Hackathon «KyivSmartCity»
On May 17-18 of this year in the Chasopys Kiev creative space was held a «KyivSmartCity» hackathon to form the basis for development of Kyiv as asmart city. For over 30 hours the participating teams were creating working prototypes, computer applications and programs. Then each team presented its work to the expert jury of the project.
Information: Hackathon is a kind of marathon, during which experts from different areas of software development (programmers, designers, managers) work together on any issue.
The initiators of the event were the Centre of Social and Political Engineering and the IT Education Academy in partnership with the IBM.
The honor guests of the hackaton were the representatives of the Good Deeds ICF who presented to the young participants a competition for the best eco-project EcoNation.
This project aims to positively change the environmental situation in the world and promote the development of scientific potential of young scientists in the field of environmental protection and environmental activities.
According to the results of the hackaton «KyivSmartCity» were identified three winning teams, who got three cash prizes – 10 000, 7500 and 5000 UAH for the further development of their projects.