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Healthy Leisure for Everybody!

Recently, the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation supported the creation of the Zdorove Dozvillya youth organization in Melitopol. The student committee of the Bogdan Khmelnitsky local State Pedagogical University wanted to bring to life the idea of sports association for youth, but did not have necessary funding for this. Under the A Sound Mind in a Sound Body program the Konstantin Kondakov ICF allocated money for purchase of sports equipment and realization of the promo event.

The purpose of creation the association was the promotion of active leisure and a healthy lifestyle, engaging students in regular physical training under the guidance of qualified instructors and coaches.

Objective of the Zdorove Dozvillya project is to attract students to participate in the sports and health and fitness sections. Young people will have a real opportunity to enjoy daily physical activity at a convenient time near their hostels.

In addition, the student committee of the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University plans to participate in different international conferences to exchange experiences, spreading sports initiative of the university among other higher educational institutions in Ukraine, which will sure boost the level of physical culture in Ukraine.

With the help of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF the students got an opportunity to participate in sports activities, organize competitions in various sports, quest and festivals. For those results, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!