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The Second Session of PC MES

Last week, the second session of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was held. In particular, with the participation of 52 (out of 101) of the representatives of civil society institutions, which are the members of the advisory board of the MES, discussed a number of organizational issues.

So, was approved the Work Plan of the Public Council for the IV quarter of 2014, the structure of the Public Council and membership of its committees. It should be noted that the Board member of the Good Deeds ICF Vladyslav Shelokov was appointed the chairman of the Committee for International Cooperation and European Integration.

During the session also discussed the organization of the temporary working groups of the Public Council and the procedure of correspondence of its committees and working bodies.

In response to the urgent issues of today’s Public Council decided to prepare an open letter to the leadership of the country, letter’s project is approved at the meeting. Appeal due to the threat of destruction of the education system because of possible restriction of the financing.

The next session of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is scheduled for October 31, 2014.