Vegetarian City Under the Sky!
In Kiev Shevchenko park the unusual VEGANOVILL flash mob was held as a part of the I am a Vegetarian program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.
Beautiful installations, dance show and the sea of positive mood was presented to Kiev inhabitants by the healthy diet propagandists.
On July 27 an unusual event, which brought together hundreds of unique people, took place. In the Shevchenko park the true vegetarian Veganovill city with bright themed installations, “living sculptures” and merry people appeared. Even the park lights were decorated with colored ribbons, on which the real fruits and vegetables hung. This unusual event was organized by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation managers.
Sharp at 20:30 from the far corner of a dark alley a huge yellow rabbit in a frock coat and top hat appered – this rabbit became the real hero of a charity action. It proudly approached to the installations – and at this moment the city woke up! With each step of a huge rabbit the mysterious installations came to life. At one of them a ballerina like a butterfly swam in a charming dancing to the delicate music. With her own example she demonstrated that vegetarianism is always a good thing which helps our bodies to move easily and calm. On the other side of the park athlete and a boy in a melon suit performed a variety of physical exercises, showing that vegetarianism can make people strong and healthy, and also it is very useful for the younger generation. The third “living picture” – a little girl with a live rabbit in her hands – symbolized the need to care about animals.
Concluding his performance, the participants moved the green satin curtains to the side, and all people saw the magical colorful heart of fruits and vegetables with the mottos: “The secret of life is to treat everything as easily as possible. Vegetarianism is easy, “”Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. Vegetarianism is health”,”Learn something new, and very soon you will hear about it again. Vegetarianism is fabulously delicious”, “In order to understand whether the animals have soul, you need to have it yourself. Vegetarianism is love for animals. ” At that moment the entire park swirled in a rhythmic dance music and playful colored lights!
Music sounded louder and a bright-dressed magician appeared in the spotlights with fruit in his hands. In the eyes of the astonished audience, he turned ordinary fruit into a delicious vegetarian dish, and after that invited everyone to try it. The guy from the crowd tasted treats, and in a moment, having got a boost of energy, began a magical dance show! The participants the best Kiev dance studios began to join him. One bright dance was replaced by another: from romantic salsa to a spectacular break-dance. Each of them sincere public met with a standing ovation. Masters of different dance styles joined together in a vegetarian flash mob, and at the end of the event formed a figure of a huge pulsating heart – the symbol of love and forgiveness.
– For this project we have chosen the format of a flash mob when bystanders are active participants in the event – for a reason. Only in this way – by own example and participation demonstrate the benefits of participation we can demonstrate benefits of a healthy way of living and vegetarianism. Our foundation plans to continue holkding similar events – said the President of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation Natalia Kolesnik.
It is for sure that public support for the event has been provided on a high level. People applauded enthusiastically, took pictures and even danced together with professional dancers. After the event, everyone could take gifts of nature from park lights, and cook a delicious soup or a vegetable stew.
– We loved the unusual show in the middle of the Shevchenko park – shared his impressions of one of the Veganovill participants Vitaly. – Our family for the first time participated in something like that – I would like that such events become a tradition in Kiev.
– We did not try to make people believe any ideas. We are not against meat eaters, we just for vegetarianism. Our Veganovill represents a completely open area where everyone can freely enter or exit. Not by chance at the event there were no restrictive barriers and warning tapes. Veganovill is a fabulous vegetarian city, a choice which everyone has to make himself. We only showed people an alternative to their current lifestyle, offering the best in our opinion, option – said the Foundation’s project manager Tatiana Krupskaya.
The organizers of the event are confident that these shows do not only attract public attention to the subject of vegetarianism, but in the near future will create conditions for large-scale positive changes in Ukraine and abroad. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!