Workshop: Angel Toy
In a variety of kinds of arts and crafts creating of toys is on a special place, it develops creativity, imagination, artistic taste and industriousness. The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation cares about the creative development of the next generation. Recently for children from low-income and multi-child families was organized a workshop on creating interior angel toys. The project was held as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event and took place in a calm and friendly atmosphere.
The teacher Tatiana explained to the little guests that handmade decorations are always unique. They have much more spiritual warmth than purchased toys, because they are made with someone’s own hands. The children told that presence at a creative lesson brought them great pleasure and new knowledge.
The extraordinarily delicate decorative angels made by kids’ hands would be a perfect holiday decoration and a wonderful souvenir for relatives and close friends. We want kids to spend their leisure usefully, for it with love in our hearts we are building a new world!
In a variety of kinds of arts and crafts creating of toys is on a special place, it develops creativity, imagination, artistic taste and industriousness. The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation cares about the creative development of the next generation. Recently for children from low-income and multi-child families was organized a workshop on creating interior angel toys. The project was held as a part of the Good Cause Every Day! promo event and took place in a calm and friendly atmosphere.
The teacher Tatiana explained to the little guests that handmade decorations are always unique. They have much more spiritual warmth than purchased toys, because they are made with someone’s own hands. The children told that presence at a creative lesson brought them great pleasure and new knowledge.
The extraordinarily delicate decorative angels made by kids’ hands would be a perfect holiday decoration and a wonderful souvenir for relatives and close friends. We want kids to spend their leisure usefully, for it with love in our hearts we are building a new world!