
Motivate children's curiosity and desire to experiment.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages attended master-classes on marzipan sculpting.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project was implemented as a part of the following programs: A sound mind in a sound body, The revival of cultural and moral values, including a family competition, where they need to pass a ropeway, also parents and children were training with famous world and European champion, four-time World Cup winner in swimming Dennis Silantyev; attended workshop in cooking healthy vegetarian food , saw experiments from a scientific laboratory «Vesela Nauka»; played off-line game «Angry birds», and took part in contests from the psychologist D.Karpachyov.
Draw public attention to a healthy lifestyle, show other ways of spending leisure time, and motivate all members of the family to spend time together in an active way.
To organize the event, which would become an annual for the target audience of the fund.
Location: Brovary, Kiev region
Implementation period: 17 August 2013
Target Audience: residents of Brovary, needy families, family based care home, mass-media, and representatives of local authorities.
Resonance: 500 people.
The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies cognitive experiments together with Veselaya Nauka laboratory staff.
The unit was created as a result of the keen interest of people to the unknown, and is now helping to transfer this interest to children.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 3000 UAH.
To give children the opportunity to visit the spectacular workshop in which the form of games and tricks chemical processes and physical properties of substances are demonstrated.
To motivate the children's curiosity, the desire to experiment and acquire new knowledge.
Target audience
50 children in a T. Shevchenko park (Kiev).
More than 50 children attended the amazing science experiments in the T. Shevchenko park (Kiev).
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the Road To Life For Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day promo event by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies cognitive experiments in the Veselaya Nauka laboratory.
The unit was created as a result of the keen interest of people to the unknown, and is now helping to transfer this interest to children.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
To demonstrate children that such sciences of chemistry and physics are very interesting and exciting.
Motivate children's curiosity, the desire to experiment and acquire new knowledge.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev have visited amazing experiments.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented as a part of Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event and implies children's excursions to the Peyzazhnaya Alleya in Kiev.
In the interesting playful form the children learned the history of the ancient history and the unusual architecture monument - Peyzazhnaya Alleya.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 250 UAH.
To organize an educational excursion for multi-child families. In a relaxed atmosphere to share interesting facts about the history Kiev.
Make children interested in history of the ancient capital.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev attended a tour along the Peyzazhnaya alleya.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, and implies children's workshops on the preparation of traditional Japanese dish – "sushi".
Every year more and more Ukrainians are discovering Japanese dishes. But it is much more interesting – to cook them yourself.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
To introduce multi-child families with the culinary traditions of the East, to teach them cook their own sushi and rolls.
Motivate children in the culinary arts.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev attended workshops on preparing sushi.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is implemented within the framework of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies fascinating experiments in the Veselaya Nauka laboratory.
The Foundation staff are convinced that the children's curiosity should be developed in the right direction – positive, creative, gracious.
The project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: August 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
To demonstrate to the children that the sciences of chemistry and physics are very interesting and exciting.
Motivate children's curiosity and desire to experiment and acquire new knowledge.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev learned to do amazing experiments.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
This project is a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, and includes the children's workshops on the individual perfumes production.
Children learn about the peculiarities of the olfactory analyzer, to distinguish between classes of flavors and much more.
Project started: 2013 .
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013
Budget: 1000 UAH
Show children that chemistry and physics may be very interesting and exciting.
Motivate children's curiosity and desire to experiment.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited Kiev "Perfumery laboratory".
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is part of the From the Smile Will Brighten All by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies cognitive excursions to show and tell young people of the city of Kiev his story, the historically important places such as the park Shevchenko, St. Sophia Cathedral, Golden Gate, etc.
In a playful way children are taught about their hometown.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kiev
Dates: July 2013
Budget: 250 UAH
Provide educational tours for large families, where children in the form of a quest get acquainted with the ancient sights of Kiev.
Encourage children to study history.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited an exciting tour around Kiev.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the program of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies children's workshops on painting with oil paints.
While drawing the person calms the nervous system, painting produces a positive impact on the overall emotional state.
The project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 510 UAH.
To arrange a workshop on painting with oil paints for multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
To motivate children's curiosity and creativity.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev attended workshops in oil painting.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. It includes cognitive workshops on painting colorful homemade cakes in the Shevchenko park. In ancient times it was a great success to to get the cookie with your own name on it. The participants of our workshops can make a painting of cakes, as well as write the names of loved ones: family, relatives, and friends on them.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 1,750 UAH.
