HomeApplications for September 2013

Applications for September 2013

The status of applications for charitable assistance received by the Good Deeds International Charity Foundation in September 2013. All applications should be sent at: zayavki@kondakov.ua
Date Request Applicant Status
2.09.2013 Child cure Solovyov Evgeniy Vladimirovich denied
2.09.2013 "Help button" Sergey Shulzhenko denied
2.09.2013 Creation of vegetarian video Andrey Natahin denied
2.09.2013 Help with study materials for a son Sergey Popov denied
2.09.2013 Help to take part in "Detskaya Volna-2014" contest Malinovskaya Natalia denied
2.09.2013 Apparatus for a son Nazarchenko Irina denied
2.09.2013 Cure the child Lofitskaya Albina denied
2.09.2013 "I am for the clean city!" project Bobrovnik Julia approved
3.09.2013 Buy a house Dadash Abdulrashidovich Dadashev denied
3.09.2013 To buy a house in a village Morozova Natalia Nikolaevna denied
3.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Gritsenko Ekaterina denied
4.09.2013 Help to take part in the international Neuroscience conference "International Brain Bee" Kostyuk Ivanna denied
4.09.2013 Help with the burnt house Fokina Galina denied
4.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Lastovka Anna denied
5.09.2013 Buy a spa stay Shevchenko Artem Olegovich denied
5.09.2013 By a spa stay in Anapa Novikova Natalia Nikolaevna denied
6.09.2013 Financial help Sadova Ekaterina Leonidovna denied
6.09.2013 Help with some money Sadova Ekaterina Leonidovna denied
16.09.2013 Buy a house (a flat) Shyyanova Svetlana denied
16.09.2013 Buy a house Stadnik Elena Pavlovna denied
16.09.2013 Cration of a children's playgound Popov Igor denied
16.09.2013 Help with plastic windows Elena denied
16.09.2013 Pay for a surgery Ishenko Maksim Vasilyevich denied
16.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Elena Usova denied
16.09.2013 Med. kit for children Moroz Vyacheslav Alexandrovich denied
16.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Buturlakin Denis Vadimovich denied
16.09.2013 Novoe Vozrozhdenie exhibition Kryuchkov Alexey denied
16.09.2013 Any help Dzhamilya Magamedovna Novruzova denied
16.09.2013 Money for medicine Davidenko Natalia Ivanovna denied
16.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Deryugin Andrey denied
16.09.2013 Help with a surgery Kuvaytsev Sergey Pavlovich denied
17.09.2013 Money for child's cure Isakova Oksana Nikolaevna denied
17.09.2013 Help with housing Avdonicheva Tatyana Vyacheslavovna denied
17.09.2013 Help an ill child Makarova Elena Yurievna denied
17.09.2013 Help with the loan Pugachova Nadezhda Nikolaevna denied
17.09.2013 Cure the cancer Tkachenko Valentina denied
17.09.2013 Help with the loan Ksyusha denied
17.09.2013 Housing problems Krylovetsky Igor Alexandrovich denied
17.09.2013 Money for medicine Eremina Ekaterina Sergeevna denied
17.09.2013 Help with disability problems Sychev Evgeniy Viktorovich denied
17.09.2013 The organizing of a 24-hours Championship on puzzles construction Elena Fisochenko denied
17.09.2013 Daughter's treatment Lapshakova Irina Alexeevna denied
17.09.2013 Autism treatment Busuek Lyubov Viktorovna denied
17.09.2013 Help with house buying Petrova Ekaterina Valerievna denied
17.09.2013 Help with housing Seliverstova Alena Ilyinichna denied
17.09.2013 Help the family from a burnt house Godunova denied
18.09.2013 Surgery for a child Trofimova Natalia denied
18.09.2013 Money for medical treatment Ilhan Sagenmundovich denied
18.09.2013 Buy a house Sergienko Nadezhda Vladimirovna denied
18.09.2013 Building a children playground Zaharchenko Olga denied
18.09.2013 Scoliosis treatment Zemskih Oksana Valerievna denied
18.09.2013 Help with housing Sahno Julia Borisovna denied
18.09.2013 Autism treatment Popov Svyatoslav denied
18.09.2013 Indicators for climate changes monitoring Denishik Olga denied
18.09.2013 Creation of a volleyball team Popov Igor Vitalievich denied
18.09.2013 Help with housing Sahno Julia Borisovna denied
18.09.2013 Pay a loan Zasuhin Evgeniy Viktorovich denied
18.09.2013 Help the girl ill with cancer Samoylova Elena Anatolievna denied
18.09.2013 The St. Nicolas Fair Kladkovaya Alexandra denied
18.09.2013 Informational support in the project Geger Natalia denied
18.09.2013 Humanitarian aid required Melnichuk Olesya denied
18.09.2013 Help with an apartment loan Kovalyov Alexey Alexandrovich denied
18.09.2013 Hold a joint promo event – fundraising Ksenzekno Rodion Valerievich denied
18.09.2013 Buy a house from bank Shagova Natalia denied
18.09.2013 Help a man after a car accident Makarenko Julia Sergeevna denied
18.09.2013 Finance an invention Zadorozhny Vladimir Mihaylovich denied
24.09.2013 Findraising for a school equipment Kosenko Vladislav Vladimirovich denied
24.09.2013 Help a disabled man Ananyev Sergey Sergeevich denied
24.09.2013 Help with a child's surgery Gubareva Liliya denied
24.09.2013 Publishing a book Sapritsky Ernst Borisovich denied
24.09.2013 Spine surgery Dyaydyuk Irina denied
25.09.2013 Creation of a family club "SMILE" Elena Ovsyanikova denied
25.09.2013 Transportation for a child with Cerebral palsy Tulskaya Olga Sergeevna denied
27.09.2013 Help for the alcoholics center Mineev Gennadiy Evgenievich denied
27.09.2013 Help the girl after a car accident Yuriy denied
27.09.2013 Treatment visit to Truskavets Klambotskaya Natalia denied
27.09.2013 Hold a charity event Zhivokina Varvara denied
27.09.2013 Help the disabled children Zhivokina Varvara denied
27.09.2013 Maybutni Profesionaly Project Suprunenko Lyudmila denied
27.09.2013 Support the cycle of social-cultural project for the creative youth Bulkin Mihail Alexandrovich denied
27.09.2013 Pay the house debt Shabash Svetlana denied
27.09.2013 Cure Cancer Project Skugarev Vitaliy denied
27.09.2013 Money for treatment Revega Anastasiya Nikolaevna denied
30.09.2013 Buy a wheelchair Startsev Alexey Nikolaevich denied