The project is a part of the
Smile Makes Everyone Happier program. It consists of a series of excursions for children from family-type orphanages to the "Experimentarium" museum. The "Experimentarium" Kiev Museum of popular science and technology shares with his visitors udivitelnyi discoveries in physics, chemistry, optics, acoustics, and mechanics.
The project started: 2013
Project location: Kyiv region
The project implementation period: May-June 2013
Project budget: 3,000 UAH.
The mission of the project
To arrange a joyful day full of new experiences for the children.
The aim of the project
To conduct an exciting tour to the "Experimentarium" Museum of popular science and technology.
Target audience
Multi-child family-type orphanages, pupils from children's schools.
Project results
The children from several Kiev family-type orphanages visited the Museum of popular science and technology.
If you wish to participate in the project, please download and complete the Letter of request,
and then send it by e-mail:
We will be very glad to see you at our events!