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A Fascinating Journey to Radomishl

Radomisl Castle  is a historical and cultural complex of more than 2500 sq.m. It is located on an heart-shaped island in the with two waterfalls and surrounded by the Miki and Teterev rivers. Near the Castle there is a beautifully landscaped park, decorated with a thousand plants, with small islands and ancient stone sculptures. As a part of The Road to Life for Every Child program and Good Cause Every Day! the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a fun excursion to the Radomysl Castle-Museum for multi-child Kozlovy, Loboc and Roshko families.

After arriving in the ancient city the families felt themselves like in the ancient times. The tour guide told everyone that centuries ago there was the longest overland trade route called the Via Regia – the Royal Road. The kids loved very comfortable interior of the castle. The children were in the old refectory decorated with various objects of everyday life of past centuries. Everyone could try tea infused with heal herbs, straight from the 30-liter samovar, located at the corner of the dining room.

During a tour of the historic place the families visited the largest in Eastern Europe museum of icons by Olga Bogomolec. In the castle the unique items were brought from all over the country. Also visited the Papirnya of Radomysl castle – a paper mill, built in the XVII century by monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Multi-child families were shown how people made paper in the ancient times, on which then the holy books were printed.

At the end of an exciting journey everyone climbed by the spiral staircase to the castle tower to enjoy the view and make a wish and strike the bell.

The staff of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation are sure that all of the brightest and colorful children’s wishes will come true, for this with love in our hearts we are building a new world!