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The MamoYamalyuyu Competition Was Prolonged Until December, 18

Great news for young artists! The Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation prolonged the MamoYamalyuyu Ukrainian contest of children’s drawings until the 18th of December, 2013.

This means that talented children have now:

  • even more time in order to create a better picture;
  • more opportunities for the realization of their dreams;
  • more space for imagination, color and inspiration.

Today every child has the unique opportunity to become famous in the whole of Ukraine, as the winning design will cover the wall of the largest building in the artist’s hometown! In addition, most vibrant, positive, life-affirming picture will take part in a remarkable exhibition of children’s drawings in Kiev.

We are waiting for all the brightest, most positive and most children’s drawings at Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., 32 , Kiev, 02088, or by e-mail mamoyamaluyu@kondakov.ua

Please do not forget to send us a copy, and be sure to save your original drawings, because they can become a part of the fantastic children’s exhibition!

More information about the contest you can find on this page