HomeSegway Walk

Segway Walk

The project is implemented as a part of the A Sound Mind in A Sound Body program by the Konstantin Kondakov International Charity Foundation and provides the Segway-excursions for multi-children families and family-type orphanages.

Segway is a modern form of transport, designed in 2001. It combines a sporty element, gives families an opportunity to spend time happily and actively in the fresh air.

Project started: 2013.

Project location: Kiev region.

Project implementation period: July 2013.

Budget: 2000 UAH.


To form a positive vision about the healthy lifestyle among the younger generation.

Project aim

To make the children aquainted with new technologies and ways of active recreation.

Target audience

Multi-children families and family-type orphanages.

Project results

Some of the multi-children families and family-type orphanages took part in the Segway trip.

If you wish to participate in the project, download and complete the Letter of request

and then send it to our e-mail:

We will be very glad to see you at our events!