“On the Wings of Peace” Workshop
On February 26 at the Jacov Grether Art Center was held a workshop “On the Wings of Peace”for children of migrants from eastern Ukraine, within the “Bridges of Friendship” project (http://www.friendship.org.ua),organized by the Good Deeds ICF.
The event was held in a friendly and creative atmosphere. Despite the not peaceful situation in the country, volunteers and employees of the foundation called attention of the children to positive things and made them smile. In addition to communication and dialogue with each other, children took part in the creation of felt brooches in the form of a dove that is the symbol of peace. In addition, the children wrote letters with the personal wishes to kids from other countries. Works of Ukrainians will be sent to China in Xiamen for children from the Ukrainian diaspora.
The Good Deeds ICF thanks the Jacob Grether Art Center and active volunteers for their help in organizing and conducting of social event. Together, we have to make children happier; it is a first step towards a peaceful transformation in our country!