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Our Founder is a Philanthropist of the Year!

On March 22 at the Ukraine Kiev National Palace of Arts was held the official awarding ceremony of the eighteenth national program Person of the Year.

The best charitable and public organizations, business companies, groups and individuals received the highest charitable award of Ukraine the Angel of Goodness, and along with it — recognition and appreciation of all the Ukrainian society.

Before the festive awarding ceremony the members of the Supreme Academic Council of the Program by secret ballot identified the persons who got Person of the Year 2013 title.

The team of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation with joy and proud would like to announce that our founder Konstantin Kondakov won in the Philanthropist of the Year nomination and became a Person of the Year! For this award are nominated persons who sincerely and constantly acts in the interests of Ukrainian people, whose philanthropic and charitable activities bring tangible benefits to the Ukrainian society.

I am very pleased that my good deeds were seen and obtained such a good appreciation. I intend to continue to actively engage in charity and do whatever I can to make our world a better place, — commented on his victory Konstantin Kondakov.

Reference:The Person of the Year National Program was initiated in 1995. Widely known award is given to Ukrainians who achieved success in professional and social activities. Candidates for the award are determined by a survey of experts — representatives of government, non-governmental and public organizations, associations, foundations and media. Winners are selected by the Supreme Academic Council of the Program.

The friendly team of the foundation congratulates Konstantin Kondakov with a fair assessment of his contribution to charity of Ukraine!