On May 15, 2014 in Lipovets, Vinnitsa region, was organized the grand celebration of the International Family Day.
The event for the best families of Vinnica region became a social initiative of O.V. Pavljuk, a voluntary assistant of the
Making the World a Better Place Centre, and was supported by the Good Deeds ICF.
To a family holiday were invited 27 best families of the 27 local communities of the district.
For the guests were organized entertainments for every taste:
- book exhibition Family is the Key to Happiness!
- concert program Family Talent (every family prepared a creative turn),
- contests: My Dad is the Most Dexterous; Song Contest for Moms; children's poetry contest My Family.
At the end of the event were awarded the winners of the contest
The Best Family of the Region.
That day every family shared its talents in warm atmosphere. For such results
with love in our hearts we are building a new world!