Project mission
Project aim
Teach children to make interesting home crafts.
Target audience
The children in the Shevchenko park.
Project results
The children spent wonderful free-time in the fresh air.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation which includes workshops on the "oshibana" art for children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages. "Oshibana" is a kind of flower arranging, the production of pictures from natural materials - leaves, flowers, fluff, etc. This art helps us to see the beauty of nature, to love it and treat the natural resources more responsibly.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev, Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 100 UAH.
Project mission
To arrange cognitive workshops on the "oshibana" art for multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project aim
To teach children tmaking magnets, decorated with floral patterns.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and the Kiev family-type orphanages visited educational workshop on the "oshibana" art.
The project is realized as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and includes a series of excursions for the multi-child families and family-type orphanages to one of the largest Ukrainian amusement centers – Happylon.
For the children it is the unique opportunity to have rest in the Octopus creative room, and for the older children – to get familiar with the mysterious maze.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev, Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 2000 UAH
To spend an unforgettible day together with multi-child families and family-type orphanages in one of the largest amusement centers in Ukraine.
Project aim
To make the children familiar with the exciting attractions and developing games.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited exciting attractions.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
In the Shevchenko Kiev park an unusual VEGANOVILL flash mob was held as a part of the I'm a Vegetarian program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. A Veganovill vegetarian city with themed installations was established. Participants of the Kiev best dance studios demonstrated dance compositions. At the end of the event the participants formed the figure of a huge pulsating heart – the symbol of love and forgiveness.
Implementation period: 27.07.2013.
Project location: Kiev.
Purpose: to attract the attention of society to vegetarianism, healthy eating.
Objectives: to create conditions for large-scale positive changes in a vegan direction in Ukraine and abroad through a flash mob.
Target audience: residents of the city, the press, the power of the city, dancers and dance schools.
Resonance: 2 000 people.
The project is realized as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and includes a series of exciting excursions for the multi-children families and family-type orphanages to the Banana farm. The visits to this farm give the children an opportunity to see with their own eyes the conditions, in which the citrus plants grow, and also get useful infromation about botanics.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 1300 UAH.
To give opportunity to the multi-children families to visit an exciting banana farm near Kiev.
Project aim
To make the children familiar with the banana farm and the peculiarities of tropical fruit grow.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and Kiev family-type orphanages visited an unusual banana farm.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is part of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and includes exciting workshops on the "decoupage" technique for the children from family-type orphanages and multi-child families. Decoupage is a decorative technique using fabric, glass, wood, consisting cutting patterns of different materials, and then attaching them to different surfaces. Today decoupage is widely used for decorating handbags, jewelry boxes, ceramic tableware, napkins, etc.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: $ 650 UAH.
Mission: to present multi-child families a developing decoupage workshop which will help children to learn new techniques, develop their creative skills and also to make their own drawings and crafts.
Project aim
To introduce the children to a decoupage technique.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and the Kiev family-type orphanages visited the exciting decoupage workshops.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented as a part of the A Sound Mind in A Sound Body program by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation and provides the Segway-excursions for multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Segway is a modern form of transport, designed in 2001. It combines a sporty element, gives families an opportunity to spend time happily and actively in the fresh air.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 2000 UAH.
To form a positive vision about the healthy lifestyle among the younger generation.
Project aim
To make the children aquainted with new technologies and ways of active recreation.
Target audience
Multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Some of the multi-children families and family-type orphanages took part in the Segway trip.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is realized as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and includes a series of excursions for multi-child families and family-type orphanages to the unique Mirror Maze attraction.
Every visit to such an unusual place gives new positive emotions to children and the possibility for the whole family to spend a wonderful day together.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
Provide for the multi-child families the opportunity to visit the unique Mirror Maze attraction, to present to all the children the unforgettable experience, get a flow of positive emotions, demonstrate the unity of the family, and treat the children with tasty ice-cream.
Project aim
To make the children familiar with the different kinds of sports.
Target audience
Multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and Kiev family-type orphanages visited an exciting Mirror Maze attraction.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is realized as a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
It includes interesting excursions for multi-children families and family-type orphanages to the Upside Down House atraction.
