HomeThe Yasnogorodskaya Ostrich Farm

The Yasnogorodskaya Ostrich Farm

The project is a part of the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program by Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation. It includes a series of children excursions to the Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm.

Close contact of children with animals and birds helps the kids to better understand the world and join the common work of the nature protection.


The project started: 2013

Project location: Kyiv region

Project implementation period: June 2013

Project budget: $ 1,300 USD.

The mission of the project

To make the children familiar with the amazing birds – ostriches: to tell about their lives, conditions of detention and funny habits.

The aim of the project

To conduct an exciting tour to the Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm, to share interesting facts from the ostriches’ life with the children.

Target audience

Multi-child family-type orphanages.

Project results

Several Kiev family-type orphanages visited Yasnogorodskaya ostrich farm.

If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,

and then send it by e-mail help@kondakov.ua

We will be very glad to see you at our events!