Home(UA) Від щирого серця (Адресна допомога)

(UA) Від щирого серця (Адресна допомога)

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Добрі справи об‘єднують та роблять кожного з нас кращим. Так важливо, аби в складний момент вашого життя поруч були ті, хто підтримають та простягнуть руку допомоги. Щодня до МБФ Гарних справ, приходять десятки листів з проханням про допомогу. Ми впевнені, що разом з нашою підтримкою та підтримкою небайдужих людей зможемо творити справжні дива, і не просто, а від щирого серця!

Мета: Надання адресної допомоги соціально вразливим категоріям населення.

Завдання програми

1 Надання адресної матеріальної допомоги дітям та молоді соціально вразливих категорій;

2 Консультативна та інформаційна підтримка бенефіціарів програми;

3 Гуманітарна підтримка підопічних цільових категорій у всіх регіонах України;

Актуальність: З кожним роком людей, які потребують адресної допомоги стає все більше. На це впливає велика кількість факторів,- економіка, політика, екологія та інші. В загальному зростає кількість нових хвороб, лікування яких в Україні не є можливим, недоступні медикаменти, нові особливості дитячого організму на фоні екологічних проблем, та й взагалі спроможність оплати багатьох, здається, елементарних речей є дуже низькою, для батьків дітей ВПО, СЖО та з інвалідністю.

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Молодь - це ті, хто рухає цей світ! своїми ідеями, енергією силами та звісно ж діями і змінює його на краще! Саме взаємодія з молоддю дає змогу досконально зрозуміти найбільш актуальні проблеми, що виникають у сучасному суспільстві. Саме молодь є так званим "двигуном" суспільного прогрессу. Якщо діти це наше майбутнє, а старше покоління - наше минуле, то молодь це наше "сьогодні". Отже допомогаючи молоді ми допомагаємо нашому "сьогодні", поважаємо наше минуле та турбуємося про наше майбутнє.

Мета: Сприяти всебічному розвитку молодих людей та розвитку соціальної відповідальності молоді;

Завдання програми

1 Проведення, підтримка та популяризація профорієнтаційних заходів;

2 Підвищення рівня правової обізнаності молоді;

3 Популяризація екологічних проектів та ініціатив серед молоді;

4 Залучення активної молоді до волонтерської діяльності;

5 Підтримка молодіжних громадських об‘єднань та ініціатив;

6 Неформальна освіта;

Актуальність: Молодь - це найактивніша складова сучасного суспільства, саме тому робота з молоддю допомагає у виявленні найактуальніших проблем суспільства та пошуку шляхів та методів їх якнайшвидшого вирішення. Допомагаючи молоді реалізувати свій потенціал та розкрити свої таланти - ми переконуємося, що наше майбутнє в надійних руках!

We want every child in this country to have the opportunity to fulfill his potential and achieve success, we want to change the statistics and give a chance to everyone.

(Konstantin Kondakov)

The Program "Road to Life for Every Child" is aimed primarily at the global social changes in our society and nullifying the number of children who, for one reason or another were left without parental attention and affection, as well as the means of providing housing and employment, adult children's homes and boarding schools. Implementation of this program is aimed at upbringing full-fledged members of society of those children who have lost parents. Under this program, we set a global and ambitious goal to minimize the number of Ukrainian children who were deprived of parental care and love. In addition to this, one of the main directions in our program is to address the social adaptation of children's homes’ and boarding schools’ graduates, providing them with housing and work. Today in Ukraine there are tens of thousands of orphans, and a third of them do not have homes. Situation is not solved by the family type homes. The child can stay there only until adulthood. Then he goes by himself. And what happens to him then? - Statistics is not reassuring ... Only 10% of children are to start a normal life. The main cause of this phenomenon in our opinion is that the state does not fully provide these children with housing. And of course to earn even a rental for them is extremely difficult. Many of such children are forced to literally go to streets and as a result come to a worse end. Those few, who are lucky enough to find a job with the provision of dormitories, smooth statistics a little, but in general the numbers are still disappointing. We believe that this is one of the main issues that need to be raised and resolved in a society - and we do this, we will strive to ensure that every graduate of a children's home or orphanage received social housing and was able to continue to build his or her life. We are confident that their homes will radically change the situation, as almost everyone can earn a living today, even working as a loader, a cleaner or a security guard.


