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In Vinnitsa Was Held a Two-Day Running Championship

At the end of June in Vinnitsa was organized a sixth Championship of two-day running. In the Druzhbi Narodiv park at the track length of 1080 meters competed more than 40 athletes from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus.

The main goal of the competition was to promote healthy lifestyle and physical education. 



The race was called Self-Transcendence because it helped to surpass yourself, your past achievements, expand understanding of people’s own capabilities, rather than trying to beat the other participants, said the head of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Sergey Kraevskiy.

In the most difficult two-day marathon first place took Lyudmila Skalyha (231km) and Gennady Logvynenko (261km). All competitors received awards, cups, medals and gifts. To rewarding of the athletes also joined the representatives of the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation that specially visited Vinnitsa to present commemorative awards to each of the competitors.

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