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A Fascinating Walk Along Dnipro

Under the Smile Makes Everyone Happier program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo action the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation organized a fascinating river cruise for children from the Shamrai cfamily-type orphanage, who have dreamt a lot about this cruise.

The children have made an unforgettable journey along Dnipro, enjoyed fresh air, saw the beautiful scenery of the left and right bank of Dnipro, the ancient temples of Podol and golden domes of St. Andrew’s Church.

Our children were excited by the beauty of the capital’s waterfront and cozy Trukhaniv island beaches , covered by dense vegetation.

We are sure that today the whole family discovered new, awesome and majestic Kyiv, and the walk along the river has given them a lot of bright impressions! After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world

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