I know that we can make a breakthrough and show the world that Ukraine is a highly intellectual and well-developed country, which is able to work and earn"

(Konstantin Kondakov)

The purpose of the program "Increasing Financial and Computer Literacy" is to bring Ukraine's economy to a new level through the development of financial and IT sector. We firmly believe that these trends will give a significant boost to the development of our state and will raise the standard of living of Ukrainians. The main objective of the program is to spread the basic knowledge of these areas to all Ukrainians. "Increasing Financial and Computer Literacy" is a Foundation’s program designed to change thinking patterns of Ukrainians and promote promising sectors of the economy, resulting in the opportunity to achieve significant success for each person and the whole country on a national scale.

We believe that the increase in financial and computer literacy in the country will allow us to develop these sectors of the economy and bring them to the next level. In our opinion this is the most promising area of ​​activity which should be paid more attention.

We know that Ukraine has a huge potential, which in the future may make it one of the leading IT-countries in the world. We also believe that by raising the level of financial literacy, Ukraine can become a financial center in Eastern Europe and close significant financial flows inside.

Under this program, we want to make sure that we do not just keep pace with the modern trends of the world, but that we are also ahead of them.

Intellectual potential of our people is just enormous, and all we need is simply to direct the potential at the right direction.

Under this program we plan to hold a large number of scientific meetings, round tables, television time, visiting regional seminars, talk-shows and many other activities to help achieve the goals of the program.

Leading Ukrainian and international financiers, economists and experts in the field of IT-technologies will be invited to cooperate with us in this program.

We are going to organize all-Ukrainian advertising campaign aimed at promoting the stock market and the specialties connected with IT-technologies.

The main objectives of the Foundation in the framework of this program are:

  1. Promotion of the stock market and the development of investment culture.
  2. Promotion of professions related to IT-technology as a promising direction for the development of personality.
  3. Attraction of savings of citizens which are now stored in the households as cash in the Ukrainian economy.
  4. The development of IT-industry and promotion of as many Ukrainian IT-companies as possible at IPO.
  5. Creation of a favorable climate for the attraction of foreign investments to Ukraine.

We are confident that in the nearest future a lot of people who care about the future of our country will join the initiatives under this program.

We are confident that the IT-technologies are the future of our country, and we believe that this sector will make Ukraine a prosperous and rich country.


You should definitely shake yourself physically to be morally healthy

(L. Tolstoy)

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

The Program A Sound Mind in a Sound Body is aimed primarily at promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people and the population of Ukraine. We have set a goal to make our nation healthier, more energetic and successful. We want to see the sport in Ukraine in the heart of our culture of life, and we want our athletes to show the best results in different international competitions. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body is designed to improve the standard of health of the Ukrainian nation, reduce the number of people with bad habits, raise the level of sport in Ukraine and promote Ukraine as a sport nation in the world’s community. We know that sport is an important part of human life. Those who go in for sports are more likely to achieve success, they have the best health, more energetic and live longer.

Nearly all of the outstanding and great people consider sports an integral part of their lives, as only sport can keep our body in good shape and health. Workouts are needed for our bodies especially today, because in the modern world, thanks to advances in technology, life becomes more and more "sedentary".

As part of this program, we plan to not only promote healthy lifestyles and sportsmanship, but also to support the development of sports culture in Ukraine in general.

We plan to provide assistance to the talented individual athletes and also to sections, clubs and even federations in a particular kind sport.

We will act as sponsors in a number of tournaments in many kinds of sports, including international ones.

We believe that the popularization of sports among the population of Ukraine will give a tremendous effect for the development of our country - people will become more energetic, healthier and happier, they will be able to work harder and more creatively, and express themselves clearly in terms of creativity.

The reasons for choosing this program by our Foundation:

  • moral - we are confident that the increase of the number of people involved in sports and the reduction of those who have good habits, will change the moral character of our nation for better, as most of the offenses and the manifestations of moral degradation are associated with bad habits ingrained in our society;
  • medical - according to scientists, sports reduces the risk of disturbances in the functioning of the human body and prolongs life;
  • economic - the belief that the sports nation is capable of working and at a higher level, which will raise the level of security of every citizen of Ukraine;
  • biological - the belief that in today's world sport is necessary for normal human life;
  • branding - we believe that the development of sports culture will bring up a new generation of champions to celebrate our country and would improve the image of Ukraine in the eyes of the world community.

Scientific opinion

Physical culture and sport now have such social power and importance which have no analogue. Physical education and sport are not only effective means for the physical development of the individual, strength and protection of his health, but also the areas of communication and manifestation of people's social activity, a form of the organization and conduction of their leisure time.

