HomeThe Charity Plein-Air “Open a New Sea!”

The Charity Plein-Air “Open a New Sea!”

An open-air art event for the children from Cherkassy orphanages – Open a New Sea! involving the Spas chaika. For two weeks at the chaika also the children from low-income families were present for free.   Partners:
  • The Cossack Spas Chaika organization.
Implementation period: 1.08.2013 - 18.04.2014 . Project location: Ukraine, France. Purpose: as a part of the Revival of Cultural and Moral Values program by The Good Deeds International Charity Foundation to introduce children to the Cossack culture and a ride on a real ship. Objectives: the promotion of Ukrainian culture among Ukrainian students and residents of European countries. Target audience: orphanages, low-income families. Resonance: 200 children.