The foundation managers believe that visiting such an unusual atraction has a positive effect on the childrens' creativity and curiosity.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 1000 UAH.
To provide opportunity for the multi-children families and family-type orphanages to visit a unique The Upside Down House attraction, to present a merry, unusual day, full of joy and positive mood.
Project aim
To make the children familiar with the new creative ways of rest.
Target audience
The multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Some of the multi-children families and Kiev family-type orphanages took part in the Upside Down House excursion. The visit to the unusual attraction presented children the new positive emotions and the opportunity to spend an interesting day with their families.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is realized as a part of the Sound Mind in A Sound Body program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
It includes visits to the Kiev bowling-clubs for the multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Bowling helps to strengthen the team spirit and unite families.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: 1300 UAH.
To arrange an active recreation event in the bowling-club, so that the families spend a very exciting day.
Project aim
To make the children familiar with different kinds of sports.
Target audience
The multi-children families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-children families and Kiev family-type orphanages took part in the bowling games.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. It consists of a series of cognitive excursions to the Museum of Kiev History.
Such trips arouse children's interest in their native city’s history, as well as in the life-story of its residents.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: 400 UAH.
The mission of the project
To make the children become familiar with the history of Kiev.
The aim of the project
To conduct an exciting tour to the museum of Kiev history.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the Museum of Kiev History.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is realized within the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and includes a series of excursions to the "Volumetric Three-Dimensional Paintings"exhibition.
This is a unique exhibition for Ukraine, which had been worked professionals: artists, airbrush, spray art painters, mechanics, managers, and many others. Unique three-dimensional images create the effect prisutstsviya and allow you to make incredible pictures.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: 1,500 UAH.
The mission of the project
To introduce children to the exhibition of 3D paintings.
The aim of the project
To visit the 3D painting exhibition, take pictures with colorful pictures to remember.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the 3D painting exhibition.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is realized within the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation and includes children's tours to a unique "Green Cars"exhibition.
This is not just a flower exposition, but a real "flower motor show" where each district of the capital is presented with its "live" exhibits.
Rather than send the old machine to the dump, they were given the second, incredibly vivid life.
The exhibition is made of about a dozen exhibits, each of which is decorated with more than 40 thousand colors!
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: 1,500 UAH
The mission of the project
The aim of the project
Conduct an exciting tour to the Green Cars Exhibition
Target audience
Multi-children family-types orphanages.
Project results
Several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the Green Cars Exhibition.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and includes a series of educational excursions to the Kiev zoo.
Our charity staff believe that familiarity with cute animals helps children to understand the world better and be more careful with the nature gifts.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: $ 1,300 USD.
The mission of the project
• To introduce children to the amazing animals, let them learn interesting facts about animal life.
• Give the children information on the eternal spiritual values of giving love, generosity and sensitivity.
The aim of the project
To conduct an exciting tour to the Kiev zoo for the children from family type orphanages.
Target audience
Family type orphanages with many children.
Project results
Several Kiev family-type orphanages visited Kiev Zoo.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. It includes a series of children excursions to the Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm.
Close contact of children with animals and birds helps the kids to better understand the world and join the common work of the nature protection.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: $ 1,300 USD.
The mission of the project
To make the children familiar with the amazing birds – ostriches: to tell about their lives, conditions of detention and funny habits.
The aim of the project
To conduct an exciting tour to the Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm, to share interesting facts from the ostriches’ life with the children.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several Kiev family-type orphanages visited Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is being realized as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program, and implies a series of excursions to "The Genius of Da Vinci" exhibition. The personality of Leonardo da Vinci even today is a unique reservoir of knowledge and a brilliant mind, who was many centuries ahead of the time. "The Genius of Da Vinci" - is the largest exhibition of Italian inventor and artist in Ukraine. The exhibition features more than 60 exhibits, designed according to da Vinci’s diaries.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kiev region
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: 1.600 UAH.
Project mission
The aim of the project
To conduct an exciting tour to "The Genius of Da Vinci" exhibition sharing with the children the interesting facts and secrets about the most mysterious artist’s painting – "The Mona Lisa."
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several Kiev family-type orphanages have visited the exhibition of the genius Italian inventor.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The project is a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and consists of cognitive excursions for children to the Kyiv oceanarium, introduction to the mysterious underwater world of fish and animals.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
The project partners are:
The project implementation period: May 2013
Project budget: 1,000 UAH
The mission of the project
To form a good attitude to animals and care about the world among the younger generation.