Sport undoubtedly affects other aspects of human life: the authority and position in society, work, and the structure of moral - intellectual characteristics, aesthetic ideals and values. And it's not just about the athletes, but also coaches, referees, spectators.

At the same time physical education and sport are themselves subject to "reverse" connection from other social institutions and social phenomena. Physical education and sports provide each member of the society the best opportunities for the development, approval and self-expression of the personality, for empathy and communion of sports activities as a process of creation, which makes people be winners and be pride of infinitive potential of human capabilities.

It is clear that while working out a man first improves and strengthens his body, his ability to control movement and motor actions.

Back in 1927, in the first Soviet book on the Psychology of Physical Education, Professor A.P. Nechayev wrote: "It is time to recognize that we cannot speak of a complete education, where there are no education movements. Agility, endurance and perseverance, in a sense, can be called muscular virtue, and fatigue, apathy, capricious mood, boredom, anxiety, confusion and imbalance - muscular defects. "

Human activity is a set of specific actions that result in a wasted part of the bioinformatics field of negative values ​​of the brain, which leads to certain energy losses of the body. This leads to an excess of bioinformatics fields of positive values ​​of the brain and, as a rule, to the generation of additional energy with which bioenergetics balance of the body (the brain) is restored as a whole and this reduces the negative impact of the environment.

Researchers from the Trimbos Institute (Netherlands) decided to test the proverb, "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body". The results have been published in the journal named “Clinical Psychological Science”. They confirmed the existence of a link between the physical and mental condition under two theories. The first is based on self-assessment: a person sees and evaluates himself from the outside, and the better he looks, the better his mood is. The second hypothesis gives priority to the social relations in sports: we know that social contact, team work, team spirit give confidence and have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

"The body - is the first thing that is necessary to achieve the purpose of human life," - said the Indian sages thousands of years ago.


All our morality is in our morality

(William Wildeband)

The revival of cultural and moral values

Under this program, we set a goal to make our nation more spiritually mature, and we believe that such fundamental principles as honor, honoring one's parents, respect for the older generation, courtesy, humility, friendliness, positive attitude and ability to forgive are in the basis of everyone's worldvision. In today's world people are subject to outside mass influence - television, Internet and modern editions offer us some form of behavior, thinking and attitude. The mass media form in us and in particular in the minds of the younger generation certain patterns of thinking and create role models.

The value system of the modern teenager is almost fully formed out of his will; in fact, he just is not given the right to choose while forming his own model of the world, as all form it according to a single pattern. The goal of our program is to give young people the right to choose and to show that there are other aspects of generally accepted norms, concepts and practices. We want to give young people the opportunity to choose – to smoke or not, to lie on the sofa or go in for sports, to use foul language or speak culturally, to respect their parents or not, etc.

The objective of our program is to convey to young people the values, alternative to those, which are largely imposed on young people in today's society. Since no positive options are widespread in the society, we will promote other options which in our opinion are very little said about.

In this program we will facilitate:

  • deepening of knowledge in spiritual, moral, regional studies with the use of resources of modern information technologies;
  • identifying creative youth and development of natural instincts of the younger generation;
  • spiritual enrichment in the process of conscious perception of the spiritual heritage and artistic perception of reality;
  • creation of a bank of the most effective and optimal forms, methods, techniques and means of spiritual, moral, civic and patriotic education of young people in the context of the traditions of the Ukrainian people;
  • development of competence of the educational process’s participants in the sphere of spiritual, moral, civic and patriotic education of youth;
  • revitalization of the children's and youth organizations;
  • preventive work with adolescents, whose way of life was affected by negative habits;
  • forming a system of youth’s values built on honor, respect for the parents and the older generation, courtesy and restraint, friendliness and positive attitude, the ability to forgive and appreciate the friendship;
  • change of perception of the Institute of family relationships; increase the value of the family in society and loyalty.

Global objective of the program is to raise the level of moral values and the creation of a more cultural and spiritual Ukrainian nation.

We believe that promoting moral values among the population of Ukraine will produce a tremendous effect on the development of our country - people will be more likely to find each other and set up mutual partnerships, reducing the number of disintegrated families and reducing the degree of bad habits’ influence, the average productivity of labor and of the working population will increase.

