Sand Animation for Children
Sand animation is a great activity for children and adults, an amazing way to develop creativity and imagination. The classes in this kind of modern art forms artistic and aesthetic education of children, develops fine motor skills, coordination, plastic and imagination. As a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized the lesson of sand animation for multi-child Misyura and Arsentievy families.
The workshop took place in the Den’ Tvoren’ya art studio. A famous artist Andrew Pesochny showed the young guests how to handle with the sand.
Before this day the children saw the paintings that were created from the sand only on the TV. At the workshop the kids were able to create a variety of delightful animated stories with their own hands. The children were very interested in drawing on the sand – just a few movements and on a special table skillful patterns appear. The teacher Andrew told the multi-child mothers that the art classes for children should not be focused on the results. It is a process in which a play, learning and creativity are combined.
On the sandy workshop everyone learned the main technic of working with the sand, has developed the ability to work in a team and got a positive charge of creative energy.
The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation invites you to our projects, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!