The project is implemented under the Road to Life for Every Child program by the Konstantin Kondakov Charity Foundation and Good Cause Every Day! promo event, and includes a series of culinary workshops.
In a playful way children learned to cook in one of the best cafes of Kiev.
Project started: 2013.
Project location: Kiev region.
Implementation period: September 2013.
Budget: 1572 UAH.
Arrange a bright workshop for children in one of Kyiv's best cafes.
Motivate children's curiosity, the desire to acquire new knowledge.
Target audience
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages of Kiev.
Multi-child families and family-type orphanages visited informative cooking classes in Kiev.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail
We will be very glad to see you at our events!