The project is a part of the Road to Life for Every Child program and consists of cognitive excursions for children to the Kyiv oceanarium, introduction to the mysterious underwater world of fish and animals.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
The project partners are:
The project implementation period: May 2013
Project budget: 1,000 UAH
The mission of the project
To form a good attitude to animals and care about the world among the younger generation.
The aim of the project
To introduce the children to the inhabitants of the underwater world.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the oceanarium.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!