Who will become a winner of the most creative drawing contest “Schos’Slon”?
It will become clear very soon on May 31 on the first festival of children’s handmade creativity “Schos’Slon”! The event, dedicated to International Children’s Day, which will be held for two days (30-31.05) on the territory of the Kiev zoo.
It should be noted that at the address of the Good deeds ICF have been already sent more than 60 (!) children’s masterpieces, which hit with its sincerity and unusual performance. All works will automatically take part in the art exhibition on the same name festival.
Do not worry if your kid did not have time to take part in our drawing competition, because you can still join it on the festival!
The winner of the contest will be chosen at the last day of the festival by open vote of all visitors of the event. Author of the best picture will get consolation prize and all participants will also get diplomas.
Visit our holiday, perhaps, work of your child will win!