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Sushi Making Workshop

All over the world Japanese cuisine is renowned as one of the most exotic and popular. Oriental dishes always amaze with their originality: unusual combination of products and mysterious appearance. Instead of eating traditional borsch and pampushki, more and more Ukrainians prefer to go to sushi bars and enjoy little Japanese rolls.

As a part of the Road to Life For Every Child program and the Good Cause Every Day! promo event the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation together with the Gotovyat Vse! cooking studio organized a delicious sushi making master class for children from Nadyak and Donyuk multi-child families. Attentive sushi maker Sergey clearly explained to the children and their mothers how to cook sushi and rolls in a quick and easy way. The children joined the new and interesting work immediately. Together with the professional chef they made three types of sushi. The children had the opportunity to learn how to cook dishes, non-traditional for Ukraine, and also to express their creativity.

Sushi maker Sergei taught the little participants the basics of oriental decor. It turns out that it is possible to create beautiful roses out of ginger leaves and wasabi. At the end of the workshop the Nadyak and Danyuk families not only tasted personally prepared sushi rolls, but also took home some food to entertain family and friends. The mothers were happy for the opportunity of useful time spending for their children during the summer holidays. The children in turn were happy to learn how to make a popular dish.

You are welcome to join the projects of the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation, because with love in our hearts we are building a new world!