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The Zdorove Misto – Sportyvne Misto Social Event in Melitopol

On April 7 in Melitopol all active youth celebrated the International Day of Sport. The organizers of the large-scale celebration were students of the Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who wanted to show everyone that active lifestyle is a main factor in the harmonious development of a human.

The youth festival Zdorove Misto – Sportyvne Misto was supported by the city authorities and the  Konstantin Kondakov ICF.

At the beginning of the event students of the MSPU and other local educational institutions marched along the Victory Square.

Next for the young teams’ members were organized flashmob-workout, sports and intellectual quest Energy of Motion, funny relays and entertainments for every taste.

There also worked variety of sports stations where anyone could try their hands at any sports: rock climbing, soccer, floorball, bike trial, basketball, volleyball, etc.

For the most active participants of the health festival organizers and sponsors gave useful gifts, as well as memorable souvenirs and certificates. At the event were involved volunteers of the Centre of Social Initiatives Making the World a Better Place which treated everyone with thematic tasty biscuits.

Thus, the students’ initiative grew into a grand festival of health that we hope, will please and bring together all citizens of Melitopol every year!