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In Kiev Was Held a Round Table Dedicated to Adoption

On May 14 of this year was held a roundtable of the State Department for Adoption and Protection of Child Rights. The theme of the meeting was:Promotion and Support of National Adoption of Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care. Advocacy of a Culture of Adoption, as well as Tolerance to Adoptive Parents and Adopted Children. The round table under the supervision of the Ruslan Kolbasa, a director of the Department, gathered Heads of leading charities and public organizations involved in protection of the rights of children.

At the meeting were discussed a lot of issues, among them: Promotion of National Adoption, Conducting of Explanatory Work Among Potential Candidates for Adoption and others.

Effective proposals to reach common goals issued a representative of the Good Deeds ICF Vladislav Shelokov.

The representatives of the Ministry supported the ideas of the representative of the charity organization offering to actively join various areas of cooperation.