Description of the Project
The “Turn Your Life On” project was specifically organized to make everyone creator of his or her own life, and make life itself brighter and more colorful by conducting rehabilitative trainings and courses of positive webinars that will help a person to develop good habits, become healthier, awake motivation in life, faith in oneself.
Course of webinars consists of 4 blocks, 3 webinar in each course:
- Healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle
- Leadership
- Influence of thoughts on human health
- How to get out of crisis?
Course of a webinar aims to pull person out of desperation, as well as give people knowledge and helpful tips, the use of which will help to get out from crisis and start a new life in a positive manner.
Relevance of the project
The unstable situation in the country significantly affects the level and quality of people's lives. As a result, more and more human are depressed and are in decadent mood. However, this is not a reason to get discouraged and depressed, because a human's life does not depend on the circumstances, and especially on ones thoughts, actions and perception of the world. And the best thing you can do to overcome the crisis is to continue the movement, learning and bringing your thinking to a new level.
The project aims to help people find the right way, to learn to live consciously, to think positively and make themselves and the world better. The aim of the project is not only to inform, but also to teach, because the course is conducted by the best psychologists and experts in the field of coaching, healthy lifestyle and healthy diet. The project is free of charge.
Aims of the project
- Formation of a positive perception of the world and good habits;
- Increasing of self-belief and expansion of inner freedom;
- Increasing a responsibility of people for their actions and deeds;
- Acceptance of oneself and the world, increasing the motivation to conscious happy life.
Audience of the project
People aged 24 to 65 who are in difficult circumstances and who want to change their lives for the better, improve their health and start living consciously (socially disadvantaged people, displaced people)
Geography of the project: Ukraine.
Dates: March 20, 2015 - June 1, 2015.
Status of the project: active.
Scope of the project: up to 1,000 people.
IMPORTANT: The project is apolitical and does not support any side in the political opposition. On the webinars are not discussed topics of patriotism and aggression. Also, the project does not promote any religion, is not engaged in the promotion of commercial and non-profit organizations, does not impose or suggest the use of medicines, dietary supplements and other medi