Reasons for choosing this program by our Foundation:

  • moral - we are confident that the increased level of spiritual development, people with high ethical standards will change the moral character of our nation for the better, as most of the offenses and the manifestations of moral degradation are associated with bad habits, ingrained in our society ;
  • medical - positive attitude, and reducing the impact of bad habits on society will increase the life expectancy of the Ukrainians through the reduction of cases involving violations of the normal functioning of the human body;
  • economic – we believe that benevolent nation is capable of producing a better product and at a higher level, which will raise the level of economic security of every Ukrainian citizen.
  • biological – we are sure that negative emotions in everyday life that accompany a person with a low level of cultural and moral principles, have no positive effect on the functioning of the human body and become the cause for a number of violations in the human body;

branding - we believe that the development of Ukraine as a high spiritual and moral nation, will raise the image of our country in the eyes of the world and will open up new prospects for development.


“All the reforms, except the moral, are useless ... Political reforms can uproot the weeds, but after that the soil remains bare, and another question - what it will grow: noble fruits or new weeds”

(T. Carlyle)

“The true value of a person is determined by how he was freed from selfishness, and by what means he did it”

(A. Einstein)

Work on the spiritual and moral education of the individual has always been one of the most urgent, and in modern conditions it is of particular importance. Analysis of the psychological and educational literature suggests that spiritual education was paid a lot of attention. Many of these studies have been performed for a long time, which suggests that the problem has always been

Thinkers of different ages treated the concept of morality in different ways. Back in ancient Greece, in the writings of Aristotle, the moral man was talked about as “a person with a perfect dignity ... After all, the moral beauty is spoken about first of all as virtues, one is called morally perfect because he is just, courageous, wise and generally has all the virtues of man”.

In a brief dictionary of philosophy, the notion of morality is equated to the concept of morality. "Morality (Latin “mores”) combines norms, principles, rules of human behavior, as well as the very human behavior (motives of actions, results of operations), feelings, judgments, which express normative regulation of the relations between people and the social whole (team , class, nation, society). '

V.I. Dal interpreted the word “ethics” as “the moral teachings of the rules for the will and conscience of a man.” He believed that “moral is opposite to corporeal, carnal, spiritual and mental. The moral life of a man is more important than a real life” Belonging to one half of the spiritual life, opposite to mental, but making up the total spirit.

Over the years, the understanding of morality has changed. In the dictionary by Ozhegov we find the following: “Morality consists of internal, spiritual qualities that guide people, ethics and rules of conduct defined by these qualities”.

And Nietzsche said: “To be moral, ethical means to give obedience to the ancient law or custom”.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky said: "No one teaches a little man," Be indifferent to people, break trees, infringe the beauty, put your personality above all" It is all about one very important pattern of moral education. If a person is taught positive things - taught skillfully, smart, hard, demanding, the result will be a positive person. If he is taught negative (very rare, but it also happens) or is not taught at all, the result will be not a positive person. "

Sukhomlinsky believed that "the unshakable foundation of moral beliefs is laid in childhood and early adolescence, when honor and dishonor, justice and injustice are understandable by the child only if there is vivid clarity, evidence of the moral sense of what he sees, does and watches”.

A human of the 21st century lives in the media-dependent space that is his new environment, and is the most important part of the modern culture. Mass media has penetrated into all spheres of life. Media has become not only the transmission mechanism but also the main mean of modern culture creation.

Information boom, which became a reality in the life of the Ukrainian Society in the recent 10 years, on the one hand, included Ukraine in the global information space, which is a critical component of modern civilization, and on the other it has become one of the most important factors in shaping the personality characteristics of a pupil, including the important role played by the aesthetic ideas and values.


There is nothing more wonderful than the human brain, there is nothing more amazing than the process of thinking, and there is nothing more precious than the results of research ...

(Maxim Gorky)

Within this program we have set a goal to develop and support scientific and technological progress. To achieve this goal we plan to implement targeted funding of the advanced scientific research, experimental laboratories and institutes, conferences and author’s inventions, publications, etc. Well-developed science and a good mechanism of implementing scientific achievements into mass production is the basis for a nation’s well-being. No doubt, future genius inventors today need financial and moral support. They want to be heard and to contribute to the development of the modern world.

It’s a pleasure for us to make their dreams come true!

  • Within this program we are going to promote:
  • deepening of scientific knowledge using modern information technology resources;
  • the introduction of new educational programs and innovative solutions;
  • activation of professional scientific associations;
  • the formation of a values system, based on the love of science and desire to grow professionally, among young people;
  • support for beginners and reputable scientists;
  • activation of publishing scientific literature and providing free access to it for a wide range of people;
  • organization of international conferences, seminars and symposia.

The global objective of the program is to create favorable conditions for a rapid development of science and technology.

