On the Waves of Positive News
More often the leading Ukrainian media are interested in the activities of the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation. It is not surprise, because our achievements and victories speak for themselves.
Recently the representative of the KKICF Vladislav Shelokov visited theGolos Kyeva radio station. He shared with the audience a whole galaxy of socially useful projects organized by the team of the foundation in 2013 year.
We should notice that last year the benefactors organized more than 500 socially significant actions, including 300 daily mini projects within the Good Cause Every Day! promo event and 30 major events!
During the conversation, the audience of the Golos Stolyci radio station knew about a new global program of the foundation for the current year the What Good Deed Have You Done Today? This project will allow everybody to overview their attitude to the world around and bring happiness to those who most need it.
Vladislav also spoke about the partners and associates who strongly support the ideas of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF and are regularly engaged in charity.
At the end of the program the guest of the studio urged listeners to analyze their everyday actions and do good deeds every day to build a new world with love in their hearts!
For more detailed information on new projects follow the announcements on the website
or call at +38 (044) 360 08 75.
Do good deeds together with the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation!