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A Chocolate Kiev Walking Tour

“Nine out of ten people say they like chocolate. The tenth person always lies”, – says the American writer John Tullius. Both, children and their parents, like chocolate, it’s more than just a sweet treat. Chocolate is a good mood, positive emotions and cheerfulness for the whole day.

For the chocolate lovers from a multi-child Proskurko family the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a “sweet” Chocolate Kiev tour, as a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event.

The informative walk began in Mariinsky Park. The guide Yanina held the children and their mother through the shady paths of the park across the Bridge of Love to the Puppet theatre. All the way the Proskurko family listened to the fascinating stories about the origin of chocolate.

Then the tour guide told the multi-child family about the different types of this delicious sweetness. The children did not know that chocolate varies according to the method of processing and formulation, the content of additives in it, in form and content of cocoa in chocolate.

When the kids got enough information, the tour guide took Proskurko family in Zolotyj Ducat chocolate coffee house. The children had been waiting for chocolate testing for a long time! In the Zolotyj Ducat coffee house the large family tried a hot flavoured drink made from Côte d’Ivoire cocoa beans. Children tried three types of hot chocolate: the dark one with orange flavour, dark with strawberry flavour and hot white chocolate.

The Proskurko family continued their tour in high spirits and with happy smiles. The Chocolate House was the symbolic final point of the walk.

All the participants of the walking tour learned many interesting things about their favourite product, were able to enjoy unforgettable tastes of hot chocolate and got a flow of positive emotions for the whole day.

For this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!

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