Theoretical Approaches and Practical Achievements
On February 17 of this year in one of the campus buildings of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was held the official opening of student Economic Consulting Center. As a part of the Increasing Financial and Computer Literacy program, the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation supported this significant for the modern generation event. The organizers noted that activity of the organization aims to increase theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students through the introduction and adaptation of case method of education.
Additional information: Case Method is a technique of training, using the description of the actual economic and business situations. Participants should analyze the situation, understand the pith of the matter, suggest possible solutions and choose the best of them. Case study is based on real material, or at least close to it. Usually there are several teams of 5-8 players in the competition. The team that offers the best solution wins.
At the meeting were present the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Gumenna O.V and Vereshchak S.V – a representative of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation. He shared with the audience his practical experience and knowledge in the field of marketing, presenting the case on the Advertising without money, on the example of social projects theme.
Students listened with interest lecture of the experienced specialist, after it they actively started the practical part, namely, collective decision of thematic tasks. When to all the questions were found answers, students thanked the lecturer for the interesting information that will surely be useful to them in the future!
Information about planned meetings and work of the Economic Consulting Center can be found here.