We are convinced that scientific and technological progress can solve many non-positive moments, which the modern society has to deal with nowadays. Activation of "youth science" in the near future would pave the way for large-scale social changes that will make our country prosperous!

The reasons for our choosing this program:

  • economic – we are confident that an intellectually developed nation is able to produce a better product and in larger amounts, and this, in turn, will raise the economic level of every Ukrainian citizen;
  • biological – people, passionate about their profession, are less prone to stress and low spirits. Scientific and technical progress is able to solve many biological problems, which exist in a modern society;
  • image – the development of science in Ukraine will have a positive impact on our country’s image in the eyes of the world and will open new prospects for its development.

Scientific opinion

"Science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary for life, it has always been and will be the highest expression of love, and by love alone mankind will conquer the nature and itself" (A.Chekhov)

Scientific and technological progress is vital to humanity. Thanks to it, we have hot and cold water in our houses, we are able to call our families thousands miles away, and the news comes directly to our house.

Without modern achievements in medicine, aerospace and telecommunications sectors mankind would have never become «homo sapiens», which we are now proud to be called. With the help of science mankind supplies water to arid regions of Africa, provides food to people living in almost all parts of the world, saves millions of people from previously incurable health problems!

K.Timiryazev said: "Only making their dreams come true, humanity is moving forward." Philosophers and writers had different interpretations of science’s importance in modern society, its useful and harmful sides. However, they all shared the opinion that science has a significant influence on the development of our society. Scientific achievements are always the realization of the creative potential of the best human minds, which today became the basis of society. The ideas came out of dreams: to link the continents by air and by sea. Out of dreams came out cell phones and cashless payment systems. It is the dream which stands at the origin of positive developments in genetic engineering and experimental physics! Science has given mankind a good start, and perhaps that is why, as Voltaire once precisely said: "Monuments of science live forever!"

"If science itself did not bring any practical use, even then it would be impossible to call it useless, so long as it would sharpen one’s mind and set it right" (Francis Bacon). Researchers believe that the development of science and technology should be focused on the basis of universal moral values and humanist philosophy. Science, created for a man, can turn our world into a blooming garden, where everyone will be able to realize themselves and to bring maximum benefit to others!

"The world rotates not around the people who wish to create a new noise, but around the creators of new values revolves the world: -- invisibly it revolves ", – Friedrich Nietzsche said. Scientists and inventors, educators and teachers have brought many benefits to humanity, these people are dedicated to their work! Millions of modern inhabitants of the earth have no idea how happy became their lives thanks to those who were truly dedicated to their work. The problems with health, hunger, electricity ) and transportation, with education and communications are not as serious as they used to be. It took the whole four years for Marco Polo to arrive in China - today he could have flown there in 12 hours! Isaac Newton once said: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Science does not only provide a decent life to humanity, but also contributes to the succession of generations. Precious scientific experience is passed from teachers to students, thus helping to preserve and modernize the tradition. New scientific trends always occur on the path that has already been walked by older generations of scientists. Therefore, the development of science helps in a way to solve relationship issues between the past and the future of a whole nation!

"Where the spirit of science dominates, there are great things with small means going on," - said Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. Being absolutely certain, one can say that scientific and technological progress freed mankind from the slavery of time, space and poverty. We believe that humanistic science in a short time can bring humanity to a brand new level! Therefore, we will by all means support and guide the development of science and technology in Ukraine and abroad.

Caring about other people is the primary duty in every person’s life

(Woodrow Wilson)

Within this program our primary goal is to make our society more spiritually developed. We believe that such principles as honouring parents and respect for the older generation are necessary for any prosperous nation. In our opinion, the respect for the older generation is the basis of well-being and prosperity of any country. Sooner or later each of us becomes a parent or a grandparent. By our example of the right attitude to the older generation we intend to pass the baton to future generations, who will then treat us in the same way.

This is why the Foundation’s priority under this program is to take care of retired citizens. Under this program, we give old people our attention,bring them flowers, gifts, arrange informative excursions and an exciting pastime, because we value them and want to at least partially repay them for their invaluable contribution to what we are now! They are people who built and developed the country, which is now our home.

Within this program we are going to promote:

  • awareness of retired people’s lives, their merits and hopes;
  • the spiritual enrichment of the younger generation, the interest of youth in the issues which the elderly are concerned about;
  • revitalization of thematic elderly people’s clubs;
  • the formation of a values system among young people, based on honor, reverence to parents and respect for the older generation;
  • change in the perception of family relationships;
  • increase of family and loyalty value in the community;
  • restoration of the self-respect, of the sense of being needed and personal potential in elderly people, the desire to enjoy life and to share positive emotions with other people.

