The Results of the MamoYamalyuyu Competition
On January 8, 2014 was the long-awaited finale of the MamoYamalyuyu all-Ukrainian contest of children’s drawings, organized by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation! Out of two best works, the best in online voting and offline voting, board members of our organization choose the winner.
According to the results of the competition, won the drawing of the 8-year old Pavlyuchenko Miroslava from Nizhin, Chernihiv region.
The jurors noted that the work of the girl is not only correspond to the subject of the contest Make your dream come true!, but its plot is also very complex and was skillfully painted into the fields of the picture.
January 8, 2014 Expert Committee chose this little masterpiece as a picture-winner of the offline voting. It was the best among the five works-favorites, for which from 29.12 to 7.01 more people has voted in a thematic exhibition contest.
The honorary jury consisted of the renowned experts in the field of fine arts and authoritative cultural figures, among them: Tatiana Malik, vice-rector of the Kiev State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design named after M. Boychuk; Zhivolup Lyudmila, a representative of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting; Krysa Marina, a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Ukrainian philanthropists; Stelmashov Artem, a founder of an information resource New Ukraine; Svetlana Petrova, a representative of the Kiev House of Nature; Cherepovich Olga, a representative of the Department of Culture of the KSCA, Marietta, a singer; Julia Ostrovskaya, a director of the Kinostolitsa company; Alexander Batenev, a known production designer, Tatiana Piskareva, a honored artist of Ukraine.
In turn, the most votes in social networks (online voting) has received the work of Andrew Zheldak from Brovary city, Kyiv region. Only in a social network “Vkontakte” his drawing received more than 1,200 likes from users. Therefore, the author will take a special gift from a partner of the contest – the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting.
During the official program the President of the Konstantin Kondakov ICF Natalia Kolesnik also said the words of gratitude to the partners of the national competition: the children’s magazine Pіznayko, the information portal New Ukraine, radio stations Kiev 98 FM, Golos Stolicy, TONІS TV channels and KDR TRC.
However, the main gratitude deserve the young creators, because their talent and active participation ensure the high level of the competition!