All our morality is in our morality
(William Wildeband)
Under this program, we set a goal to make our nation more spiritually mature, and we believe that such fundamental principles as honor, honoring one's parents, respect for the older generation, courtesy, humility, friendliness, positive attitude and ability to forgive are in the basis of everyone's worldvision. In today's world people are subject to outside mass influence - television, Internet and modern editions offer us some form of behavior, thinking and attitude. The mass media form in us and in particular in the minds of the younger generation certain patterns of thinking and create role models.
The value system of the modern teenager is almost fully formed out of his will; in fact, he just is not given the right to choose while forming his own model of the world, as all form it according to a single pattern. The goal of our program is to give young people the right to choose and to show that there are other aspects of generally accepted norms, concepts and practices. We want to give young people the opportunity to choose – to smoke or not, to lie on the sofa or go in for sports, to use foul language or speak culturally, to respect their parents or not, etc.
The objective of our program is to convey to young people the values, alternative to those, which are largely imposed on young people in today's society. Since no positive options are widespread in the society, we will promote other options which in our opinion are very little said about.
Global objective of the program is to raise the level of moral values and the creation of a more cultural and spiritual Ukrainian nation.
We believe that promoting moral values among the population of Ukraine will produce a tremendous effect on the development of our country - people will be more likely to find each other and set up mutual partnerships, reducing the number of disintegrated families and reducing the degree of bad habits’ influence, the average productivity of labor and of the working population will increase.
branding - we believe that the development of Ukraine as a high spiritual and moral nation, will raise the image of our country in the eyes of the world and will open up new prospects for development.
“All the reforms, except the moral, are useless ... Political reforms can uproot the weeds, but after that the soil remains bare, and another question - what it will grow: noble fruits or new weeds”
(T. Carlyle)
“The true value of a person is determined by how he was freed from selfishness, and by what means he did it”
(A. Einstein)
Work on the spiritual and moral education of the individual has always been one of the most urgent, and in modern conditions it is of particular importance. Analysis of the psychological and educational literature suggests that spiritual education was paid a lot of attention. Many of these studies have been performed for a long time, which suggests that the problem has always been
Thinkers of different ages treated the concept of morality in different ways. Back in ancient Greece, in the writings of Aristotle, the moral man was talked about as “a person with a perfect dignity ... After all, the moral beauty is spoken about first of all as virtues, one is called morally perfect because he is just, courageous, wise and generally has all the virtues of man”.
In a brief dictionary of philosophy, the notion of morality is equated to the concept of morality. "Morality (Latin “mores”) combines norms, principles, rules of human behavior, as well as the very human behavior (motives of actions, results of operations), feelings, judgments, which express normative regulation of the relations between people and the social whole (team , class, nation, society). '
V.I. Dal interpreted the word “ethics” as “the moral teachings of the rules for the will and conscience of a man.” He believed that “moral is opposite to corporeal, carnal, spiritual and mental. The moral life of a man is more important than a real life” Belonging to one half of the spiritual life, opposite to mental, but making up the total spirit.
Over the years, the understanding of morality has changed. In the dictionary by Ozhegov we find the following: “Morality consists of internal, spiritual qualities that guide people, ethics and rules of conduct defined by these qualities”.
And Nietzsche said: “To be moral, ethical means to give obedience to the ancient law or custom”.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky said: "No one teaches a little man," Be indifferent to people, break trees, infringe the beauty, put your personality above all" It is all about one very important pattern of moral education. If a person is taught positive things - taught skillfully, smart, hard, demanding, the result will be a positive person. If he is taught negative (very rare, but it also happens) or is not taught at all, the result will be not a positive person. "
Sukhomlinsky believed that "the unshakable foundation of moral beliefs is laid in childhood and early adolescence, when honor and dishonor, justice and injustice are understandable by the child only if there is vivid clarity, evidence of the moral sense of what he sees, does and watches”.
A human of the 21st century lives in the media-dependent space that is his new environment, and is the most important part of the modern culture. Mass media has penetrated into all spheres of life. Media has become not only the transmission mechanism but also the main mean of modern culture creation.
Information boom, which became a reality in the life of the Ukrainian Society in the recent 10 years, on the one hand, included Ukraine in the global information space, which is a critical component of modern civilization, and on the other it has become one of the most important factors in shaping the personality characteristics of a pupil, including the important role played by the aesthetic ideas and values.