Ethnic Festival Bread Once Again Restored National Traditions
Over the weekend at the art settlement Obyrok Isle that in Chernigiv region, ended the third international ethnic festival Bread.
The event, initiated by the NGO Zelene Plemya took place in two stages.Sowing (May 2-4) and Harvest (August 6-10), according to the natural process of spring wheat growing.
Participants of the festival with own hands sowed, reaped, threshed and baked bread under the guidance of the famous old residents of the Obyrok
Isle. Organizers helped each guest to remember national traditions and personally grow bread.
Everyone was pleased with the cultural festival program consisting of workshops, presentations, performances by folk ensembles and much more.
Representatives of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation also joined the positive initiative and made their contribution to the art -part of the Obirok Isle.
Culmination of the festival became its closing, during it within three days to the public were presented architectural objects made by all participants of the festival over the summer period.
For those results with love in our hearts we are building a new world!