The aim of the project
To introduce the children to the inhabitants of the underwater world.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the oceanarium.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is a part of the Road to Life for Every Child by Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. It includes a series of children's cognitive excursions to the "Nemo" Kiev Dolphinarium.
Dolphins have a positive impact on the psychological state of children and help to instill a good attitude to the animals and to the world in general in them.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
The project partners are:
"Interesting Kiev" sightseeing company
"Order bus" transportation company
Project implementation period: June 2013
Project budget: 1,000 UAH
The mission of the project
To form a good attitude to the animals and a sense of caring about the world within the younger generation.
The aim of the project
To introduce children to the amazing animals: dolphins, sea lions and fur seals.
Target audience
Multi-children family-type orphanages.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited an amazing dolphin show.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and Good Cause Every Day! promo event, and includes visits of the children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages to rollerdrome.
In this wonderful place children can have fun, learn new tricks on the rollers under the guidance of professional instructors.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 1243 UAH.
Give children and their parents a happy time with health benefits .
Popularization of active recreation in Ukraine.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev .
Children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev , as well as their parents had fun at the rollerdrome.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
The project is part of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and includes exciting workshops on the "decoupage" technique for the children from family-type orphanages and multi-child families. Decoupage is a decorative technique using fabric, glass, wood, consisting cutting patterns of different materials, and then attaching them to different surfaces. Today decoupage is widely used for decorating handbags, jewelry boxes, ceramic tableware, napkins, etc.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Project implementation period: July 2013.
Budget: $ 650 UAH.
Mission: to present multi-child families a developing decoupage workshop which will help children to learn new techniques, develop their creative skills and also to make their own drawings and crafts.
Project aim
To introduce the children to a decoupage technique.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages.
Project results
Several multi-child families and the Kiev family-type orphanages visited the exciting decoupage workshops.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
Project is realized as a part of The Road to Life For Every Child program by Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. Implies conducting the sessions of hippotherapy for children from low-income families, children's homes and boarding schools. Horse Riding comprehensively develop a child: make it resilient, determined and resourceful, develops coordination, improves physical fitness and health. A particularly strong effect sanatory riding has on children aged 5 to 12 years. Communicating with horses helps people to achieve physical and mental harmony.
The project partners are:
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation invites IT-beginners, programmers and innovators to take part in the competition and get a grant to implement a project in the framework of the program Improving financial and computer literacy - Creative Mind
The purpose of the contest: to motivate talented professionals develop their potential and to develop the field of information technologies in Ukraine. We create flexible, efficient platform to support developers of innovative and modern institutions.
Dear friends! We, the staff of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation ready to hear you, to support your proposals and hope that the result of our collaboration will be a real explosion in the IT-Ukrainian computing environment!
The main condition for the competition: the result of the project should be the creation and presentation of a specific IT-product, where the product is the product and the computer, and the project.
The size of individual grants for the creation of IT-product: 40 000 UAH.
Project implementation period: within 3 months from the date of grant.
The competition consists of a single block: individual grants for the establishment of IT-project.
Grants are awarded in the following IT-areas:
Thematic priorities for Competition 2013 grants are given to the computer programs providing analytical information in the financial sector: it can be a service, a site, a game. Also, it can be all sorts of applications that, in your opinion, will make the world a better place. The most important condition - the result of a project should be the creation and presentation of a specific IT-product, where the product is the program and the project itself.
The key criteria for project selection are: quality, innovation, a clear description of the product, its advantage over the other projects, clear architecture, extensibility.
The decision to support projects is made by the Advisory Council, made up of experts in various computer fields.
The decision to award a grant is received on the basis of project proposals (electronic and hard copies) submitted to the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation at the following addresses.
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
This project is implemented as a part of the Road To Life For Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and implies cognitive workshops on the quilling technique.
Quilling has a very rich history, in fact, it appeared in the Ancient Egypt. Today, the quilling technique has become very popular because it allows you to create unique masterpieces at home.
The project started: 2013 .
Project Location: Kiev region .
Implementation period: August 2013 .
Budget: 1000 UAH .
Make children familiar with the technique of quilling and help create original articles with their own hands .
Motivate children's curiosity and the desire to create.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages .
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev attended workshops in quilling techniques .
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail:
If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it to our e-mail: