The Foundation Supported the Ukrainian Teachers
As a part of the Development of Science and Technology program The Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation regularly gives financial support to educational projects. One of them was the trip of the best six Ukrainian teachers to the Argonne National Laboratory (USA). This laboratory is a real “mecca” for energy researchers, environmental security and economic viability of energy resources. During two weeks the best teachers of the world got acquainted with the modern American developments and worked together on the lecture material. In the laboratory approximately 1,200 scientists and engineers are employed.
Each year, more than 5,000 scientists from around the world come here to carry out special investigations using a Tandem linear accelerator system, in the Research Center measurements of atmospheric radiation and climate, the Nanomaterials Centers, etc.
Ukrainian teachers were pleasantly surprised with the high quality of the laboratory equipment. It has more than 600 hectares of forest area and allows you to carry out experiments in the natural conditions – so the results of research come close to reality.
“We are very grateful to the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation for help in organizing the Research School for Teachers of the Argonne National Laboratory. All teachers have received invaluable experience that in the near future they will share with Ukrainian students”, – said the representative of the MAN Centre for International Cooperation O.Chernokur.
Initiatives aimed at the exchange of professional experience and the development of scientific and technological progress, will help to lead our country to a decent level. Therefore, we are pleased to support the advanced educational projects. After all, with love in our hearts we are building a new world!