HomeThe Potions Lesson in the Old Pharmacy

The Potions Lesson in the Old Pharmacy

This project is implemented within the framework of the Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! promo event of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation.

For children it is important to gain knowledge on the history in the form of a game, as in this case the information is stored better than the traditional "school" form.



Ukraina.UA tour agency

Project started: 2013.

Project location: Kiev region.

Implementation period: September 2013.

Budget: 1200 UAH.


Organize an educational excursion for multi-child families and family-child orphanages. In a relaxed atmosphere to show a antique decoration of Kiev pharmacies of the eighteenth century, as well as a master class for the preparation of useful herbal tea.


Make children interested in studying the history of Kiev.

Target audience

Multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev.


Children from multi-child families and family-type orphanages in Kiev took part in the tour to the old pharmacy.

If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,

and then send it by e-mail help@kondakov.ua

We will be very glad to see you at our events!