The global objective of the program is to make older people happier and more needed, but also to instill reverence and respect of the younger generation to them.

We believe that the promotion of the right attitude culture towards older people among the Ukrainian population will tremendously effect our nation’s development. After all, our parents that is us in the future!

The reasons for our choosing this program:

  • moral - we are confident that an increase in the number of happy retired people will change the overall look of our nation for the better. Older people deserve be taken seriously, they deserve care and joy every day! We are confident that our exciting excursions, financial aid, organization of thematic clubs and promoting an active lifestyle will transform today's elderly people into a flowering generation!
  • medical – positive attitude to life will increase the average life expectancy of Ukrainians by reducing cases of when normal functioning of the human organism is disrupted. The flow of positive emotions, joyfulness and smiles that we give elderly people today, tomorrow will come back to us as our dear grandparents with improved health;
  • economic – we are convinced that a moral nation can produce a better product and in larger volumes. This will raise every Ukrainian citizen’s wealfare;
  • branding – we are confident that honouring of the elderly will greatly increase our country's image in the eyes of the world society and will open up new development prospects.

Scientific opinion

"Grandmothers are our natural powers in their placability, love, and wisdom" (Ravil Aleev)

Caring of the older generation is young people’s responsibility. Scientists believe that taking care of one’s parents is where any person’s moral growth starts.

Caring of the elderly erases the gap between generations, helps to learn the wisdom of the ages, passed from father to son and mother to daughter. And this is a priceless experience that can not be obtained from school textbooks.

"The conflict of generations: the younger generation thinks that it can do everything better than the older one, the senior generation believes that it knows everything about the younger generation’s capabilities" (Alexander Citkin). Assimilation of this experience was always hampered by barriers between generations. For example, even Socrates pointed out that today's young people do not respect the elders, arguing with parents, and deriding their teachers. The conflict of generations later was discussed by Freud, G.Simmel, L.Kozer, R.Darendorf, Herbert Marcuse, L.Foyer, etc. However, the staff of the Foundation are convinced that just discussing problems makes no sense – in fact only by (без by тоже правильно, но можно спутать с существительным, вместо причастия) accentuating the positive aspects of the Generations’ Dialogue we will be able to see and develop its positive sides.

One of these sides is a continuation of the older generation traditions in the young people’s lives, which was pointed at by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. According to the PhD in Sociology of the State Polar Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) M.Glotov "The succession of generations is the process of transferring, mastering, preservation and use of material and spiritual values, social information, and the experience of previous and coexisting generations." On the one hand, young people contribute to the preservation of traditions, on the other hand – they significantly alter and improve them. As A. Ivanov used to say: "It is all going the right way! And if the way is wrong, our descendants will say it" Young people's attitude towards the older generation is especially important - the more positive it is, the more effective the succession of generations will be.

"When the old generation is looking thoughtfully at the new one, then it wants to apologize to the previous generation" (V.Shvebel) The interrelation between generations contributes to their self-identity. Only communicating with our immediate "continuation", we can give a more or less objective assessment of our own actions. That is why under the Older generation that's we in the future program the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation managers will:

  • purposefully eliminate barriers that prevent a full-scale dialogue between "Fathers and Sons",
  • encourage youth initiatives towards the older generation’s support,
  • promote active forms of recreation for the elderly, in which they would be able to engage with young people.

"In order to have the children become successors of generations’ heritage, we must first work on creating such a heritage" (Boris Krieger). Caring for the older generation is our sacred duty. These wonderful people have worked all their lives for our sake. The elderly have passed a great way full of great achievements: victory in World War II, development of virgin lands, space exploration, selfless contribution to the future of their country, children and grandchildren. People of past eras experienced joy of victories, selfless love for the Motherland, and also there were serious challenges. But even in the most difficult times they always believed in the best!

"To be a man means not only have knowledge, but also to do for the future generations what our ancestors have done for us" (Christoph Georg Lichtenberg). In the age of a spiritual crisis we must remember the eternal values again and again, we must remember our duty to those who created our present. We have to take care of the elderly with good kind words, giving them all possible assistance and attention. In fact so little is required to make elderly people happy! And all this we can and should do for them today: visit the elderly, help them, listen to them and arrange their leisure time, and much more. This would be only a small part of our irredeemable debt to the older generation, but even it has an enormous value. Support of the older generation is a crucial task for young people!