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Children Will Draw the Future of Ukraine!

Till August 1 of this year will continue the Festival of children drawings Omrіyana Ukraina Ochima Dіtey during which children from all over Ukraine will draw their dreams!

Co-organizers of the event are the Omrіyana Krajina Charitable Foundation and the Development Center for Contemporary Art, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the Good Deeds ICF.


To take part in the festival are invited children of preschool and school age. Each participant can send an unlimited number of images, which match the festival theme.

The organizers will create a huge picture from all the collected drawings that will be presented at one of the houses in the central part of Kiev on August 24, 2014.

Prizes from organizers of the festival will receive:

• 10 first participants;

• 10 authors of the best pictures;

• 10 authors of drawings with the most original plot.

Conditions of participation in the Festival are published on the site www.mriyafest.org.