Successfully hosted the 9th stage of the “Vechernik” project
On the last week, Kiev music lovers gathered in the capital’s “APELSIN” magic café to listen to the melodic sounds of Italian hits on the ninth stage of the “Vechernik” project.
“Vechernik” is an event organized by the “24 carats of art” producer center to find talented Ukrainians to participate in different international cultural projects.
This time, the organizers have focused on the Ukrainian-Italian cooperation, which, in their opinion, is the most interesting and promising in terms of creativity.
Bright competitive performances of young talents, modern sounds of world classics, hits of the “golden fund” of the Italian music performed by the world-famous singer Gianni Davis did not leave any spectator indifferent!
Young participants of the “Vechernik” showed their best to the honored jury, where also participated Natalia Kolesnik, a president of the Good Deeds ICF, as well, as sang along with “the last romantic of Italy” Mr. Davis.
“Ukraine traditionally is famous not only with its beautiful women, but also with talented performers. It is remarkable that in your country people spend much efforts on creative development of youth, and gifted children have the opportunity to express themselves”, — commented the event Gianni Davis.