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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear friends!

The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation sincerely wishes you Happy Holidays – Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 2013 presented us with many wonderful moments, projects and emotions. A rich list of good deeds we have implemented together with special people who want to change lives for the better!

Thank each of you for a creative approach to the work, enthusiasm, openness and goodwill.

Thank you for your willingness to help our foundation and participate in charity events! We wish you all the best, good health, harmony and love in your families.

And also prosperity, success and stability in the development of your business!

Пусть все, что радует и греет

Перенесется в Новый Год,

И ветер перемен навеет

Судьбы счастливый поворот.

Так с Новым Годом!

С Новым Счастьем!

Пусть будут с Вами навсегда

Любовь родных, друзей участье

И мир на долгие года!

With your help and with love in our hearts we are building a new world!