Recently in the Cherkassy secondary school of the I-III stages №8 was organized an amazing holiday – Day of Health. Administration of the institution gladly responded to the proposal of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation to hold activities that will bring many students unforgettable moments.
Program of the event was divided into two areas. The first one was held in the form of game-travel to the land of health for primary school students. Children visited various stations where collected puzzles, answered quiz questions, solved interesting tasks, showed their agility and speed in gaming contests.
High school students had the opportunity to become contestants in the fun game called "Interns", during which they were familiar with the medical professions and learnt the secrets of the health and longevity.
At the end of the holiday, all students participated in the "1000000 of Smiles" quest.
For the happy and smiling faces, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!