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Young Mothers Joined the 1000000 of Smiles Project

On August 3rd in the National Reserve Sophia of Kyiv was held the fourth annual festival in support of breastfeeding the Milk Rivers.

Year after year, the event brings together an increasing number of activities for both parents and children.

For the guests were organized thematic seminars, lectures, workshops and individual counseling under the theme of the event.

For kids there was a special play area with entertainment for every taste.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization became the partners of the Milk Rivers festival.

The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation not only supported the family holiday as a part of the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program, but also invited all participants to join the most positive project of Ukraine the 1000000 of Smiles. Mothers-to-be, young moms and their children happily gave their joyful emotions and smiles to Ukraine!

Each of you also has an opportunity to become a part of the future Ukrainian record. Join us!

For such results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!