The announcement of the procurement procedure (hereinafter - "Announcement")
ICF THE GOOD DEEDS (hereinafter – the "Foundation") announces tenders for the purchase of bedding and items for sleep and rest.
Source of funding – this procurement is carried out within the programs and projects implemented by the Foundation for the orphans support.
Description of goods for purchase: bed linen, mattress, pillow, blanket, etc.
Required specifications of goods: proof of compliance with technical requirements.
Required qualifications of the goods supplier:
· proof of compliance with the qualification requirements;
· the right to conduct business;
· certificate of state registration of the legal entity or FLP (Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Sole, proof of payment for a single tax-FLP);
· bank details;
· work on bank wire transfers.
The composition of the tender offer:
Composition rules for the participant’s tender offer:
Participants must submit their proposals in writing, in person or by mail.
All copies of any documents must be included in the tender offer, authenticated by the signature of the participant, and if a participant is a legal person, the seal and signature of the authorized person are required. The tender offer must be accompanied by documents certifying the right of the person authorized to sign the tender offer (the order of appointment of a director or a power of attorney).
Applications will be accepted at: 72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Kiev, Ukraine, ZIP 03150
Acceptance of proposals submitted by the participants in person, is Monday through Friday, 8:00-16:00 Kyiv time.
The deadline for submitting applications from participants: August, 28, 2013, 16:00. Kyiv time.
Methods of election:
At first the Committee on approving the purchase of the Organizer chooses among the submitted tender the best ones, relevant to the technical, qualification and other requirements of the procurement subject and supplier, which are contained in this announcement. From the chosen bids the Committee on approving the purchase of the Organizer elects the competitive bidding tender offer with the lowest price and the participant who has submitted a tender bid is declared the winner of the bidding.
The determination of the procurement procedure winner will take place within five (5) working days since the date of bids opening with the possibility of this term renewal in case the written verification of the information contained in the tender offers is required, but no more than 5 days. The results of the procurement procedure will be delivered to all participants no later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by sending appropriate messages to all the participants of competitive bidding by mail or email.
Provided copies of the documents must be legible and of good quality.
Responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in its tender offer is carried by the participant.
Validity period of the tender offer shall be no less than 60 calendar days since the date of bids opening.
Bids must be placed in an A4 size envelope, which at the contact lines must be marked with the participant’s seal in several locations to prevent unauthorized reading the contents of the envelope prior to the date of the organization tenders disclosure.
If the tender offer is received after the deadline, the envelope with the tender offer is left untouched, and goes back to the sender.
Opening of tender offers bidders will be held: August 29, 2013, at 15:30 Kiev time at: 72, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.
The participation in the disclosure of bids is open to all participants who have submitted bids or to their authorized representatives. The absence of a participant or his authorized representative during the procedure of disclosure of tender offers does not mean refusal of disclosure or consideration of the tender offer.
The most economically advantageous tender offer is determined by the Committee to approve the purchase by the Fund of bids that meet the criteria of this announcement.
Determine the winner of the procurement procedure will take place within ten (10) days from the date of opening of bids with the possibility of renewal as required written verification of the information contained in the tender offers, not more than five (5) days.
The results of the procurement procedure will be communicated to all participants no later than five (5) days from the date of the decision on the winner by posting on the Fund's website
good-deeds.ua and by giving notice to bidders by mail or email.
The winner of the procurement procedure within 3 days of the determination of the winner will be sent by e-mail with a written notice of acceptance of his proposal.